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Floodgate - Part Two

Posted on Tue May 25th, 2021 @ 3:16pm by Commander Ken Noros & Commander Ryan Saunders & Lieutenant Commander Hesutu M'kresst & Major Harry Stamper & Lieutenant Commander Jerzy Wojcik & Lieutenant Commander Katrina Sisko & Lieutenant Kira Stormrage & Lieutenant Kell Stormrage & Master Chief Petty Officer Horus Yamaguchi & Fleet Captain Marie Yamaguchi & Command Master Chief Petty Officer Tom "Guardian" Carter & Lieutenant Raeven & Commander Zheng Jet

Mission: Mission 110: Blue on Blue
Location: Various Locations - USS Stalingrad
Timeline: 1015Hrs - October 23rd, 2393

Commander Ken Noros was busy with a meeting at the back of the bridge as he had the senior staff who were present, gathered around the holotable. Kell Stoneheart looked concerned with the display and the information being presented, his spouse wore a similar look whereas Lieutenant Raeven smiled. "Well, we know who attacked us..." she commented. "I was able to access the roster of the Queen Mary. This is her Captain... Aiden Torel..."

Zheng Jet smiled. "Take a good look folks... This is the man who tried to destroy us earlier," he commented with a smile.

"Yes," Noros answered as he regarded the face of Captain Aiden Torel. "He also owes us a very serious explanation as to why he attacked us..." he commented with a soft sigh. "Where is the Queen Mary now?"

The image of Torel vanished to be replaced with a tactical display of the planet, the two moons and all the ships presently nearby. "Here she is, in geosync over the colony." Kira Stormrage commented, there was something in her tone and her eyes had that dark, angry look. Zheng Jet meanwhile had a contemplative look about him. "Captain Torel isn't interested in finishing us off... Either we were a surprise he did not expect or something he couldn't afford to deal with..."

Major Harry Stamper regarded the younger officer in silence for a moment. "What do you mean by that?"

"The Queen Mary is a Renown class starship. By herself, she has less armor plating then we do... She also has stronger shields then we do." he paused. "She has the same weapons loadout that we have... Except she's faster because she weighs less then we do... So she can outrun us..." Zheng Jet explained. "Nevertheless, Queen Mary and Holland can't be allowed to get away with this..."

"What we want is irrelevant." Master Chief Petty Officer Tom Carter answered in his usual quiet tone. "What's happening now is at hand," he added, he tended to not say much but when he did, most people tended to listen. "Besides, the second they call for help, they will come back over there and attack us, the might even finish us off," Carter added.

Lt Commander Jerzy Wojcik shook his head. "No way, they got lucky the first time and smashed us real good, no way they can pull it off a second time."

"We're alone out here and the Stalingrad has taken damage..." Kira Stormrage answered. "We're in no shape for a heads up fight at the present time," she added. "Not to mention that we need a way around Queen Mary's shields."

"Its simple..." Raeven answered quietly. "We do to them what the USS Holland tried to do to us."

Wojcik knew of where his college was coming from. "The prefix code?" he asked of the unusual-looking human female.

"Yes, unless they changed it..." She paused. "It was the first thing I pulled when we settled into orbit here and started the repairs..." she paused. "I already thought of it... and they would have changed it..." she paused. "What about a massive blast of tachyons into their shield system,?"

Stormrage simply shook her head. "I don't have the energy I need to make this weapon work and even if I did. I'd only have the one shot and if we missed, then we were worse off then before..." she paused. "But we can discharge these blasts in many smaller blasts rather than one single pulse... We still have the phasers... Which would allow us to build up a charge and force them to reset their shield harmonics... When they do, we blast them with our ordinance."

Noros shook his head from side to side. "It won't work..." he commented as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Aiden Torel will be expecting this tactic... He will be prepared for it, I've heard of him only from others... But I trust my sources... A lot of people speak very poorly of him." he paused. "Same with the USS Holland... and a few others, now that I think about it."

"So there could be more ships en-route to this party," Raeven commented quietly. "Lovely."

M'kresst slowly pondered the idea. "The Queen Mary is, for now, the largest threat. We could try taking her out quickly..."

"That won't work either, she will see us coming and we're still damaged." Kell Stoneheart answered. "Launching our support craft will only get them killed and accomplish little," he added.

The turbolift doors opened and out walked Commodore Marie Yamaguchi. "Status?" she asked of the assembled gathering.

"Little changed Captain, for now, we're being left alone while these traitors loot and pillage the colony... The Klingon forces have also withdrawn too." Noros answered.

Yamaguchi paused as she processed what she was being told. "Alright, for now, we'll carry on with repairs... But when we're finished. I want to have a round two with our dear friends over there... an Akira and a Renown..." Yamaguchi sighed. "The Akira won't be hard but its the Renown I'm worried about... any ideas?"

"We were just discussing the matter," Nors answered with a gentle smile. He then began to brief his commanding officer with the ideas being discussed, Yamaguchi's countenance brightened considerably. "I like this idea... Kira, I like your plan, we'll run with it... Queen Mary is going to pay for what they have done." she looked around. "Any questions?" there was silence. "Alright then, lets go to work." and with that, the meeting was concluded.


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