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The Chill of March - Part One

Posted on Sat Mar 14th, 2020 @ 11:00pm by Department Master Chief Petty Officer Stephen "Orthos" McKnight
Edited on on Sat Mar 14th, 2020 @ 11:01pm

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Vacation Resort - New Dunedin City, Vega Colony
Timeline: 1830Hrs - March 16th, 2393

Fleet Command Master Chief Petty Officer Stephen McKnight, otherwise known as 'Orthos' smiled, yes life was good to him and his, as he drifted in a rather oversized swimming pool while Daisy was about somewhere with Edward while Orthos had T'Sara with him. His daughter was asleep and he was in no rush to bother her so he could move, in fact, he was sure that some thought that he had either fallen asleep or that he was dead as he was almost unwilling to move.

Orthos heard a female addressing him by name, suddenly his daughter woke up while Orthos gently steadied her so little T'Sara wouldn't topple off of him and into the water. Orthos smiled as he regarded his wife who was approaching then both. "Daisy. You look a tad overdressed for a vacation. You not going to enjoy the pool?" as soon as Orthos said it, he could tell that this was not going to be an enjoyable chat, considering the look on her face. Either he had done something profoundly stupid or something was wrong. His smile faded as all of this crossed his mind.

"Whats wrong?" Orthos knew better than to pester his wife when she had 'the look' in her eyes as he gently held T'Sara in his arms. "Come on sweetie," he said to his daughter who fussed in silence. "Let's see your mom, find out whats happening."

"Haa." the small child answered her father's statement with one of her own.

"Yeah, I just got a message from your mother. You are getting reassigned." Daisy told him with a sour expression on her face.

Orthos climbed out of the pool after handing T'Sara to her mother. "So. Where does mom assign me this time?" he inquired. "It can't be good, considering you look displeased." he paused. "Wait, I didn't screw up? did I?" he had a sudden flash of paranoia.

"No, you didn't," Daisy told him. "You need to read it yourself. Someone in personnel doesn't like you."

"Alright." he inquired of Daisy as he picked up his towels and then his large bag which was actually all of the things that T'Sara needed while she was out with her dad, he then deflated the large rubber dingy he had been lying on before the two began walking back to their room. "Okay, sounds bad, let's go see who shafted me this time." he paused. "Where's Edward?" he suddenly inquired.

"Edward is right behind me. He wanted to walk back on his own." Daisy smiled. "He has his father's independence streak."

Orthos grinned. "I was thinking that he took after his mother," he answered as he shifted his attention from his wife to his son who was nearby, looking at him. "Come on, lets head on back to our room," he commented, he quickly picked up Edward and he placed his son on his shoulders. "Hang on Edward."

"Yay." the child cheered.

"Hopefully we can salvage our vacation after this. We are going to need it." Daisy told him.

Orthos nodded. "We'll make the best of it," he commented with a sigh, knowing fully well that their vacation was now utterly ruined. "Now, you see why I make myself as hard as possible to find or talk to when I'm on vacation. My siblings usually never try, they leave me an email and I'll get back to them when I am good and ready. Karax understands this better than most as she does it too."

"Yeah, yeah. I know. You would think that Star Fleet has more than three competent senior NCOs." Daisy replied.

Orthos sighed softly but there was nothing he could say on the subject. The next few minutes were spent as Orthos walked beside his wife and two children in silence, he could always take comfort in her presence as he did now.

The two went into their room as he gently placed his son down on the sofa. "Let's have a look at this paperwork."

"Prepare for disappointment," Daisy stated out loud.

"Oh goodie. Let's have a look." he accepted the PADD from his wife as she went to tend to the kids.

Orthos sat down before he started reading. "Daisy. This... This is a joke... right?" he inquired, before arching an eyebrow while regarding his young wife. "Oh boy, are the kids present?" he added a moment later. "Because I can see why this vexes you so."

"Yeah, I can see virtual steam coming from your ears. Well, I've been thinking. I can keep the kids on Watchman Station while you do your tour on Roanoke?" Daisy asked.

"Not a bad idea but that wouldn't be fair to you. Doing all that by yourself." he paused. "I'd rather prefer you come with me, raise the kids together." Orthos regarded her. "Have you seen the specs for the new Roanoke-A. They say she's marked as an Odin class. It doesn't say anything as those specs are blacked out."

"I don't you know who the skipper is?" Daisy asked.

"At present, its someone named Captain Livana Mira. Says she's Orion so that won't be an issue. Providing we don't have sudden outbreaks of stupidity." he paused. "No idea on who the permanent skipper is, however." he sighed. "Imbeciles being themselves."

"Maa, wha im'ba'cilee.'?" Edward asked quietly.

"Umm..somebody that is not very smart, Honey," Daisy answered her son. "That's not a word you have to worry about."

Edward gave his mother a confused look. "Umm.. kay...why?"

Orthos regarded his son. "Because we'll tell you when you are older son," he commented with a smile. "So I'm being sent to the party boat. Well, let's hope outbreaks of stupidity doesn't happen. I do NOT need to deal with pineapple outbreaks."

"Eb'hon?" Edward asked.

"It means black son. It's another color." Orthos added as he regarded his son. "This might be interesting. I hope." he sighed. "If I call you telling you that stupidity has taken place, what would you say?" he inquired of his wife. "Will the child of such pineapple be raised by her or by us?"

"Don't remind me. That's why I want the kids off the crazy canoe. That ship is full of oddballs and deviants. And half of them are in command positions." Daisy answered.

Orthos chuckled softly at his wife's statement. "Yeah. I can relate to that." he raised an eyebrow. "Have you heard anything from Brianna or Tienn, our favorite rage-case recently?" he suddenly regarded his wife, as if he knew something she didn't.

"I haven't heard from them recently. I know Celeste and Brianna is getting reassigned soon. Not sure where they are going. possibly to Iron Duke." Daisy told her husband.

"Well, I got a letter here from Tienn. Chatty but then I expect no less than such from her." Orthos explained. "She's being reassigned to the Roanoke-A over the next while. Tienn also says she misses you and she asked me to pass along her regards." as he gave his wife a pointed look.

"I'll send her a message back. I'll poke fun at her for getting stuck back on that ship." Daisy giggled.

"Considering she got shafted," Orthos commented evenly. "She got punished and ended up with a Klingon which was a surprise. Karax told me about that duel and how she won with him more or less breaking her in half." he sighed as he shook his head. "Pitiful Tienn. I mean really. Please bug her about that too."

"It worked out well for Tienn in the end. She found a life partner." Daisy added.

"Aye, she did. She went through a lot to get there and if I'm stuck on that pile of scrap metal then I can babysit for her so she can get some sleep." Orthos responded with a smile.

"That's thoughtful of you. Tienn has a tendency to get in over her head." Daisy replied.

"Yes, like Celeste," Orthos answered in a rather dry tone of voice. "And a few others I could mention. Tienn does tend to dive in headfirst. It's always breathtaking to watch her antics."

"Yes, I know. I'm getting rather hungry. Let's get some dinner. After that news, I could use a nice steak." Daisy told Orthos.

"You and me, both," Orthos commented. "Says I'm not due to report until tomorrow." he paused. "Which means our vacation will end at its normal time in a weeks time and I'll report then. If they don't like it then I'll tell them I never got the news. I never check my mail when I'm on vacation. You think these idiots would learn this by now." Orthos answered in a dry tone.

"We both requested formal leave. Star Fleet can bite us. I am behind you. We will be on vacation for the rest of the week. Since they reassigned you to the Roanoke I think you deserve it." Daisy stated.

Orthos smiled. "Alright. If they want to put me in the smaller for being AWOL. then fine. I'll catch up on my sleep in a cell. It won't be the first time and probably, not the last either." he then shifted his attention back to his wife. "You recall how you said that T'Sara won't be joining Starfleet. That's assuming that either of us is still in the service by the time she's old enough." he paused as if having made a decision. "If this assignment does not go well. I'm dropping my retirement notice."

Daisy raised her eyebrows at Orthos suggestion. "I...think that might premature. What would you do?"

Orthos raised an eyebrow. "I think I have given Starfleet a lot of good years. The service allowed you and me to meet, have our relationship and our kids," he explained.

"Yes but odds are I'll still be in Star Fleet," Daisy replied.

"You could be a flag officer by that point. General Daisy Rohr." Orthos then smiled. "So.. have dinner brought to us, or we go cook something or go out?" he inquired of her.

"We are going out. I don't want to stare the walls while I'm eating. We could do that at home. We are not at home, we are on vacation." Daisy explained.

"Then we must go posthaste. Kids, you hungry!"

Edward cheered, T'Sara did likewise.

Orthos smiled. "I'm going to go shower and change, I can't go out like this. I'll be back shortly." and with that, he went into the next room.

"Alright, I'll keep the kids entertained while you shower," Daisy replied.

Orthos poked his head back out, while he smiled at his wife. "Have fun, be right back." and with that, he vanished again.


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