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Dangling Threads - Part Three

Posted on Sun Jul 19th, 2020 @ 5:10pm by Lieutenant Samantha "Sammy" Yeager & Lieutenant Melody McKnight-Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 109: The Travelers Path
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1905Hrs - September 23rd, 2393

Lieutenant Samantha Yeager regarded the shorter women before her, she had a fine taut body with a graceful figure. Sam was not bisexual or gay but she admired the other woman before her but now wasn't the tone to set sail on the seas of carnal lust, she needed to ensure that the other woman was focused on the conversation that had just taken place and the conversation to come. 'Melody?" Sammy asked the other woman.

Melody stopped so suddenly that Sammy nearly walked into her from behind. "What!" she snapped before she inhaled a breath of air. Sammy regarded her with a worried look. "What was all that about... You slammed the door in mom's face really hard... I wanna know why?... You've been evading me whenever I ask... and I want to know why..." the part Klingon female did not rise to her step-sister's bait. "We have no DNA in common but we are still family... That has to mean something... Otherwise, this... All of this... is meaningless..." Yeager commented softy.

Melody knew the other woman was being pragmatic and patient, considering she was raised by her father all of her life with no female role model whatsoever. "You call my mother.. 'mom'. and yet, you still have to ask the question..." Melody answered, a tense note of anger in her tone of voice.

"Because I do not know what happened between you two to bring out this level of anger, this level of contempt in you," Yeager responded, still keeping her voice rational. "What did she do to you that was so bad... What did she not do to anger you so?" the half-Klingon woman pressed further.

"You wouldn't understand..." Melody answered quietly. "We don't really have time to discuss this either..."

"Noted," Sammy answered as she proceeded to sink her heels into the ground. "But we're going to discuss this now," Yeager answered, in a tone that indicated she was going to get her way, even if she had to use force. "Because you never sit still for anyone Melody... Now... What happened.?" she tried being gentle, rather then using brute force as she wanted Melody to be reasonable about this chat otherwise this was going to get stupidly out of control.

"This isn't something I wanna discuss here..." Melody admitted.

"Where then, shall we have this conversation?" Yeager answered. "You never seem to want to have this chat, like ever..." Yeager regarded the other woman before her. "However I will share something with you first..." Yeager regarded the other woman in silence a moment before she started. "You are right about one thing... I don't understand your issues with mom... Because I envy you, Melody, I would kill to have what you had growing up." Yeager could feel her self control slowly slipping away, out of her grasp but at this point in time, she no longer cared, she knew she needed to say all of this as if she didn't then she never would again. "To you, this whole world makes sense, you knew where you fit in and how things worked... I'm stuck between two worlds... One is a warrior culture where I am too weak to be considered a worthy mate for anyone... and this one... Where I am far too strong for anything other than the marines or security... I don't know where I fit in and the only anchor I have in this worthless fucking world is dad... He believed that Starfleet had a place for me, he made me believe it... Because nobody else did..." Yeager explained. "They say that a daughter's relationship with her father is something special... Well, I am doubly blessed... I had a man in my life who never gave up, never quit on me, even when I quit on him..."

Melody listened in silence, she had no idea that the woman before her had her own set of issues. Which she had kept to herself this long, and yet, she had accepted Melody as easily as she had.

"I had a father who was willing to move heaven and earth for me, whatever it took, he would do... Oh, I was a challenge for him, I was demanding, I was trying and I kept trying to test his authority, he enrolled me in martial arts classes and organized sports for my outlets... Once I realized it was alright to be me, I was able to temper the storm, calm the oceans that raged in my soul... Once I realized who and what I was... Thanks to him, I realized that I need not prove myself to anyone else, just that I had to prove myself... to myself." Yeager regarded the other woman with her dark brown eyes. "So, what's your main issue in life?"

"Mom... She ran away from my father when I was born... She didn't listen to what Dad was trying to tell her." she paused. "I went back and forth between mom and dad... a guy who knew how to handle children and a woman who didn't have a clue," Melody answered.

"At least she was willing to make the effort," Yeager commented. "I commend her for the intention if nothing else..."

Melody paused. "You never speak of your biological mother... What happened to her... Did she run off like the cowardly veQ that she-" was as far as she got before three things suddenly happened, almost all at once, Yeager got angry and then she hauled off and slapped Melody across the face with the back of her hand. "How dare you stand there in judgment of my mother when you can't even tolerate your own..." Yeager hissed angrily. "I do not speak of my mother because she is dead... She was murdered to torment my father..."


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