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The Fleet Reorganization Saga - Courtney Yamaguchi, Part Three

Posted on Sat Mar 14th, 2020 @ 4:40am by Lieutenant Commander Tanya Stevenson & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Division Admiral Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs & Chief Warrant Officer Courtney "Warhowl" Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 97: The Fleet Reorganization Saga
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 0900Hrs, September 17th, 2392

Chief Warrant Officer Courtney Yamaguchi slowly went down the hallway, she had just finished meeting her new boss and he was nothing at all like what she had been expecting. Yamaguchi decided to wander the ship and see what there was but she recalled she needed to drop by sickbay so she decided to go there first.

Yamaguchi tapped the call button on the turbolift, she waited for a moment before it opened, inside were two others that she didn't know. "Sickbay," she commented, and the turbolift hurtled to its destination.

It opened on deck four and the first guy stepped out, this left Yamaguchi inside with a really cheerful looking Bajoran female who also looked very young. "This is so exciting!" she commented, her voice cracking as she said it.

Yamaguchi couldn't help but smile. "Yes it is," she responded. "Where you from sweetie?"

"I'm from Dahkur province on Bajor," she answered. "This is my first posting in Starfleet and I'm on my way to meet my new boss, someone named Doug Rutland." she paused. "My name is Shael Jaest."

"Welcome aboard Shael," Yamaguchi responded. "I'm Courtney Yamaguchi."

"Ahh, that's who you look like. I'm sorry, you must get that a lot."

"Nah, just the curse of being ordinary," Yamaguchi responded as the door opened, it marked the locations of everything on that deck including sickbay. "My stop. Good luck."

"Thanks. Seeya around." and with that, Yamaguchi stepped off the turbolift as she made her way to sickbay, arriving at her destination a few moments later. Yamaguchi went over to the front desk as she gave her name and purpose for being here.

"Ahh, welcome aboard warrant. You are expected by the Doctors.." the young woman at the desk tapped the display once. "The doctor will greet you in a moment."

A young woman who looked heavily pregnant came over. "Hello. I am Doctor Yamaguchi-Solusar. I can see you now." she paused. "You may call me Elizabeth."

Yamaguchi smiled as she found that she was meeting the wife of her new boss. "Okay. Elizabeth" as she followed the pregnant female to her destination of choice. Upon reaching the examination room. Solusar smiled. "Have a seat and I can begin."

"I assume congratulations are in order then?" Yamaguchi commented as she began stripping off her uniform.

Yamaguchi-Solusar raised an eyebrow as she gave Yamaguchi a funny look. "Why are you taking off your clothes?" she asked in a hesitant tone of voice.

Yamaguchi had opened managed to take off her jacket and was in the process of taking off her undershirt. "Oh. Wait, you don't need me to take my clothes off?" Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow, already impressed.

"No." Yamaguchi-Solusar then giggled. "I assume they make you do that where you came from?"

"That's assuming they don't try and have sex with me at the same time," Yamaguchi explained, matter of factly. "I would not enjoy it, however."

"I would hope not. I like my patients to be comfortable and you won't need to worry about some Doctor wanting your body here." Yamaguchi-Solusar looked horrified.

"Shall we begin then, dear?" Yamaguchi inquired of the younger woman who blinked. "Oh, right, yes."

"It's okay. I assume that Lieutenant Solusar is your husband?"

"You met Kam?" Yamaguchi-Solusar opened her medkit as she pulled herself together.

"Yep, he's my new boss and he's not what I expected," Yamaguchi added. "Which honestly I don't mind all that much honestly. He's going to be a joy to work with."

"That's Kam's stock in trade, that and being my husband and father to this little one." Elizabeth indicated her ever-expanding belly where her child slept.

"Good. Kam will make an excellent father." Yamaguchi responded as the younger female took her blood pressure and the like. "You are in excellent shape but you seem to be a tad malnourished so I'm going to recommend you eat a little more per meal or add an extra meal to your diet. The choice is yours" Yamaguchi-Solusar explained.

"I can do that, thank you," Yamaguchi responded. "I think I am going to enjoy this assignment."

"I'm also going to certify you as fit for duty." Yamaguchi-Solusar smiled. "I'll update your paperwork as needed," she added. "Come on, I'll walk you out." as the two made their way back to the front desk.

Lt Commander Tanya Stevenson came over. "Ahh, Elizabeth. I need your help with something, take care of her first but then I need you okay?"

"Willdo Doctor." Yamaguchi-Solusar nodded. "it was good to meet you, Courtney."

"Thank you, Elizabeth," Yamaguchi responded before she turned and began moving away, towards the entrance. Yamaguchi-Solusar had picked up a PADD and had begun making notes which she would upload to Courtney Yamaguchi's file when she completed them. "You wanted me, Doctor, I can work and talk at the same time."

"Right, I need yo for-" was the last thing Courtney heard before passing out of earshot before she departed sickbay, only to find herself face to face with the ships Ex Oh. "Courtney." The other female addressed her. "I was wondering when I'd run into you."

"Commander," Yamaguchi responded. "Considering events, I do not expect us to get along," Yamaguchi added

"Oh. Mind if I ask why?" Hobbs-Yamaguchi inquired, in a neutral tone of voice.

"Considering recent events. I heard what happened with Victoria and what she did to Marie because she thought Marie was me." Yamaguchi explained. "Considering she and I hated each other. One would wonder."

"Mmm. Do you intend harm to me or mine?" Hobbs-Yamaguchi inquired bluntly.

"No," Yamaguchi answered. "I am trying to move on and adjust to life in this reality. The Admiral was kind enough to let me return to my first love, science."

"You're a scientist?" Hobbs-Yamaguchi was somewhat surprised with that statement.

"Is that a surprise?" Yamaguchi inquired.

"To be honest, yes. A big one too." Hobbs-Yamaguchi responded. "I never pictured you as a scientist. Considering you look like Marie, she's a weapons and tactics woman, along with a small army of children."

Yamaguchi regarded the other female. "I am good with leaving the weapons of war with those who are actually able to wield them."

Hobbs-Yamaguchi decided to drop the heavy end of the hammer on the woman before her. "Victoria made quite a damning accusation against you."

"That's not a shock to me," Yamaguchi answered evenly, her tone indicated that she was not surprised in the slightest. "What was the accusation.?"

"That you would murder children if given the chance," Hobbs-Yamaguchi explained bluntly.

"Mmm. Figures she'd say something like that." Yamaguchi responded in a tone that could warm and then evaporate Andoria, both at the same time. "Considering that neither of us has gotten along since I was made an officer after I got drafted and made a Commander right out of the gate whereas she worked for her rank, it was a good way for Imperial command to pit us against each other. It worked flawlessly too," she added. "Celeste, lets put aside the formalities a moment and discuss this logically shall we?"

"Yes," Hobbs-Yamaguchi responded in an extremely dry tone of voice.
"Go on."

"Do you seriously think I intend harm to the children of others?" Yamaguchi inquired. "Celeste, be reasonable here." Yamaguchi regarded her near-twin with a soft sigh. "Do you seriously think I'd be allowed to serve in Starfleet, let alone serve here if I intended to harm others?"

"No.." Hobbs-Yamaguchi backed down.

"Thank you. I work in the science department as their chief warrant, so I'll see how this goes from this point." Yamaguchi explained. "Like I said, I do not expect us to be able to co-exist."

Hobbs-Yamaguchi regarded her in silence for a moment. "Is that what you want?"

"I don't know. You are my sister's twin so I honestly have no idea of what to make of you." Yamaguchi answered quietly. "I will, however, let you decide that. In the meantime, I'm going to settle in and get some sleep. It's been a long week and I'm tired." Yamaguchi explained before she let out a sigh. "I'll start my efforts with the ships science department. Hopefully, Lieutenant Solusar has work for me to do." she then shrugged.

"Do try and get along with him. Others have been unkind to him because of his age in the past." Hobbs-Yamaguchi explained.

"Lieutenant Solusar is an interesting soul, yes he's young but that just means he's good at what he does. He's the officer and I'm the warrant, I do as I am told. Now if there if nothing else. I need to get some sleep."

Hobbs-Yamaguchi saw that this was rapidly deteriorating into a very nasty argument rather than a pleasant chat, she had been hoping that this would be something, anything decent rather than a contest between two guarded women who didn't like each other. "Dismissed then." she paused. "Sleep well. If you are feeling up to it, dinner is at my place at about nineteen hundred.." Hobbs-Yamaguchi tried again.

"Nineteen hundred. Alright. I'll be there." Yamaguchi paused. "If nothing else, it'll let me see how you live. I have no allergies and no medical concerns."

"Thank you," Hobbs-Yamaguchi answered. "Sleep well. Courtney." and with that, the two women parted company.


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