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I'm Going to make you Scream - Part Eleven

Posted on Fri Mar 13th, 2020 @ 10:49pm by Captain Elizabeth Ashcroft & Commander Victoria "Vicki" Cameron & Cadet Sophomore Grade Pava Sh'Yamaguchi & Fleet Captain Marie Yamaguchi & Major Daisy Rohr-McKnight
Edited on on Fri Mar 13th, 2020 @ 11:04pm

Mission: Mission 96: Settling Accounts
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 0900Hrs - September 2nd, 2392

"No, you just bypassing a formality," Daisy told her in a monotone voice.

Enyo sat back as she let out a happy sigh. "Daisy, come closer, would ya?." she commented. "Tell me something. Are you trying to piss me off?" Enyo inquired. "I figured I'd ask before I start assuming shit," she said into the Klingon female's ear.

"No, I'm not. I just trying to figure you out." Daisy told her.

"You're not very good at this, are you?" Enyo inquired. "Don't try to figure me out, you can't even figure yourself out. How do you plan to help these people understand me?"

Ashcroft smiled. "Oh, I doubt you are a foreign agent Ms. Yamaguchi. If you were then you'd not have done what you did."

Sh'Andoo opened her mouth. "I'm inclined to agree, but your motivations for revenge, however, concern me."

"How so?" Enyo responded.

"You might change your mind and go back." the Andorian commented. "Personally I would prefer that you did not."

"Err. I don't know you," Enyo responded. "Are you going to do the same thing she's trying to do." she indicated Daisy. "She's incompetent but hey, how about we skip all the hoops and come to the punchline. Save us all so much time. So I can go back to my home away from home and she can go back to murdering infants." she indicated Daisy.

Daisy was clearly irritated by Enyo's words. She bit her lower lip and remained calm. "I'd imagined that you received training to resist torture, so even if we did resort to that it wouldn't be helpful," Daisy told her. "Star Fleet isn't going to allow you out of your cage until you can convince us that you're not a threat. On that, you have made a spectacular failure of yourself."

Enyo laughed at her. "Oh that's rich," she responded. "You never asked me if I wanted to serve, you stupid woman," she growled at Daisy. "Why should I bother with any of you?" she inquired. "You look just like the goons I left behind. Well except the uniforms are comfier."

"If we were like your people we wouldn't be having this pleasant chat. You would be getting tortured or already be dead." Daisy told Enyo with a scowl.

Enyo sighed. "You are an idiot." as she snorted. "Why should I cooperate with you?" she inquired. "You've shown me that your Federation is the same as the one I left behind."

"She's wasting our time." Daisy told Ashcroft and Sh'Andoo. "Let's drop her off on a work colony and let her rot there."

Ashcroft opened her mouth but Enyo beat her to it. "Get her out of here, she's fucking stupid," she commented. "I mean seriously. Why should I do anything with you?." she shouted at Daisy.

Ashcroft regarded Daisy. "Enough. both of you.." she commented with a growl in her voice.

"This woman is incapable of living among civilized folk. She would be a danger to Marie Yamaguchi. When are you going to see that?" Daisy asked Ashcroft.

Ashcroft raised an eyebrow. "You two have gotten into each other's faces since we sat down twenty minutes ago."

Enyo snorted. "Oh please, still failing I see."

Suddenly there was a knock at the door before Marie Yamaguchi poked her head through the door. "Someone call my name?"

"Captain, why not join us," Ashcroft responded. Marie entered with a bowl of oatmeal in her hands. "Don't mind me, I came to meet Enyo as I felt she had the right to eat a decent breakfast."

Ashcroft shrugged. "Sure, if she wants to eat then she can eat."

Marie regarded Daisy. "Mind if I set down?. I am getting old after all and I am in need of rest." as she sat down and offered the bowl to Enyo. She lifted the spoon. "Let me eat in peace woman, your presence offends me," she growled at Daisy.

Daisy sighed and moved away from the table.

Enyo ate a mouthful. "Thank you, Marie. I do not mean to be rude but. Why are you here?" she inquired.

"I came because I wished to clear the air," Marie responded.

"There is nothing to resolve on your part. I simply assumed you were the Marie of my reality. Do not turn your back on her for a moment as she will try to kill you."

"Good to know," Marie answered. "So far we've turned up nothing with the intruder alerts but that might change."

"So you took what I had to say seriously. Good." Enyo commented. "I am not yet decided on this one. I think she wants to bed me but I might be wrong," she explained, referring to Daisy.

Ashcroft noticed the change. "Well. that was sudden."

"Whats that?" Enyo responded.

"You two were up in arms, ready to kill each other and she shows up and suddenly you are nice and compliant. Why?"

"Because Marie and I have a history. I don't have one with dinglehopper over there." she indicated Daisy.

"If you're trying to have me beat you to a pulp, your doing a good job," Daisy replied.

Enyo smiled. "Don't tease me," she responded. "I had no idea you wanted to bed me."


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