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Giving Birth: The Desert of Vulcan

Posted on Fri Mar 13th, 2020 @ 7:04pm by Division Admiral Edward Dragon & Captain L'Ruan "Shield" Dragon & Commander Vilotanzia "Violet" Bounlutay-Antilles

Mission: Mission 94: Shattered Shields and Crack'd Swords
Location: Various Locations - USS Rawalpindi
Timeline: 0600Hrs - 30th July 2392

Captain L'Ruan was prepared to give birth to the child that had been almost an accident of fates, she missed the company of her husband and child but since the Federation had just finished being in a state of war. L'Ruan would manage without them.

The Vulcan female smiled softly as she regarded herself in the mirror, she was standing nude as she regarded her abdomen and belly, which was large with child. "It is time," she commented to herself before she began to don her clothing.

A short time later she was fully clothed and the Vulcan was tugging on her shoes rather than the boots she normally wore as she decided she wanted more gentle footwear as he feet were causing her more and more issues as the pregnancy went along, her husband had been extremely helpful to her in the matters of their child and fortunately, he had been on leave with her as both were affected by the Pineapple Incident which took place about five weeks after she had become pregnant. She smiled as she recalled the sex which both of them had considered some of the best sex either had ever had.

The pregnant Vulcan female walked out of her quarters, her next stop was sickbay which she reached a few minutes later, the doors opened at her approach as she regarded the nurse at the front desk. "Hello... I am here for my appointment."

"Of course Captain... Let me check who is available for you?" the nurse responded with a smile. "You look like you are prepared."

"I am..." she paused as she looked down as she felt something wet run down her left leg.. "It seems my child is in agreement with you." as the nurse tapped her combadge. "Front desk to Doctor Bounlutay. you are needed out front.. the Captain just went into labour.."

Vilotanzia Bounlutay responded. "I am on my way." and with that the small female rushed out of her office, her medkit over her shoulder, "Tell team three to gear up, the Captain just went into labour." she called over her shoulders to several of the medics and doctors present, they went to work moments later as she rushed into the main sickbay area.

The Vulcan female was not doubled over in pain or having major issues but she looked uncomfortable, as two medics rushed over with a wheelchair. Bounlutay regarded L'Ruan. "Let me look you over Captain." the small female explained herself as she drew her tricorder. "You have gone into labour.."

"Good." L'Ruan nodded as she gently sat down in the wheelchair, meanwhile the Doctor nodded to the nurse. "Call him in... He should be present for this."

The nurse nodded as she tapped her combadge. "Front desk to Dragon, its time sir."

The front door opened and in walked Captain Edward Dragon. "Indeed... Then it is most fortuitous that I am already here visiting my wife." as he greeted her with a warm smile.

L'Ruan regarded her husband. "Husband. It's agreeable to see you again." as he felt her mind gently brush against his own, he could feel her joy at seeing him. "Indeed," he responded with a grin. "Shall we proceed Doctor?"

"Yes... right then," Bounlutay responded. "Birthing room two boys.." and with that the medical personnel went on the way to the destination selected. Moments later the Doctor had her patient all set up as the Vulcan woman felt the waves of pain wash through her, much the same as human women did.

Bounlutay smiled as she ran her tricorder over the Vulcan's abdomen. "You are doing very well L'Ruan," she commented. "You are coming along."

Edward Dragon sat down next to his wife as he gently took her hand in his own. "Please L'Ruan... Don't crush me..." he said quietly.

"I will endeavor to try husband," L'Ruan responded in a whisper as she felt a wave of pain wash over her.

Sometime later L'Ruan felt a massive surge of pain as the doctor nodded. "You are doing well L'Ruan, you are now fully dilated... Push."

"I am pushing Doctor.."

"Stop arguing with me woman and push!" the small Doctor responded.

"I am not arguing with you... I am-"

"Arguing with me.." Bounlutay interrupted.

Dragon sighed. "Doctor?"

"What... Oh yes... you are doing well Captain, keep pushing..." she said to the Vulcan female who was busy pushing her son out of her body, a moment later the nurse commented. "I can see his head." as she reached in. "Push.. one more.."

L'Ruan pushed out her child with a soft grunt, a moment later a child began screaming as she flopped back into her chair, she closed her eyes as she sighed softly. "Welcome to the world.. my son," she said softly as a second nurse ran a cloth over her face and head, the coolness and dampness of the cloth helped clear her head.

The nurse severed the infant from his mother with a laser scalpel, before she began washing him off with a sponge and a basin of water. She smiled as she gently wrapped him in a towel before she handed him off to his mother.

L'Ruan smiled softly. "Hello little one..."

Bounlutay smiled. "Do you guys have a name for him?"

"John," Edward responded softly. "John Dragon."

"It'll be taken care of... Right now we're going to move your wife to a recovery room. I assume you want to go with her?"

"I do yes."

"Right then." the small female commented. "Boys take the Captain to recovery room one, her package is waiting for us."

Dragon gently received their son from his wife as the nurses proceeded to move the Vulcan female from the bed to the chair before they hustled her out of the room, her husband and new child in tow.


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