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The Edge of Inevitability

Posted on Fri Mar 13th, 2020 @ 7:01pm by Commander István "Archos" McKnight & Commander Gail Hobbs & Lieutenant Rael Hular

Mission: Mission 95: Through the Looking Glass
Location: Various Locations - USS Farragut
Timeline: 2045Hrs - July 29th, 2392

Lieutenant Neban Hular was in his quarters, presently doing push ups when suddenly the door opened and in rushed a half a dozen security goons.

Neban was grabbed and hauled to his feet, seemingly compliant before he snapped into action, snapping one of their necks and then rabbit-punching a second in the face before he kicked at a third, smashing the young man's knee. He dropped to the deck, screaming.

With the fourth attacker, turned victim, he smashed a dinner place before he sliced it into the woman's neck, causing blood to spurt out all over the place as Neban regarded her. "Your heart is beating at three times the normal rate," he said to the young woman who had wide eyes. "Had you knocked on my door, I would have gone with you down to security but you guys decided to be heroes. You should have knocked."

The woman's eyes faded as Neban turned and went over to the man who was now whimpering, the massive Capellan simply grasped him and finished the man off with a loud snap of various bones.

"Idiots." he turned. "Come on Ajax. We know you were stupid enough to send them in to wear me down." Neban commented.

"I was hoping that you would succumb to reason. I can see I was wrong." Ajax stated while wielding his bat'leth. He wasted no time in bringing down his weapon. Neban dodged the blow and Ajax brought up the blade and swung it at him. Neban ducked and the bat'leth got caught in the wall.

Neban smiled as he drove his elbow into Ajax's face several times. Ajax just smiled back a bloody grin and grabbed Neban's arm. Ajax contorted Neban's arm until it started to crack in several places.

Neban screamed and Ajax pushed him backward. Ajax then stomped on Neban's shin and shattered the bones. Neban's legs gave out and he fell to his knees. Ajax then drove his knee into Neban's rib cage several times until he heard bone breaking.

Ajax then picked Neban up by the back of his skill and drove his face into the nearest wall. Blood started splattering the way and after a big enough splat stain had been created Ajax dropped Neban to the deck.

Ajax called in another team. "Bring him to the brig. Do not be gentle. If he gives you trouble, kill him."

"What about his wounds?" One asked.

"Do as your ordered!" Ajax shouted as his own blood spewed out his mouth.

The sergeant sighed. "Let's go, secure the prisoner." he left unsaid that the man might not make it to the brig. "have medical meet us at the brig, the guy might not make it." he then called for a beam out for himself, the prisoner and his two remaining guards.

A few minutes later, the sergeant was standing inside the brig, Neban was lying on the bed as a medic was tending to his wounds.

"I need him in sickbay." the medic commented.

"Treat him here, I have my orders."

"You goons, you are just stupid." as the sergeant slapped the medic. The medic's response was all out of proportion to the offense committed as the sergeant found himself being stabbed by a medical instrument.

As the young man fell to the deck, while doing the worst thing one can do while being stabbed, he yanked the device out only to have some blood splatter hit the walls. "Uhh... fuck you!"

"Yeah, you're just an overpaid goon." the medic commented in a snide tone.

Another security officer saw what happened. "Commander Ajax, there is a a medical emergency in the brig!"

"On my way!" In no time Ajax was in the brig.

"Sickbay, one to beam in. He is bleeding from the neck." Ajax looked at the medic, "What happened?"

"He prevented me from doing my job. He was a threat to my patient and to myself." the medic responded in a flat tone. "SHit.." as Neban stopped breathing. "He's going into arrest. Okay, that's it." he slapped his combadge. "Medical emergency, two to beam directly to sickbay." he turned. "Thanks asshole for giving me a ton of work to do, you did this... his blood is on your hands, you fucking stupid Klingon." and he was beamed away before Ajax could respond along with Neban Hular who was more or less dead at this point.

Neban Hular arrived on the surgery table as Hobbs and a surgical crew went to work. She looked over at the medic, "Get out of OR but stay close, we need to talk." She stated angrily. This was the second casualty from the brig. The first she handed off to a junior surgeon but this one needed her skill.

In the entry way of sickbay, Ajax entered. He pushed his way past a nurse who tried to stop him. "You!" he shouted at the medic who insulted him and assaulted one of his guards in the brig.

"Oh what now?" the medic responded. "I ain't got time for your insane shit," he added as he regarded Ajax Rhor, clearly unafraid of him in the least.

Ajax picked the medic up by his collar. "Fool, tell me why I should not smash your body?"

The Medic sighed. "Put me down hero," he responded in a light tone. "Besides. I clean up your messes when you have them."

Ajax growled as he pinned the medic to a wall. "Never mock me." Ajax coolly told him. With the other hand, he landed several punches to the medic's stomach. He then punched the medic in the face a few times before dropping him to the floor.

"Whatever you say.. jackass. Dogs like you are they this Federation is.. going to the dogs," he grunted as he lay on the ground.

"Your brave...for a medic." Ajax used his heel to crush the medic's hand.

Meanwhile, in surgery, Hobbs had stabilized Hular. "This guy is a mess. Did they launch him in a torpedo tube into the brig?" Hobbs asked no one in particular. He still had many broken bones but didn't want to continue treatment until he was more stabilized.

The medic with her sighed. "No, these wounds were done by blunt force trauma." he commented quietly. "someone beat him," he added in a dry tone as if to say who it was.

"I know what happened to him." Gail sighed. "I was there when the rage machine was unchained."

The medic regarded Hobbs. "How so Doctor?" he inquired.

"Sorry hon, I can't tell you," Gail told the medic.

Meanwhile, outside in the main sickbay, several medics began to swarm the wounded medic who had just been beaten by Rohr, they quickly tended to his wounds as McKnight walked through the door. He regarded Rohr with a cold smile. "Beating up the help again?" he commented. "Have you nothing better to do?" he added in a dismissive tone. "Because I am sure these people have a lot of better things to do than deal with you. Now.. please, get out." McKnight said to Ajax. "Either get out... Or I'll have my personal guards throw you out."

"Well, since you said please how can I possibly refuse?" He asked mockingly before leaving.

McKnight sighed. "I fucking hate that guy." before he went over to the Doctors office, where he found Gail Hobbs shortly. "Doctor. Whats going on?"

"That..." Gail pointed to Hular's body. "Is directly responsible for four murders, two assaults, and one rape. He is indirectly responsible for two assaults. Ajax used his typical hammer fisted method of cleaning up problems."

McKnight sighed softly. "Fuck," he muttered softly. "If I hand him back to idiot-boy. He'll murder him in return." he regarded Gail. "I'm more or less out of options on this matter. You got any ideas?"

"We can keep him here but only on the condition he will be held in a stasis chamber until we return to port," Gail suggested. "I do not want him awake or in my sickbay."

McKnight paused. "We don't have the resources to waste. Free him to his quarters, I'll stick him under guard until we return to base and then he'll be dealt with," he answered.

Hobbs had a look of disbelief on her face. "What? That creature on my exam bed killed four security guards when they tried to arrest him. That is, of course, after he raped an officer. And you just want to casually put him back in his quarters? What kind of officer are you?"

McKnight regarded her. "If I hand him back to Rohr, he'll end up dead and you don't want him in here," he explained. "I have been left no options by the snowflakes on this ship."

Hobbs thought for a moment. "How many days until you need him for a mission?"

"Four days then I'm going to be sending him ashore for training," McKnight answered. "He'll answer for those criminal charges after the training." he sighed. "More than likely. Command will ignore it or dismiss the charges and he'll get away with this shit. I need to request new people to replace those who he has killed and injured."

"I can leave him in a coma until a few hours before you need him. He won't cause any trouble while he's out." Gail suggested.

"Yeah. All this does is put off my problem for a few hours." McKnight answered her. "Fine. I'll have him spaced."

"A few Hours? No, I can keep him in a coma for a month if we need to." Hobbs explained.

"Not without his body falling apart." he looked around quickly. "Let's go into your office," he added.

Moments later, the two were in her office. "We'll be heading on a classified assignment in a week or so. I'm going to put him on one of the teams and I'm going to have them leave him behind. We're going to an alternate reality through the wormhole that was opened last year. We're assuming SPECWAR team three's mission and we're going to complete it." he indicated Hular. "We're also leaving him behind there, They can deal with him."

"Two days of unconsciousness won't hurt him. Trust me, I'm a doctor." Hobbs told McKnight. "Then, like you said, he won't be our problem."

"Fine with me." and with that, he turned and walked out.

Gail turned to look back at Hular. "Your lucky your not waking up in a hard vacuum, even though that is what you richly deserve." She then stuck him with a hypo. "You should be out for three days. If you don't wake up, no biggie." With that Hobbs left to treat the medic Ajax assaulted.

The medic was sitting on a biobed, he had dark red marks around his neck and some bruising on his chest, otherwise, he sat still and made no noise.

"Alright, let's see that hand," Hobbs asked. She began treatment for the medic's injuries. "While I can appreciate you standing up to Commander Ajax, just don't do it. He's a maniac and next time you might not be so lucky."

"I know." The medic answered. "The man is a brute and he gets off on terrifying people," he commented evenly. "Someone has to tell him that enough is enough."

"Your right." Hobbs agreed. "But do you want to be right or be alive?"

"What makes you think he will win every time." the medic answered evenly. "He will get his soon enough."

"Maybe he will," Hobbs stated. "He is some sort of freak of nature."

"Anyone can be brought down. It's just a matter of how and when." the medic added in a cold tone of voice. "sooner or later."

Hobbs stopped working to stare at the medic. "Stop thinking that way. You'll only end up bitter or dead." Hobbs warned.

The medic regarded her. "Doctor. We're facing a two-front war and you what they say about wars on multiple fronts. We'll end up dead sooner or later, considering the skipper is incompetent and the Exec is overworked."

"Do you have a master plan to solve the wars? If so we would all like to see it." Hobbs told him.

"I don't. Not personally anyway." the medic responded. "What do you want from me, Commander. You hate the service so why the fuck do you even care?" the medic suddenly snapped, losing his temper at her.

"Don't get mad at me," Gail told him in a cool voice. "I didn't start this war or cause what Commander Rohr did to you. I just expect you to keep a cool head and keep it attached to your shoulders."

The medic growled at her. "I've healed anyway." he paused. "I got work to do." and with that, he pushed her away as he hopped off of the bed, then he stomped off.

"Stay safe!" Gail yelled at him as he left.

The medic ignored her.


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