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The Fallen Still Serve - Part Three

Posted on Wed Mar 18th, 2020 @ 3:56am by Captain T'Nae "Wolfheart" Duval & Commander Ethan "Hardcase" Duval

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Deneva - Highland Mountains
Timeline: 1000Hrs - June 18th, 2392

Captain T'Nae followed Ethan Duval down the hallway as they approached the massive hall where most people generally ate their meals. The seating capacity was roughly five hundred at any one time. the hall was spread across three levels so the seating was roughly twelve hundred people at a time.

The two got into the lineup which was a half dozen people strong as they ordered their various meals. T'Nae looked over at Duval who looked at the food for the offering. He lifted a plate for himself and a second for her, which he then handed to her a moment later. The Vulcan female nodded her thanks as they began to plate up their food.

Moments later, with full plates, they two went over to the beverage station which was a simple bank of three dozen replicators, the two of them requested their drinks and moments later went to search for a table in the cavernous room.

When the two found a table in one of the distant corners of the room, he sat down first and then she did a moment later. "So.. T'Nae. Why did you come here?"

"I came, for you." the Vulcan female responded lightly. "I came because I wished to separate fact from fiction. My daughter told me about you and how much you hated the pathetic imitation that wore my name and face from your home reality."

"How much were you told about what that woman did to me?" Duval inquired.

"Not much, only that she molested and abused you," T'Nae answered. "She was light on details."

"Yes. That's because I didn't tell her a lot." Duval responded quietly. "It's not something I care to think about."

"I understand."

"Can you?" Jefferson responded quietly as he began eating his food. "Considering you. That is she would mind meld with me, keeping me as a prisoner inside my own mind. She caged me and thanks to Plataea, I am free of her influence."

T'Nae was horrified, it showed on her face too. "Oh my god," she whispered. "I can never earn your respect or help you overcome this.." she paused. "I see. I am cursed with you hating me forever." T'Nae paused as she suddenly began eating her food that was on the plate before her.

"You are not her... But it's not easy for me to look at you and not see her face." Duval explained as he likewise began eating his own food as well.

A short time later, the two of them were finished with their food. "We should head back to your place," T'Nae commented softly.

"Why?" Duval inquired of her.

"So I can help you," T'Nae responded. "She was vile, evil. She committed unforgivable crimes but let me help you. Let me help you with the baggage.."

Duval paused. "I don't know.." he sighed softly.

T'Nae regarded Duval as she grasped his plate before she rose to her feet and then she cleared their table, she went over to the replicator and recycled the waste of their meals before she turned to watch Duval in silence for a moment.

Duval sighed as he thought about her offer. 'After she does it, she can leave and never bother me again.' he thought to himself before T'Nae came back over. "Okay... After this. I want you gone and never in my life again."

T'Nae felt the sting of his words, she was being blamed for actions not her own. "Very well, as you wish." The anguish in her tone was clear as day as the tall Vulcan female responded, knowing fully well that this was the best she was ever going to get, she rose to her feet and followed him out the door, their destination was his suite of rooms. Duval had not expected her to take it poorly, he had expected the cold tone of Vulcan logic and the end of the matter but not this.

A few minutes went by before the two reached their destination. Once inside T'Nae slipped off her jacket and boots while Duval did the same.
T'Nae looked around. "Where should we do this?"

"In the bedroom," Duval answered quietly. "It's this way."

T'Nae followed in silence before she inquired about the bathroom. "This might take some time so I want to be fully prepared," she explained.

"Down the hall, the last door on the left," Duval responded.

T'Nae moved down the hallway, finding her destination moments later as Duval sighed softly. 'Is this a good idea?' he asked himself.

'No.' he answered his own question. 'Let's get this over with.' he added a moment later while he waited for T'Nae to return.


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