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The End of the Road - Part One

Posted on Fri Mar 13th, 2020 @ 2:09am by Lieutenant Colonel Tienn Nerra
Edited on on Fri Mar 13th, 2020 @ 2:23am

Mission: Mission 94: Shattered Shields and Crack'd Swords
Location: Various Locations - Starbase 12
Timeline: 1800Hrs - June 16th, 2392

Major Tienn Nerra accepted the small child from his father. "Okay. I'll babysit him for you," she commented as she regarded the man who was a half foot taller then she herself was, she knew that Jack Ash-tor had wanted to bed her while they were serving together on the Shadow and while his wife had very nearly succeeded, he hadn't made any serious moves at that point, however since the death of his wife, he had made several moves on Tienn. None of which had gone anywhere as she was simply not interested in him.

Had Tienn known what was coming, she would have tried something, anything to avoid the tragedy that would ensue. She slid the duffel over her shoulders, it carried everything that Alex would need for a night at a friends house, diapers, clothing, and food.

What Tienn did not know was that everything Alex owned, was now contained inside the duffel bag she was carrying. She nodded. "Don't worry about a thing. I'll look after little Alex." she turned her attention to the small infant in her arms. "Ain't that right little guy?"

"Yaa yaaah," Alex responded as only a toddler could as Nerra regarded Jack. "You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm just. tired. It's been a long time since I've had a... a decent nights sleep." Ash-tor answered quietly.

"Okay, call me if you need anything," Tienn answered before she turned away, carrying the young infant in her arms, out the door and away from his father. The pregnant woman moved off down the hallway in silence, the toddler in her arms. "Come on Alex. Let's go eat dinner. Auntie Tienn is hungry. My other kids are hungry too" Tienn said to Alex.

Meanwhile, back in his quarters. Jack sighed softly before he decided to finish his last preparations. He went over to the kitchen table where he sat down, he grasped the bottle of whiskey that he had placed there earlier. Now he proceeded to drain a mouthful of the vile, noxious liquid, he swallowed as he frowned. "Gods. I hate this slop," he muttered to himself.

Ash-tor sighed softly as he lifted the second item on the table before he poured himself a glass of whiskey. "Ahh... Lily. Why did you have to die?" he muttered aloud. "Well it doesn't matter anyway.." he added in a soft tone of voice. The container in his right hand was a container of sleeping pills and he now planned to use them before he could change his mind.

Ash-tor peeled open the container and poured several of the pills contained within into the glass, he frowned before pouring more and more, before he drained the entire glass in one smooth motion, he then refilled his glass and carried on with the same.

It wasn't until he felt a wave of what he guessed was exhaustion sweep over him, he finished off the bottle and the last of the sleeping pills.

Ash-tor staggered up to his feet, he felt so tired, so sleepy and all he wanted to do was give in and sleep so he sat on the sofa and closed his eyes, he would never open then again as his body overdosed on sleeping medication and affected by alcohol.

Just two minutes after Lieutenant Ash-tor had expired. Tienn Nerra contacted him as she wanted to know if Alex would need any medication because she did not know if she had any allergies.

The small Bajoran had gotten back to her quarters where she had proceeded to gently put the sleeping child to bed, he was sleeping in her room, in her bed as Tienn had closed the door before checking the large duffel that she had brought with her. No sign of anything regarding allergies.

"Tienn to Ash-tor?" the small Bajoran frowned as she thought that this was taking a little too long, he normally answered right away. "Jack?" she inquired a moment later. Tienn's frown widened as she knew he would have deactivated the com system if he were in the bathroom or in the shower. Tienn paused a moment. "Jack, you there... you okay?" she inquired.

Balin had been sitting at the kitchen table, still learning how to count, he spent so much of his time doing this that Tienn often wondered if he was overcompensating for something else, that being that he was protective of her and the other children. He said he wasn't but Tienn knew otherwise, he was bigger then she was and stronger too.

Tienn paused before she decided to press ahead with her concerns. "Tienn to security?" she inquired.

"Security here. Go ahead Ten?" came a male voice that was instantly soothing to her. But he did mispronounce her name, which was 'Tee'yen' and not the number ten but the Bajoran couldn't be bothered to correct the mistake.

"Umm yes, Hi." the Bajoran woman instantly felt stupid but she pressed ahead with her issues nonetheless. "I'm trying to get ahold of Lieutenant Ash-tor, he's in guest quarters One-Fifteen Alpha-Seven Quebec," she explained. "I can't get ahold of him and while the com might be down, I'm worried about him. It could be me overreacting but I'd like to be sure. Could you send someone to look in on him?"

"Willdo Major. We're on it." came the response she was not expecting.

"Thanks. I'm babysitting his son and I can't really leave him here or my other children either," she commented

Balin regarded her in silence as he got up and came over to her. The security personnel responded. "That's understandable. Leave it with us, Major, we're on it. Security Annex out." and with that, the com went silent.


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