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You Two Again - Part Three

Posted on Thu Mar 19th, 2020 @ 5:38am by Lieutenant Commander Belex Amedi-Emerson & Lieutenant Commander Martin Emerson & Lieutenant Commander Michael Emerson & Commander Alexa Emerson

Mission: Mission 100: I'm Going to Ruin Somebody's Day
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1410Hrs - July 12th, 2393

Lieutenant Alexa Emerson smiled as she gently helped her husband to bed. "Easy. Michael." she gently soothed him his face and head was wrapped in bandages as the wounds needed time to heal and his eyes needed time to adjust to their new environment.

Alexa was suddenly happy that her husband couldn't see her at this present moment in time, she was sure she looked terrible with the fact that she had not stopped weeping for the last several hours, she had made plenty of kindling of her resentment and this only fanned the flames of hatred. "I will make them pay for this," Emerson muttered under her breath before she brushed her long mane of dark chestnut colored hair out of her face, she was referring to the spacedock engineers who had screwed up.

"Let it go. Alexa... Don't let this get to you on an emotional level. Letting the kids see their dad like this was hard enough. We don't need you going out for vengeance." Emerson said quietly before letting out a deep breathe.

"They cannot be allowed to get away with this," Emerson answered her husband, a dark tone of voice in her response.

"Oh, don't you worry. Those fools don't belong in Starfleet. I think their careers are toast after this." Emerson sighed softly. "They won't be getting away with anything," Michael growled softly. "My father once told me that peace was like a dream. Beautiful, ephemeral, unattainable. I didn't listen to him, none of us listened and now the HDA is running their mouths.."

Alexa Emerson nodded her head. "We've made kindling from our resentment, stirred the embers of discontent, just waiting for a single spark to set the whole universe aflame and I'm gonna sit back and laugh when it does.."

Emerson regarded her as he turned his head as if he could see her. "You ever wonder if the HDA is right about humanity?" he inquired of her. "That we are being denied what is rightfully ours?"

"I don't know anymore," Emerson whispered softly. "I used to think that Starfleet officers were held to a higher standard than most but I don't know anymore." she sighed softly.

Emerson responded to his wife's depression, her grief. "Alexa. don't think I'm okay with this, I'm not. I'm going to look into what went wrong and deal with it."

Alexa Emerson sat down on the bed next to her husband, he was wearing a pair of shorts as Alexa had helped him to change out of his uniform before she helped him to bed, she knew his eyes would adjust overnight, she was not fine with all of this but she knew that Michael would be up and about soon enough.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and with the kids being out, spending the night at a family friends place, it fell to her to answer the door. "I'll be back," Emerson gently kissed her husband on the lips, while she reassured her husband as she rose and departed the bedroom.

"It's Open!" Emerson called, the door opened and in walked a human male and a Bolian female, both she knew rather well as this was her brother and sister in law. "Hey, guys, what brings you two here?" Alexa commented evenly.

"We heard what happened to Mike. Is he alright?" Martin inquired. "How are you doing Alexa?" the Bolian female inquired after her husband did.

"He's in bed at the present time. What can I get you guys?" Alexa was always happy to see family, especially at times like this.

"Oh nonono." Martin smiled at Alexa. "If my wife-" he indicated Belex as he spoke. "-Ever found out I had you waiting for me at a time like this, she'd kick my ass clear across Avalon's saucer section."

"Yes, I would, I would also enjoy it" Belex commented with a smile. "We came because the Avalon was here, dropping off a consignment of hull plating for some of the new ships and the skipper was kind enough to give us a few hours of leave time." Martin Emerson explained their presence before Alexa at this point in time.

"Well, all the same, its good to see you guys. Michael is in the main bedroom. You guys can go see him." Alexa responded, a gentle smile on her lips.

"Thanks, Alexa," Martin answered before he knocked on the door to the master bedroom, as expected, a male voice from within answered. "Enter."

Martin went in, the lights were down low but the younger Emerson could easily see his brother. "Mike, what happened?"

"An explosion happened to me, it was debris that took off a chunk of my face and destroyed both my eyes. I needed biosynthetic replacements, that's why I look like this." Michael Emerson explained.

"Tell me you are gonna be okay?" Martin responded hotly.

"Oh yes." the elder Emerson answered quietly. "I'll be back up and about in the morning after my new eyes adjust."

"Well, that's good to know Mike. I was worried if you had a run in with some nutcase." he paused. "I don't know if I could stop Belex from murdering whoever it was, or Alexa for that matter."

"No, there is no need, to be honest, and Belex will look after her kin," Michael answered. "That's why you fell for her." Mike smiled. "Nothing like a woman who can keep up with you. That's why I fell for Alexa."

Just them the Bolian female of the little group entered. "Michael. What in Valens name happened to you?" Belex asked, in a soft and gentle tone of voice.

"An explosion happened to me, from what Alexa and her cronies were able to tell, it looks like a yard screwup but I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, I'm told that security is looking into the matter but it's not a big deal. I'm alive and that's what important."

Belex Amedi-Emerson smiled as she regarded her brother in law. "Mike, you are more forgiving them I could be in your place. I don't know how I'd deal with this." the Bolian female spoke softly.

"Well. I refuse to let it become a major issue. I'll face this issue like I have everything else and its gonna be okay. I have to believe that."

Belex smiled as she sat down on the bed. "Easy champ," she said as Michael moved suddenly, Alexa cursed herself silently as she was too far away but Belex caught her brother in law from falling out of the bed. "Easy big man," she commented as she gently steadied him, she had not been expecting him to wear so little, however.

"Thanks, Belex. I didn't realize I was that close to the edge of the bed," he commented to his sister in law, he knew the woman in his embrace was not Alexa, her scent and perfume were all wrong and she had a different accent then Alexa.

Belex smiled as she gently handed Michael off to her sister in law. "It's okay Mike. I'm sorry." the Bolian female commented softly.

"It's okay. I'm blind. Such things are to be expected. At least the kids-" the foursome present all cringed at that thought as they all considered it. "-Aren't present to see this issue," Micahel explained before he smiled.

"You sure you're okay?" Belex inquired. "With everything that's happened?"

"Yes. I'll be alright, once my eyes adjust to their new settings. I was told to cover them up and take the bandages off after I was in total darkness for about ten minutes, then turn up the light slowly." Emerson explained to the group.

Martin nodded. "Alright, then we'll let you do exactly that then. It's good to see you awake Mike."

"Aye, you too Martin." as Micahel sat down on the bed. "I'll be okay Alexa." he shifted his attention to his wife, almost as if he could see the look on her face or know what she was thinking. "Go on, let these two take your mind off your troubles. Hopefully, I'll be out soon."

Martin nodded before he departed as Belex, gently took Alexa's hand on her own before she gently tugged the human female after her. "Alexa, let me tell you about the one time that Martin's quest for life got the better of him." the Bolian explained as she closed the door behind her, sealing off the light as Michael smiled to himself. "Computer, start the timer. Alert me at ten minutes from mark. Mark."

"Understood. Timer running."

Michael then settled in to snooze for the time remaining to him.


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