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Torilla Returns: Brothers in Arms

Posted on Thu Mar 12th, 2020 @ 5:08am by Commander Ennis Cullen & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 87: Torilla Returns
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 1400Hrs May 28th, 2392

Lieutenant Kameron Yamaguchi went down the hallways towards the lounge, he wanted something to eat before finishing off his shift, the young man sighed as he pushed his anger away for the umpteenth time that afternoon. He rounded the corner as another figure came around the same corner. "Ahh. Kameron." Lieutenant Ennis Cullen commented. "Fancy meeting you here?"

"Yeah... What's up?" Kameron growled softly.

"Oh you know, the usual. Keeping my wife and patients happy. I swear either one is a full-time job but my wife comes first and since you are my brother now. I feel it worth my time to make sure my family and relatives are alright."

"How?" Kameron asked softly. "My own family hardly speaks to me, My sister has promised me and my wife harm, my mother doesn't want anything to do with me in an act of unmitigated spite because I told my father to fuck off after what happened to James and now Torilla is dead."

Ennis knew that this was a man who was highly angry with the world at the present time and while he himself had his own issues, he would listen if Kameron wished to vent. "Go on?"

"There really isn't much to really say.." Kameron responded before he could say anything else as the two entered the lounge.

"That's a matter of opinion." Cullen regarded his brother in law since he was married to his wife's older sibling.

"No that's a matter of fact, Ennis," Kameron responded hotly. "Everyone I get close dies on me. I knew that at some point, one of Elizabeth's family was gonna die in this insane fight. What exactly are we fighting for anyway?"

"We're helping the Gorn to liberate themselves."

"Since when do we get involved in other peoples fucking disputes?" Kameron inquired. "Their pissing contest didn't concern us, we were asked and we should have said no. We don't have the resources to start wasting on other people's wars, let alone deal with the refugee crisis inside Federation space. We have billions of homeless and we're resettling a lot of people and spending far too many resources on them."

Cullen held his silence as he could tell that more than a few people in the lounge agreed with Yamaguchi, either directly with loud shouts of approval or silently with the looks on their faces. So Ennis knew he had to be careful. "So.. What would you prefer then Kameron?. A hostile Klingon Empire on our very doorstep because that was the next logical move." Cullen responded. "Once the Empire was finished with the Gorn, we were going to be next on their bucket list." he paused. "Don't stand there and tell me that you are that ignorant!"

Yamaguchi was in an angry mood and he wasn't thinking coherently, that was obvious and even more so to those who knew him. "Well. our friends and family members would still be alive if we had not gotten ourselves into this stupid war." he snapped back at Cullen.

"I'm going to get myself a drink. Let me know when you calm down.." and with that Cullen turned and went over to the bar, shaking his head as he did so.

Yamaguchi meanwhile went over to the replicator and ordered himself something to eat. he was so angry that one could almost see the smoke coming from his ears so he went over to the bar, sitting down next to Cullen who was finishing his first drink. "Two more please.. and a glass of whiskey, malt," he commented. "I'm buying him-" Cullen indicated Yamaguchi with a roll of his hand and a thumb "-a drink."

The bartender regarded Cullen in silence before he nodded. "Suit yourself mate."

Cullen knew exactly why the man was leery about it and in truth, he didn't blame him. "Kam. I'm gonna ask you bluntly... Do I need to talk to Commander Kingston on your behalf?"

"No. I don't need or want therapy." Yamaguchi growled softly.

"Yes. You really do." Cullen responded. "I'm not the telepath in my family. Rachael is, but I sometimes moonlight as her therapist. Besides, it has been a great help to us both."

"You shouldn't get involved in the affairs of others," Yamaguchi responded darkly as the drink was placed in front of him. Kameron lifted it and downed it in one smooth go. "Mm.. good." he paused. "People come into my life, I get to know them, I come to give a shit about them, then they die and I'm getting right sick of it," he growled at Cullen.

Cullen meanwhile finished his glass of water. "Sounds like Science isn't working out for you Kam. Why did you leave Starfighters anyway?"

"Because I wanted to give Elizabeth a husband along with our kids," Yamaguchi responded. "I didn't wanna leave her a widow.."

"So you gave up your chosen career just to keep your wife happy. Well now, that's deep." Cullen responded. "I wouldn't give up medicine to keep Rachael happy, but she and I discussed it before she made her choice to walk away from Starfighters... But you know what?. I'm going to encourage her to remain current on starfighters and other craft. To expand her certification so she can be more useful elsewhere. I didn't want her to stop flying but she did for the kids." he paused. "There are other professions and career paths you can choose. Tactical is a good one."

"Tactical" Yamaguchi paused. "I'll need to get certified and the like. But yeah, that could work for me. I get to blow things up." he responded.

"That's one way to do it and if it works then great," Cullen responded quietly. "But do it because you want to do it and not because you want vengeance." he finished his last drink. "Thanks, James." Cullen then got up. "Kam. I respect you but you do need help. Elizabeth does too. More than she's admitting. I know because I work with her.. and I've gotten pretty good at reading my fellow medics.." he shrugged. "It's your option but I'd recommend you at least, consider it. Anyway. I gotta go back to work." and with that Cullen took his leave of the lounge, heading back to the transporter room so he could go back to the USS Tranquility.


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