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The Cardassian Neo-Nazi - Part Two

Posted on Thu Mar 19th, 2020 @ 5:04am by Division Admiral April Dragon & Lieutenant Taselle Dragon

Mission: Mission 100: I'm Going to Ruin Somebody's Day
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1338Hrs - July 12th, 2393

A short time later, Dragon was numb from being zapped over a dozen times with the torture device when suddenly she found herself being blinded by several lights. "How many lights are there?"

Dragon blinked her eyes. "I see... four.. lights.." she gasped.

"No, there are five lights," Taselle responded in a snide tone, she sighed as she tapped the display once, sending a surge of pain through April's chest, this elicited a scream from Dragon yet again.

"Foolish human, when will you learn you cannot win against me," Taselle answered with a rather cruel smile.

"Pitiful really... Torture has never been a reliable method of extracting information, one wonders why it's still practiced." Dragon answered as a whisper as Taselle smiled. "I will leave you here to sleep, I will come for you tomorrow." she rose to her feet before she walked out of the room, leaving Dragon alone.

"Captain Dragon" as she suddenly woke up to find herself lying on a cold stone floor, she shivered as she felt cold, but she couldn't see as she had a blindfold tied about her eyes. "I demand to see a neutral representative as required by the Federation-Cardassian peace treaty," she growled softly.

Taselle removed the blindfold as the two guards left the two women alone.

Taselle nodded as she began to explain herself. "We have already sent a message to Tohvun Three, the nearest neutral planet. They assure us they will dispatch someone immediately. Will you allow me to remove your restraints?." Dragon slowly held up her hands. "I understand that you are a student of engineering. What can I offer you to ensure your cooperation?" she inquired.

"Honestly?" Dragon answered. "What I would like, is to be returned to my ship."

Taselle grinned at the other woman. "My dear Captain, you are a criminal. You were reported as resisting your lawful arrest. The least that will happen is for you to stand trial and be punished. But I am offering you the opportunity for that experience to be civilized." she commented. "If not then that's fine too."

"Dragon regarded the woman she once called her daughter. "What is the price of that opportunity?" she already knew but she wanted to hear it.

"Taselle knew what she wanted so she gave it willingly. "Cooperation. We need to know the Federation's defense strategy for Minos Korva. "

"You've injected me with drugs. Surely you must realize that I've already answered truthfully every question you've put to me." Dragon answered,

Taselle sighed as she rolled her eyes. "Captain, we have gone to great lengths to lure you here because we know that in the event of an invasion, the Farragut will be the command ship for the sector encompassing Minos Korva, you are her escort."

"Then it seems you have more knowledge of the situation than I." Dragon answered.

Suddenly the door opens and in comes two guards, they rush in and seize hold of April as she began to fight with them.

"Wasted energy, Captain. You might come to wish you hadn't expended it in such a futile effort." Taselle watched as Dragon decked one of the guards with her feet as she drove her foot into his groin, she noted the guard and would have him disciplined for this.

"Torture is expressly forbidden by the terms of the Seldonis Four convention governing the treatment of prisoners of war." Dragon growled as the second guard belted her across the face, she then spat out a mouthful of blood in his face before he drives his knee into her abdomen.

"Enough." Taselle was getting annoyed, it was showing too as she tapped a few keys on her desk, a metal piece is lowered from the ceiling, and Taselle takes a knife from her desk. "Are you in good health? Do you have any physical ailments I should know about?" she asked before she displayed the knife. "Beautiful, isn't it? The stone is jevonite. And now you know why it is so highly prized. From this point on, you will enjoy no privilege of rank, no privileges of person. From now on, I will refer to you only as human. You have no other identity." Taselle hissed softly at the other woman.

Taselle then proceeded to cut Dragon's clothes off and leaves them around her ankles. Now naked, her hands were manacled and attached to the metal piece above her head. Then the piece is raised so Dragon is hanging just above the floor. In other words, a form of crucifixion. Dragon groaned softly as she found herself being left alone for the night.

Dragon is suddenly lowered back to the floor, her feet touched the floor and her knees bent before she tumbled over and landed in a heap on the floor.

"Good morning. I trust you slept well?" Taselle inquired with a smile on her lips

Dragon sighed as she slowly climbed back to her feet as Taselle pours a drink from a flask as her left elbow.

"Thirsty? I would imagine so. Well, It's time to move on." Taselle responded as she drained the drink she had poured for herself.

"I've told you all that I know." Dragon answered.

Taselle nodded in a dismissive gesture. "Yes, I'm sure you have." She activated the system behind her as four spotlights behind his desk activated. "How many lights do you see there?" she inquired.

"I see four lights." Dragon answered.

"No, there are five. Are you quite sure?." Taselle answered before she asked her own question.

"There are four lights." Dragon sounded surer of herself.

Taselle sighed softly. "Perhaps you're aware of the incision on your chest. While you were under the influence of our drugs, you were implanted with a small device. It's a remarkable invention. By entering commands in this PADD, I can produce pain in any part of your body at various levels of severity. Forgive me. I don't enjoy this but I must demonstrate. It will make everything clearer." as she tapped the display.

Dragon whimpered as she fell to her knees in agony.

"Surprising, isn't it? Most people feel at first that they can steel themselves against it but they're completely unprepared for the intensity of the pain. That was the lowest possible setting." Taselle smiled. "You can either answer me truthfully or suffer."

"I know nothing about Minos Korva." Dragon groaned, still in pain.

"But I've told you that I believe you. I didn't ask you about Minos Korva. I asked how many lights you see." Taselle smiled as she knew she was going to enjoy this.

"There are four lights." Dragon answered a third time.

Taselle shook her head. "I don't understand how you can be so mistaken." before she rose to her feet and walked out of her office, a moment later Dragon rose to her feet as she had been left alone with the agoniser control pad. She lifted it before she smashed it against the desk several times as Tasselle returned.

"That won't help. I have many more." Taselle responded.

"Still, it felt good." Dragon answered

Taselle grinned. "Enjoy your good feelings while you can. There may not be many more of them. I've just received word. There's been a battle. The Farragut and the Morningstar are both burning in space. The invasion of Minos Korva has been successful." as she announced the triumph.

"I don't believe you." Dragon answered bluntly.

"Your belief is irrelevant. There's no need for any further information from you. Our troops were successful in spite of your refusal to help me. You might have saved yourself a great deal of torment by yielding at the beginning." Taselle waved her hand in a dismissive gesture.

"I want to see a neutral representative." Dragon answered.

"There is no such person. The word will be that you perished with your crew. No one will ever know that you are here with us, as you will be for a long, long time. You do, however, have a choice. You can live out your life in misery, held here, subject to my whims, or you can live in comfort with good food and warm clothing, women as you desire them, allowed to pursue your studies of philosophy and history. I would enjoy debating with you. You have a keen mind. It's up to you. A life of ease, of reflection and intellectual challenge, or this." Taselle presented her choice.

"What must I do?" Dragon sighed.

Taselle smiled "Nothing, really. Tell me how many lights you see. How many? How many lights? This is your last chance. The guards are coming. Don't be a stubborn fool. How many?"

A male Cardassian suddenly entered as the Cardassian male Gul growled. "You told me she would be ready to go."

"We had some unfinished business," Taselle answered.

The Cardassian male sighed as he snarled at Taselle. "Get her cleaned up. A ship is waiting to take her back to the Farragut." he turned to Dragon. "Captain Dragon, if you'll go with the guards, they'll take care of you.

There are four lights!" Dragon roared as she walked away with the two guards.


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