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Gauntlet Thrown

Posted on Tue Mar 10th, 2020 @ 6:04am by Lieutenant Colonel Tienn Nerra & Commander K'taro
Edited on on Tue Mar 10th, 2020 @ 6:04am

Mission: Mission 69: Tienn's Fall from Grace
Location: IKS Hurgh maS/ Watchman Station
Timeline: 1300Hrs - April 21st, 2392

K'taro, Rog'n, Ktala, and Gedlr sat at the table in the great hall of the IKS Hurgh maS. K'taro had a plate load of tentacles he hardly touched. Gedlr was eating a large claw of some sort of crustacean. K'tala was chewing the meat of Targ ribs. Rog'n was eating a large bowl of gagh. All were washing their meals down with warnog.

Rog'n, who was unusual for a Klingon in that he was blonde, looked up from his food and took a gulp of warnog. He was arrogant and when it came to K'taro had a chip on his shoulder. When Rog'n was first assigned to the Hurgh maS. K'taro had corrected him on proper weapons station protocol. Even though K'taro was correct and never made an issue of it later, it still bothered Rog'n. He wanted revenge but dare not do anything. K'taro was his superior in blade use and any slight by Rog'n would have ended in a challenge. A challenge was Rog'n was sure to lose. But now K'taro had been censored by Kralasha. Rog'n knew K'taro would not try anything.

"So Commander, a mere Bajoran bested you in combat?" Rog'n asked K'taro coyly.

"You heard wrong, youngster. Shut your mouth and finish your meal." K'taro replied with his head down.

Rog'n looked over at Gedlr and gave him a smirk. Gedlr held back his laughter. "She was a Bajoran. A short, female Bajoran." Rog'n continued. "Probably not even strong enough to lift a bat'leth."

"She was very good at close quarters fighting!" K'taro shot back.

"Oh!" Rog'n's eyes widened as he feigned surprise. "So she did beat you?" Gedlr could not control laughing at Rog'n's antics.

K'taro looked up from his plate. "I told you to hold your tongue." He threatened.

"My pardons Commander. I had no idea that short, female Bajorans were such a threat. And where did this master at arms work? Oh yes, in logistics. You know what they say, Star Fleet logistics is the final line of defense. I mean, if I were looking for a challenge that is where I would seek out a worthy foe, logistics."

At that Gedlr started to howl in laughter. Even Ktala couldn't restrain herself. K'taro had finally had enough. He stood up and went over to Rog'n, who was just looking at K'taro with a smirk. K'taro then took Rog'n's head and forced it into the bowl of gagh.

As K'taro was holding Rog'n's face down, Ktala finally spoke up. "That is enough K'taro." She told him while grinning. K'taro continued to hold the younger warriors face down as he tried in vain to break free. Ktala became more serious. "You might kill him! Let him up!" Ktala pleaded with him.

K'taro remained silent and continued his activities. Gedlr stood up and drew his Dak'tag. He moved closer and threatened K'taro. "Stop now or I'll hurt you!"

In one solid motion with his left arm, K'taro grabbed Gedlr's arm with the Dak'tag and forced the blade into the table. He then quickly smashed his elbow up below Gedlr's jaw. Gedlr fell backward with blood spewing from his mouth.

"Enough!" Ktala yelled has she tried to pull K'taro off Rog'n. K'taro pushed her off and punched her straight in the nose. Ktala stumbled back and slumped against the wall, blood flowing from her nose.

That made K'taro stop. He liked Ktala and really had never any reason to hurt her. He released his grip on Rog'n. The blonde-haired Klingon pulled his head up and he yelled in pain as he started to pull the gagh off, as they were busy biting into his face. K'taro took his arm and sweep all the ware on the table onto the deck. He then stormed out.

He went to the transporter room and went over to Watchman Station. He was greeted with caution in the transporter room but the operators saw no reason to stop him. As K'taro was walking along the promenade he stopped a human tech.

"Excuse me, can you call for a crewman named Tienn Nerra?" K'taro tried to ask politely.

"Oh, no, sorry. I cannot do that Sir." He politely responded to the Klingon.

K'taro lifted the tech and pinned him to a bulkhead. "Ask where she is, now." He ordered in a low but threatening voice, his patience with this situation was truly exhausted.

"Computer: where is Tienn Nerra?" He nervously asked.

"Major Tienn Nerra is in Cargo Bay 8." The computer replied.

K'taro dropped the tech and headed towards the cargo bay. The tech tapped his combadge again. "Robart to Tienn Nerra, watch out! There is an angry Klingon headed your way!"

The response came back instantly. "Tienn here. "Thanks, Robert. I'll be ready for him." in truth Tienn had no idea of who Robert was but she wasn't about to be mean to someone who was doing her a favor but she sighed dramatically, she knew who this Klingon was going to be.

She heard the door open and in walked K'taro. She was standing in the center of the large warehouse as the Bajoran woman handed a PADD to one of her subordinates. "Call security, but do it quietly... Someone's about to get killed," she said quietly. "It'll probably be me.."

"Right away Major."

"Thanks, John." and with that, the human turned away, but he watched the Klingon advance on Tienn as she turned her attention down to the PADD in her hands. "Can I not get one day's work done around here.." as she looked at K'Taro. "Yes, Commander... You look disgruntled. I assume you are here to kill me?" she inquired with a cool expression on her face as she slowly blinked her eyes.

"Kill you?" K'taro asked. "Don't be melodramatic. I am here to challenge you to a formal duel."

Tienn looked up at him, as she had a rather surprised look on her face. "Challenge me... to what end Commander?"

"To a duel. To establish which one of us is the better warrior." K'taro replied.

Tienn sighed softly, in truth she wanted to scream while the door opened and in came several security guards, who all more or less began glaring at him. Tienn sighed. "No.," she said bluntly. "There will be no challenge... There had to be other ways to resolve our differences than fighting all the time... It's all I ever seem to do with other people.." she sighed as her control disintegrated. "Okay. Fine... you know what... If it's a duel you want... fine... I'll give you one... When and where?"

A smile crossed K'taro's face. "Since I am the challenger, you may choose the time and place."

Tienn regarded him, a look in her eye. "Fine... Marine combat training area. Four hours from now.."

"Very well. I will return in four hours." K'taro told her. He then turned and left.


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