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The New Furry Chief of the Battlegroup

Posted on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 @ 6:59am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Company Sergeant Major Jeffery "The Mountain" Duval & Grand Admiral Chenoa "Dawn" Veres

Mission: Mission 81: They Shall Have Wars and Pay for their resumption
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 0800Hrs - April 10th, 2392

Fleet Master Chief Petty Officer Dawn Veres was a small snow leopard. She looked around the transporter room as the Chief regarded her, her two cases at her feet and the bag next to her right foot.

"Tell me something... Ummm Chief?"

Veres regarded the Chief with a smile. "Whats that?"

"Why do you have a human name?"

Veres chuckled softly. "Thats because I was raised by humans from a very young age." Veres explained evenly.

"Oh.. I was just curious." the man responded.

"Energize Chief." Veres found herself being transported over to the USS Roanoke, she found herself standing before a being she didn't know in a transporter room she didn't recognize but it was one from an older class of ship presently in service. "Commander. Permission to come aboard?" Veres asked.

Lasky was standing before her. "Granted. Welcome aboard Master Chief.. The skipper is waiting for you in his office." Lasky commented. "Leave your stuff here. I'll have the Chief move them to your new home."

"Right rr.. yes Commander." Veres responded before she followed Lasky out the door.

The two entered a turbolift. "So... tell me a little about yourself?"

"Oh... Well lets see." Veres started. "I'm single, not looking, I have lots of nieces and nephews." she commented as she looked up at him. "I take an hour to brush my fur and while I was raised by humans, I am not human.."

Lasky nodded. "I had that thought."

"Indeed?" Veres responded. "Why is that?"

"You have a human name..."

"I do... My folks took great care to educate me in how to be a Caitian and not a human, a fact that I will always be grateful about." the smaller being said as the doors opened, the two walked into a hallway and through a set of double doors onto the bridge, they then crossed through the bridge and into Teval's office.

Lasky indicated Teval. "Teval, meet Dawn Veres... Dawn. meet Teval."

Teval, whom had once again found his work interrupted by Silversnow planting herself on his computer looked up at the new arrival. "Hey, and what is your position in the battlegroup supposed to be?"

"I'm your new Task Force Command Master Chief, I replace someone named Jeffrey Duval in the posting." she explained evenly.

Teval nodded while Silversnow looked up at the new arrival and gave a loud meow, Teval then continued. "Well I know Jeff was getting bored of the position, he was anxious to get back to a marine line unit. But either way, welcome aboard."

Veres regarded the small feline before she gently offered her hand so the cat could accept her, she then gently ran her fingers through the cats fur. "Well I can't really say that I blame him... I have read some of the stories about this ship... and they vary wildly from a flying circus to a merry band of sex-starved fanatics."

Teval wasn't sure if he wanted to defend the crew or not, so he replied. "Yeah we have had our fair share of incidents. but I would like to think we have gotten them under control."

Veres chuckled softly which at times came across as a wwoofing sound. "Well if it does happen again. I hope someone will be gentle when they mate with me." the small Caitian responded almost cheerfully.

Teval raised an eyebrow. "You almost sound as if you want to participate in one of these crazy events."

"That is actually a matter for debate... But.. Considering how often it seems to happen around here..." the small Caitian simply shrugged. "I might as well prepare for it."

Teval shrugged. "Well if you want to avoid it, don't touch Nalla Furban."

"Who is Nalla Furban?" Veres inquired softly. "Is she the ships whore?"

Teval gave her a look," No, she is a Deltan Betazed hybrid and ships CMO. She has pretty much no control over her Deltan abilities. So touch her and you can expect to be super horny for hours. though you are furry like me, so the fur does offer some protection."

Veres slowly smiled. "Lovely." she responded. "So... no touching baldy. Okay.." the Caitian female responded. "So... Is there anything else for us to chat about?" she inquired.

Teval shrugged," I have nothing really to add right now."

"Alright.." Veres responded. "Well... I'd best go settle in so I can start work." and with that she rose to her paws and departed in silence.


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