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Sleepless in Trondheim

Posted on Thu Mar 19th, 2020 @ 9:38am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Commander Tienn Iteela

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 0300Hrs - July 22nd, 2393

Division Admiral Tom Lasky blinked awake, he had deliberately gone to bed very early, skipping out on sex with his wife which was something they both enjoyed but Tom knew his wife had been deeply angered by Tienn's actions regarding her son, he had known that talking Plataea out of taking revenge on the Bajoran in question was going to be a major issue for them both to resolve.

Lasky turned his head, the light was low as Plataea regarded him with her brown eyes in silence, clearly, she was wide awake waiting for him. "Tom," she commented with a rather evil smile. "Good morning," she added, almost as a purr.

"Plataea, what are you doing awake?"Lasky had a feeling he knew why she was awake but then he was very blunt about things and did not do well in being subtle, it was something he had taught Elizabeth and Kameron with their martial arts studies. Lasky regarded his wife in silence.

"Well, I feel cheated. You're going off to deal with that Bajoran screwball and I'm going to bed alone." the pregnant female answered. "I feel vengeance must be had for this travesty," she commented. "So, if you fail to deal with her. I will take her to bed and fuck her brains out," she commented evenly.

"Somehow, I don't think she's going to enjoy this," Lasky commented.

"She will not," Lasky answered her husband. "I will, however." as she gave her husband a rather evil glare. "But before you go, I want something from you first." as she licked her lips.

Lasky smiled. "Somehow I figured as much." as he gently peeled off her nightdress before he pulled her into his arms, he then kissed her on the lips before he gave her what she wanted.

About twenty minutes later, Lasky smiled as he slipped on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt, while Plataea went off to sleep, now a happy woman that she had gotten what she wished from her husband, which was fifteen minutes of mindless angry sex. Lasky pulled on a pair of sneakers before he departed the home he shared with his wife and sons. He made his way towards his destination which he reached about ten minutes later.

Lasky nodded to the young female behind the desk. "Hello. I'd like to talk to Doctor Tienn please, no I do not have an appointment."

"Okay, could I get your name please?"

"Tom Lasky," Lasky answered with a slight smile.

The young woman suddenly went from jovial to afraid, in one smooth motion. "Wait, as in Division Admiral Tom Lasky?" she regarded him as he nodded. "That's me."

"Okay. Well, I umm... Alright, I'll let her know you are here and wanting to see her." the young woman responded as she tapped the display before her a few times. Tienn Iteela was seated in her office as she had a lengthy break tonight and she wanted to catch up on some of her paperwork when suddenly the display lit up with her presence being needed at the front desk as Admiral Lasky wanted to speak with her. Tienn had a bad feeling of what this was about but as an Admiral, he could more or less compel her attendance and she could do little about it.

The tall Bajoran rose to her feet and resolved to see what it was the Admiral wanted her for. She reached the front desk about a minute or so later. "You wanted me, Admiral?"

Lasky regarded Tienn with a pensive look in his eye for a moment. "Yes, is there somewhere where we can go and talk?" Lasky inquired after a moment of silence.

"Yeah, follow me." Tienn turned and walked off. Lasky followed in silence.

The two entered an office which was not being used before Tienn closed the door. Lasky regarded her in silence as he selected a chair before taking a seat. "I thought it was time we chatted. I've not seen you in a while," he commented.

"You don't chat, you command, you don't see people, you order them around," Tienn answered. "I feel cornered."

"Now why is that Tienn?" Lasky answered evenly.

"Admiral, I have known you long enough to know that you do not ask leading questions without knowing where the conversation is going. So let's just pretend that I've lied about it, you've caught me in your web of ineluctable logic and cut to the point the matter before us."

"You don't wanna talk to me Tienn because you knew that sooner or later. I was going to get dragged into your mess. Now, what was it that went wrong between you two?" Lasky inquired as he regarded her. "I would prefer to deal with you quietly as one person to another because I do not need to make things official." Lasky regarded her in silence for a moment. "But I will if you require it."

"My issues with Nebris was and still is, none of your dammn business Lasky."

"Noted," Lasky answered with a growl. "But after what you have done to the ladies of the Yamaguchi family. You no longer have the option as I am denying it to you." he then gave her a rather evil grin. "One of them is looking after your children, you beat a second one within an inch of her life and then there is Saki." Lasky paused. "Oh and I'd recommend you do something about Elizabeth... Maybe show her that you are worth something to her because she literally cannot stand being in the same room with you. Her husband wants to murder you in your sleep and as for my wife, well let's not discuss her." Lasky paused. "Or Fleet Captain Yamaguchi either for that matter, I have a sneaking suspicion that both women wish to tear off body parts you'll need and or want later."

"Why are you here, getting involved with affairs that don't concern you," Tienn answered.

"My, you are demanding tonight Tienn. What do you intend to do with the twins?" Lasky answered. "Before I forget to ask?"

"I intend to raise them. They are my children after all."

"Tienn, you simply cannot be this dense, if you tried," Lasky responded in a sardonic tone of voice. "Most people in the sector named Yamaguchi all have issues with you. I think the only one who doesn't is Celeste but she has been hearing a lot of nasty crap about you from others, hell even Jake Yamaguchi has his own issues with you and you do not need to be honking off various Admirals, especially him."

"What do you want from me?"

"I want you to go away from this meeting with a finer appreciation of what the fuck you are doing and how badly you seem to keep fucking up," Lasky explained. "I made arrangements for this, I wrote off a whole day so I could talk to you quietly. Because frankly, I'll be blunt, with all the insanity you've done either deliberately and not so deliberately. Any Yamaguchi was crazy to deal with you because you seem to enjoy taking one step forward and two steps backward, now what the fuck is it with you Tienn?" Lasky could see he was landing multiple hits and it wouldn't take long to crack her open.

Tienn's eyes were watering by this point. "You... you have no idea." Tienn cried at him. "The drugs... Were never meant for me... They were meant for Gyce." Tienn was openly weeping by this point. "I'll never live it down with Elizabeth, will I?... Here I am, doomed to be haunted by the ghosts of what I did, of what I almost did and ..."

"Go on.." Lasky prompted.

"I enjoyed it. There... Are you happy now..?" Tienn gave him a baleful look. "Elizabeth..." she sighed. "She is my greatest curse."

Lasky stopped. "What does Elizabeth have to do with all this?"

"Elizabeth... is the one woman who is a walking, breathing death threat to me. After what happened. It does not matter what I do with life, if I raise the twins or not, if I am in a relationship with Nebris or not or even if I am in uniform or not... To Elizabeth, I don't exist. To her family, I exist, only as a ruin on the sand that looks set to be washed away with the next tide."

"So you blame Elizabeth for all of this," Lasky answered quietly.

"No," Tienn answered. "I don't blame anyway. I hate myself for what I did because of Gyce. That's why my relationship with her failed." the Bajoran answered. "Leave me to my shame Lasky, I have accepted this and there is nothing I can do to ever change this," Tienn answered with a heavy sigh. "Go ahead and make it official, go ahead and get it over with, besides, it does not matter." the tall Bajoran answered. "As long as I wear this uniform, Elizabeth and I are allies, she told me to make sure I never take it off. Because the second I do, she will be waiting for me and that's gonna be that."

"She said that?" Lasky answered.

"She did, I see no reason to doubt her word," Tienn answered.

"Okay." Lasky sighed softly. He had been expecting this to turn into the usual argument, Tienn standing her ground and the two of them beating themselves into the ground over various sticking points, he had never expected to get through to her in the matter that he had done so. "Tienn, you have spent two years begging for forgiveness. You saved Kameron's life during the hanger deck fire. Robert Yamaguchi-Solusar exists because of you. Elizabeth's other children exist because of you." Lasky sighed softly. "But you do need to figure out what you want to do because you simply cannot keep going like this."

"What would you have me do?" Tienn answered.

"I would have you, go home, back to Bajor and deal with your issues there. Your brother cast you out of your family...did he not.?" as soon as Lasky said it, he noticed that she went from broken and sad to enraged and angry, a moment later she got right into his face. "How the fuck, do you know about that?" she hissed angrily.

"Oh, I know everything there is to know about you Iteela," Lasky answered. "So I recommend, you go and have a long heart to heart with your family. Someone who can help you with your issues, because you do need help Tienn. You can't keep avoiding the issues the way you are. So I'll leave you to it, I'm going back to my bed and to my wife who is probably wondering where I am." and with that, he rose to his feet and took his leave in silence.


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