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Burning the Barn: Hiding the Bodies

Posted on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 @ 2:24am by Captain Elizabeth Ashcroft & 1st Lieutenant Selendis "Ratchet" Yamaguchi & Company Sergeant Major Jeffery "The Mountain" Duval

Mission: Mission 74: The War Within, The War Without
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 1000Hrs - April 8th, 2392

Captain Second Class Elizabeth Ashcroft regarded her visitors with a measure of trepidation and concern. "Hello.. Come on in, take a seat... This will be quick.." she let out a soft sigh as she regarded her three visitors. "Alright... I've been asked to look into the matter regarding an assault case that you participated in a few days ago Sergeant Major and unfortunately. The man you fought with is filing counter charges for excessive force. Whats worse is that Admiral Sloane is also getting invovled considering the location of the event in question..." she breifly explained the particulars of the case. "Now I wanted to ask you before I proceeded... Do you intend to fight these charges or not.. It is only one count of excessive force against you."

Nask wasn't even fully paying attention at this point, commenting. "I don't really care, son of a bitch had it coming."

Ashcroft paused as she had not been expecting the response she had gotten. "I see... I also see here that you've been in trouble before so.." she paused. "This all seemed to start when you got promoted past Gunnery Sergeant... Mind if I ask why you've had these issues?"

Nask's response was simple. "I hate being a Sergeant major, rank is too damn political."

"Okay.. So I'll simply have you demoted to.." Ashcroft paused. "Gunnery Sergeant.. Will that suffice for you?" she inquired of the two men before her.

"Yeah," was all Nask answered.

"Excellent... I wish all my cases were this cut and dried.." Ashcroft responded. "Would you like for me to arrange a transfer from this unit or should I not brother?"

"Don't care." Was all Nask responded with. Raskar gave an inward sigh but didn't say anything.

Ashcroft regarded the man as she sighed herself, she would be happy to put this one behind her. "Alright then.. I'll handle the JAG's end of the paperwork from this one and I'm sure the marines will have a new sergeant major for you sometime soon."

Raskar nodded and left along with Nask.

Ashcroft watched the two of them leave her office in silence, both theirs and her own before she started the paperwork on the incident. Within a short time she had finished something that she was prepared to sign and send ti its various places in the chain of command.


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