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A Necessary Truth - Part Five

Posted on Sat Mar 7th, 2020 @ 6:18am by Post Captain Plataea "Phantom" Lasky & 1st Lieutenant Selendis "Ratchet" Yamaguchi & 1st Lieutenant Atin Temetti

Mission: Mission 72: T'Would Ring the Bells of Heaven
Location: Various Locations - USS Argonne
Timeline: 1200Hrs - March 31st, 2392

Second Lieutenant Atin Temetti was seated at the small kitchen table as he regarded the female before him, between them at a small chessboard, he was black while she was red and the match was a grueling slugfest as it was about even, however she had taken out his queen with her rook, however he knew he'd have her mated in another six moves, at the present rate this game was progressing anyway. Selendis he had found was an interesting opponent but this wasn't her game, something that Atin however did not mind in the slightest.

Selendis for her part had spent the last hour settling into her new quarters, she had found the accommodations to be almost luxurious to what she was used to which honestly considering was a room with a dresser, a nightstand and a closet for her clothing, at the end of it all she was used to living in a very small space.

Selendis regarded Atin. "You guys live like royalty." she spoke, the first words in over twenty minutes. "You know that.. right?"

"No.." Atin responded. "This is normal officer's quarters." he paused. "for single officers." he then grinned at her. "Why... you not used to having a large enough bathtub to swim in or something?" he inquired of her.

"Honestly.. No." Selendis responded. "Federation ships I'm used to are purebred warships and nothing less.." the smaller female responded.

"Wow... what a wonderful world you come from." Atin sighed softly.

Selendis nodded her head in agreement. "Yeah well the pay is cheap, I get to carry weapons and the men and some of the women try to not rape me." the smaller female explained. "Wait.. that ... bothers you... doesn't it?"

Atin had a sudden alarm bell go off inside his mind and he realized he needed to tread carefully with this one. "Yes... it does..." he regarded her. "Someone who touches you should do so with your permission and... your respect.."

Selendis slowly smiled as she regarded him, clearly liking what she was seeing and what she was hearing from him. "Well I am definitely going to need to keep you away from Ouros... She might steal you fro me." she added with a smile, which was widening by the moment.

"You not get along with her?" Atin inquired of the female before him, he didn't know any of her family. That lack of information was obvious to all considered.

"Ouros is the eldest of my siblings... I hope she doesn't do anything stupid." Selendis explained with a gentle smile.

Atin raised an eyebrow, clearly inquiring for more information with a simple look. "Oh?"

"Yes... Ouros stands out in a crowd and when you meet her, you will understand. She has always been a little overprotective of us, much like my mother is..." Selendis paused as she turned her head to regard the door to her quarters when the doorbell beeped.

"You looked like you were expecting that." Atin commented. "Are you telepathic?"

"I am. Yes." Selendis responded. "Don't worry. I do not pry.... It gives me headaches.. I'm more of a teek rather then a teep." Selendis commented evenly.

"A ... What?" Atin inquired, sudden confusion setting in.

"I'm something of a dud in regards to telepathy, Now if you want the sofa moved then I'm your girl... I can quite literally move anything using the power of my intellect.." as she laughed softly.

"Selendis my sweet.. the door?" Atin responded, a smile on his lips.

"Huh...Oh right...Enter?" she raised her voice.

The door opened and in walked a rather tall and striking looking woman that Atin could see was a real beauty in her own way, he also could see that this woman was wearing a poker face. "Hello Commander." he addressed the female first.

"Hello Lieutenant." the woman responded.

Selendis reagrded her mother as Plataea came to a stop. "Hey Selendis. I see you are settling in nicely." she commented.

Selendis indicated Atin with her hand. "Mom this is Atin.." she turned. "Atin, this is my mother. Commander Plataea Unal."

"Yamaguchi." Plataea responded with a smile. "Its a recent development. Torilla is still adjusting to having a twin in her household. I think its turning her grey..." she regarded Atin. "Hello Atin. Its good to meet you."

"You too Comman-" he stopped as she raised a hand. "I'm not on duty and as far as I know, neither are you... You can call me by name."

"Okay... Plataea." Atin stumbled over her name, he pronounced it with a elongated 'Plaay'tey'yah' sound rather then the shortened version of 'Plat'eyah.'

"Eh, close enough." Plataea responded. "So... what am I interrupting.?"

Selendis was as ever quick to say something. "Well I was planning on taking Atin to bed and have him hold me down and fuck me senseless.. I was considering it a test of his warrior ferocity."

Atin blinked, all of this was news to him. Plataea chuckled softly rather then get angry. "Indeed... Well let me know how it turns out. That is... assuming you can walk afterwards."

Atin was not sure of how to take this conversation, clearly it was going places he never expected. "Do you two always talk like this?"

"Often." Plataea responded. "How long have you known Selendis?"

"Just shy of a week now." Atin responded. "I had no idea that she-" he indicated Selendis with his hand as he spoke. "-Spoke to her family like this."

"Well the family is a rather complicated tale.. As Myself and Captain Torilla Yamaguchi are the same woman... Just from two different universes and as such we are both very different people." Plataea explained. "Ouros has a twin in Elizabeth and Lasarra has a twin in Rachael... But you'll meet them all soon enough."

Atin nodded, processing all of that. "You didn't mention Selendis here and her twin..."

"Thats because Selendis... doesn't have one.." Plataea explained. "Also Gabriel Yamaguchi. Torilla's son doesn't have a twin in my-" Plataea stopped a moment to decide what word she wanted to use next, then it hit her as she smiled "-My reality of origin." were the words the older woman settled on. "Gabriel in my reality of origin couldn't be born as the facilities were already occupied with Selendis here."

"Ahh.." Atin responded. "Selendis told me a few things about your reality of origin and... I'm not sure how I feel about it.." the man explained. "Is that wrong of me... For saying I don't like it when men abuse women because they can?"

"Not at all Atin." Plataea responded before she turned to Selendis. "I see you found a worthy man... Keep this one Selendis."

"Mom, our relationship is still at the polite stage... Atin has been nothing but a gentleman to me at all times... and for me, its highly refreshing to spend time with a man who wants something other then to fuck me until I scream."

"So.. That comment about him bedding you until you bled was?"

"Was just window dressing... I mean really mom, come now... I've never liked abusive sex... I prefer it soft and gentle." Selendis explained. "Atin has no problems with this."

Atin nodded his head. "My father raised me right." he commented. "He is Commander Kolar."

"Kolar. I've heard of him from others..." Plataea responded quietly. "They say he is highly respected." the tall Human looking female responded as she regarded Atin. "I've never met a decent Klingon... I apologize."

"No offense taken Plataea..." Atin responded. "As I have explained to Selendis several times now... I am part human and raised in the Federation, not the trash midden that laughingly calls itself an Empire." Atin then smiled. "Did I say that aloud."

Plataea blinked. "Well.. that was brain breaking."

Atin regarded her. "Wow... what a wonderful world you come from." he added. Selendis smiled as she heard that comment for the second time in the last while.

"Well the rest is cheap, The pay is decent and I get to make my own hours." Plataea responded by way of explanation.

"How so.?" Atin inquired. "I mean you and Selendis both seem to not like me... It took me a couple of hours before I could convince Selendis here otherwise."

"I never imagined that anyone who is even part Klingon could ever say those words that you just said a few minutes ago.." Plataea responded by way of explanation, a gentle smile appearing on her lips. "I look forward to getting to know you better Atin." she paused a moment. "Now assuming you and Selendis become a couple, you will have nothing to worry about from me... But then I am not the overprotective mother type. I have traioned my daughters in the arts of war since they were old enough to pick up a blade.." she explained. "The seed donor was extremely abusive to all four of us... I ended up intervening whenever he beat on the girls... but that changed when Ouros was out enough to defend herself. Then he just left..."

Atin nodded. Processing what he had just been told. "Men like that offend me... I would relish the chance to ..." he paused a moment. "deal with him... and no, I will not kill him, he does not deserve a clean death..."

"How would you deal with him.?"

"I honestly would cripple him in such a way that he has all of his limbs but can't use them... " Atin explained. "But again... Its not my place to do it or even decide it... wit respect ma'am... That right is for you and yours... I am not kin to you."

Selendis smiled but she didn't say anything, it was clear to Plataea how her daughter felt on this subject and where the part Klingon male before her was starting to fit into her life.

"That is up to you two to decide later." Plataea responded. "It would bring me great happiness to know that Selendis has found someone who she considers worthy."

Atin smiled. "Well.. the lady and I have known each other a week... but I value her company." he admitted. "But I am in no mood to rush anything and I highly suspect that Selendis here is in agreement with me.." he paused a moment. "We start work tomorrow and we'll see what time brings to us.."

Selendis smiled. "Have you had lunch yet mom?"

"No...Why do you ask?" Plataea inquired of her daughter.

"Because Atin and I were going to go for lunch after we finished this game of chess... and we're both hungry..."

"Would you like to join us?" Atin inquired.

"Sure.. Lets head on down to the Green Dragon and we can see what today's repast is."

Atin had not heard of the Green Dragon before as Selendis commented. "Which one?"

"Dreamcrushers of course.." Plataea responded. "Lejuris maintains a hell of an establishment." as the tall woman rose to her feet. Selendis reached for her boots as Atin tugged his shoes on. "Shall we?"

The two women regarded him as he got the door, before indicating they were to preceded him, both women did as he followed them out.

Selendis and her mom shared a look as the three of them went down the hallway to their destination.


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