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Queen to Queen's Level Three

Posted on Sat Mar 7th, 2020 @ 5:34am by Lieutenant Colonel John "Hammer" Burgoyne & Commander Rachael Falanner & Commander Vrenn Chan

Mission: Mission 72: T'Would Ring the Bells of Heaven
Location: Various Locations - USS Courageous
Timeline: 1600Hrs - Mar 28th 2392

Lt Colonel John Burgoyne entered the lounge with Lt Commander Rachael Falanner when the half expected and half dreaded call came in over the com system, demanding that both report to transporter room four immediately as in right this very second.

Falanner's mind suddenly imploded under the weight of gravity, rage and the fact that she was hungry from not eating breakfast. Burgoyne smiled as he followed the shorter woman out the door and down the hall, He even replicated a doughnut for her on the way out.

Burgoyne handed it to her and three bites later she had finished it off. Several minutes later the two of them entered the transporter room to find themselves facing a Klingon male wearing diplomatic white.

"Thank you... Chief, give us the room." Vrenn commented softly. The young Andorian Shen turned and walked out as Vrenn growled. "You two... couldn't find any real people to send for this conference so you sent your rejects and castoffs... Thanks to you two.. I now have a disaster to sort out. I have to clean up your mess."

Rachael growled softly while Burgoyne protested. "She wasn't clear who she wanted and she did ask for troublemakers... I send her all of the ships troublemakers."

"You are a fool if I believe that" Vrenn responded. in a rather flat tone.

"You know what... I don't give a shit what you believe!" Falanner's temper was starting to melt, she was getting angry now she it was showing.

Burgoyne suddenly recalled that he had never seen Rachael Falanner ever lose her temper until now, he'd always seen her as cool, calm and collected, even after that incident when her wife's child was born and she was stuck in engineering dealing with a disaster brought on by one of the four fatsos.

Vrenn said something and Rachael hauled off, driving her fist into his face with frightening ferocity. "Get up." Falanner snarled.

Vrenn shook his head as he slowly picked himself up from where Rachael had laid him out with the one punch. Before he growled softly at her.

Falanner only got angrier. "You wanna piece of me you little shit!"

"No..." and he deflected the second blow, he grabbed her and he hauled her to him. "You don't understand what you did... do you?"

"What are you talking about?" Falanner protested. "You're talking gibberish."

"Rachael... You actually indicated you wished to mate with him in the strongest possible terms." Burgoyne explained quickly. "He's reacting to you coming onto him..."

"What?" Falanner responded, surprise in her tone of voice.

"Yes... He thinks to intend to mate with him..." Burgoyne responded. "I suspect for him, it'll be the highlight of today."

Rachael sighed. "Lovely. My options.?"

"Mate with him or walk away..." Burgoyne explained. "You are not Klingon so he can't expect you to know his customs and ways."

Vrenn regarded her, he was back on his feet now. "You are a lovely woman Commander. But I do not desire you... I have a mate and children back on Deneva... so I will leave the choice to you."

Falanner paused as she regarded him. "I've heard the stories about how abusive Klingon's are in bed... So I will ask you to be gentle." curiosity winning out.

"As you wish." Vrenn responded in a dry tone.

"You're ... gonna go through with this?" Burgoyne responded quietly. "Rachael... He is mated to another.." he added.

"My mate will understand as will yours I suspect..." Vrenn responded.

"You know Hae?" Falanner was referring to her wife, who's full name was Hae Min Lee who was a Lieutenant in the Medical corps.

"I have heard of her in passing... I do not know her directly.." Vrenn answered. "So... Where do we do this?"

"Back at my place..." Falanner responded. "Now?"

"Why not.." Vrenn answered before he turned to Burgoyne. "Give your wife my regards.."

"I'll do that... I suspect this story will be the highlight of Calliope's day." the Marine explained. "I'll mention it over dinner."

"Then I'll leave you to it." Falanner responded. "Come on Vrenn... I will show you how a human handles abusive sex." and with that she led him out the door and down the hall, the large Klingon following in silence.

Burgoyne stepped outside, he turned to regard the transporter chief. "Thanks Chief. That went... differently then I had expected."

"How so sir... If you don't mind my asking." the young Andorian shen responded.

"Well Rachael is off to get laid by the Klingon since he yelled at us and she hit him."

The Shen chuckled softly. "I guess she's about to learn why one is careful around Klingons."

"Well. We shall see.." Burgoyne responded with a smile. "Personally. I'm going to call it a day and go home and take my wife out to dinner."

"Have fun sir.. and try not to be too abusive with your own wife."

"I will try... No promises Sheng."

"None taken sir." and with that Burgoyne went off down the hallway. Leaving the Andorian transporter chief to go back to work.


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