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The Marine Dumpster Unit

Posted on Sat Mar 7th, 2020 @ 4:04am by Commander Katrina Jones & Lieutenant Colonel Sally Monroe & Major Massi Sh'zaleern & Major Richard Wellesley & Major Rosa Tyrell, Ph.D. & Sergeant Major Kara Joneson

Mission: Mission 74: The War Within, The War Without
Location: Various Locations - USS Lancaster
Timeline: 1230Hrs - March 25th, 2391

Raskar Wuko walked into the offices for Battalion headquarters section of the ship, which contained the Headquarters and offices for all of 3/47 Battalion, 4/47 Battalion, 47th RSB and 47th REB. This would be his first day on the job, and he already wasn't liking it.

Several other marines were gathered in the Marine officers lounge area. Major Rosa Tyrell was a Bolian female and yet she looked somewhat intimidated by all of the jarheads floating around her as Major Richard Wellesley came over and snacked over between her shoulder blades. "I think you're in my seat."

In response she stamped on his foot. "Back off man!, I'm a scientist!" she snapped at him.

Sergeant Major Katrina Jones looked on with amusement as she watched the Bolian put the battalion exec in his place as she sat down on the other side of the Bolian female. "Nice work with that asskicking. he earned that."

"I'm sorry sergeant major." the Bolian stammered.

"Don't be.. you slammed the door in his face. Nice work."

Kanmali, the 47th REB Sergeant Major shook her head in disgust as she read over the files of her new Battalion commander and XO. The XO didn't seem to bad, but the Colonel, the less said about him the better. In a burst of anger she threw the padd on the floor in disgust, breaking it," Great, another shitbag assignment, just fucking great."

Colonel Bradley Taylor looked around as a frown marred his rather pretty face. "Fucking hell... more pansies.. " he commented. "Well I will fix your shit and I will make sure you all fight at peak efficiency.."

Major Massi Sh'zaleern simply smiled as she sat down in the chair next to a Bolian female who wore science blue and another marine who was wearing medical teal. "Thanks ladies.." she said with a smile.

Massi looked at her commanding officer and her hopes and smiles evaporated like a Bulgarian firestorm. "Shit.."

Kanmali looked at Massi, almost growling. "Yeah, we did not get a good CO."

"Yeah... I have a sneaking feeling that most of the other battalions are like this however." Massi responded quietly, when suddenly Taylor grabbed the six foot tall Andorian and effectually pulled her out of her seat. "You got something to say..." and with that he hauled off and backhanded her across the face.

Massi did not see it coming as she saw stars, before she shook her head. "Asshole." she snarled in his face. "You want a fucking piece of me, you honorless dog!"

Taylor drew his blade. "You dare attack me!"

Kara Joneson had her sidearm out as well. "Lieutenant Colonel. sit your fucking ass down." she growled darkly.

Ragger nask didn't bother to wait. instead he simply tapped on Taylor's soldier and the moment Taylor turned to face him, Ragger used his bionic arm and landed one solid punch across the face, knocking him to the ground in one blow. " That is not how you treat a lady you piece of shit.."

Everyone in the room began cheering and clapping. "YEAH!." someone roared. "Nice work Sarge!" came another as Massi wiped at her face, her hand came away blue with blood before she hauled off and kicked Taylor once with all of her strength.

Taylor spat out a tooth and some blood. "Fucking.... fuckers..." he muttered softly.

Ragger then looked at a couple of other marines, pointing at Taylor," Pick that up, and take it to sickbay."

"Willdo sergeant major." and with that the two marines in question, simply picked him up and hauled him out the door and down the hallway.

The various marines all began to settle down again.

Meanwhile Darktail sat in the back area of the offices near where Selendis was. Raskar and Jiroko were also present and the three feline's all heard the commotion quite clearly, but none of them went to investigate. Raskar sighed. "Great, I can see this is going to be a wonderful assignment."

Shortly the various marines began to find various seating without any further problems as 1st Lieutenant Selendis Unal looked around. "Now these guys would have fit in back in my native reality... half the people hate the other half.."

Second Lieutenant Atin Temetti regarded her as the two entered the officers mess. "Sounds delightful."

"Not really no." Unal responded dryly. "I think.. this is going to be-"

"Shut it and sit your fucking asses down you two!" growled a voice.

"I'll sit down if and wherever I can find a seat." Unal responded in a dark tone. "You will wait patiently." she added, in the same dark tone.

Atin blinked as if he had never seen her say anything like this before, which he hadn't.

Meanwhile one of the Marine Commanders came to the front of the room. "Hello. Hello. Hello... I am Lieutenant Colonel Sally Munroe." the part Klingon woman explained. "I command the 47th Regimental Support battalion... and I will ensure that all of your equipment actually works and the paperwork is kept to a minimum."

"Let the real marines go fight." someone called

Munroe smiled. "We are all real marines fool... Anyone who wants a shooting exercise to prove it... step up.... or shut up!"

A tellarite marine named Tallv Blaarinsh then commented to the offending marine," Yeah dum dum, like how you fight your blow up doll at night."

The marine next to him, swung his elbow into the Tellerites face before he punched him several times. "You little shit!" the human male snarled.

Munroe simply stood there as she watched the fistfight get out of control as various people started getting caught up in it. "Guys"?" she inquired. "Guys!" she raised her voice but got nothing.

Kara Joneson came over to Munroe. "Wow... I can't believe these guys."

"No doubt.." agreed a third person who likewise came over. It was the Andorian female who had gotten decked earlier. "What utter rot!" she gestured to the brawl now getting interesting.

Tallv, whom was strong as hell, grabbed the marines fist on his fourth punch," That's all you got little humie." He then landed a vicious headbutt on the marines face shattering his nose. Another marine, a friend of the first one, swung a chair at the tellarite, but missed and the chair flew out of his hands, across the room and hit Richard Wellesley.

Richard Wellesley dropped to his knees before a boot came flying at him, smashing into his face, this took him out of the fight, with a groan, he dropped to the deck.

Multiple marines began piling into the fight and though Tallav put up a major fight, even he went down in all the fighting. Food and drinks went flying across the room and those that had no desire to participate got dragged in anyway or managed to pull out and take cover. One mairne managed to give another a wedgie while another broke a chair over one of the first sergeants. One officer, a Vulcan by the Name of T'koromoron, shouted at several others then tried to subdue one of the officers with a nerve pinch, but failed and the angered officer then turned around and smashed a plate across T'koromorons face, shattering the plate and causing T'koromorn to collapse into a crumpled heap on the deck.

Another marine then threw a plate at someone, but missed and the plate flew across the room and hit Sally Munroe in the face.

Darktail, whom was some distance away from the fight commented," Wow, what a bunch of rabid animals."

Sally Munroe had about two seconds to move but she was way too slow and ended up eating a faceful of coconut creme pie, she wiped at her eyes as she saw red, she turned to Darktail. "Amen... These fucking dogs dare call themselves marines... makes me sick to be in the same room as these shitstains."

Jiroko looked desperate," How the hell are we supposed to stop this."

Munroe sighed as she felt something liquid run over her face, it was her own blood. "We don't... let these fucking animals kill each other."

Raskar meanwhile had an idea. Walking into his office he pulled two teargas grenades out of one of the weapons lockers. He then returned to the main dining room, and without pulling the pin on the first one, he tossed it into the middle of the room shouting," GRENADE."

Suddenly the people contained within began to separate and scatter as they began diving for corners and objects to hide behind.

Sally Munroe meanwhile dove behind an overturned table while she waited for the grenade to go off.

The room immediately fell silent while Raskar just stood there patiently as the grenade failed to go off. " So, are you all done yet."

No one moved or responded immediately so Raskar shouted," AT ATTENTION NOW!"

Everyone in the room, all snapped to attention, except the ones who were unconscious or stunned which was a full third of the room. Munroe had a black eye developing and her nose had finally stopped leaking blood.

Raskar then started pacing around the room as he talked, So i see we have a few issues to work out now, don't we." Raskar stopped pacing on the marine whom started the fight by insulting munroe. The caitian made sure to step on the dazed mans balls while he laid on the floor. " Now I don't know what all your problems are nor do I care. What I do care is that you all will find a way to solve your problems without resorting to starting a riot in the officers mess." Each time Raskar emphasized a word his clawed footpaw pressed harder into the offending marines family jewels.

Richard Jennings-Smith groaned. "Fuck man!" he rumbled. "Get off me...." he whined.

Raskar silenced the man by giving him a swift kick in the face, claws digging into his face, while he continued to address the room." Now, all Battalion commanders, XO's and sergeant majors to my office. He then finally got off Richard and headed for the door. Then as he was in the doorway he then said. "Computer, lock all doors," He then pulled the pin on the second gas grenade and tossed it in the room, then exited, leaving the marines to suffer under the tear gas.

Lieutenant 1st class Linda Robertson sighed as she coughed as she felt her eyes begin to water, before she felt the pressure on her chest began to increase as she began to sneeze. "Fucking... Bastard!" she gasped as she fought the other marines to get clear of the gas.

Second Lieutenant Mary Johnson meanwhile was in the far corner as she tried to stay away from the cloud of tear gas. "All the doors.. are locked. SHIT!" she screamed loudly!. "Let us out you fucking fucksticking fucking useless sex toy!"

Raskar heard all the shouting thanks to his feline hearing bu ignored it, instead turning his attention to the battalion commanders, XO's and Sergent Major's, as well as the officers whom weren't involved in the impromptu brawl. First looking at Munroe, he said," You better go get yourself checked out."

"Yessir." and with that Munroe turned and walked away. Meanwhile Kara Joneson regarded the insanity in the lounge. "What a joke.." she muttered under her breathe.

Kanmali commented," Yep, definitely a shit heap unit."

Raskar sighed then commented," So got any idea's on how to deal with this."

Captain Sekemi, one of the individuals whom wasn't in the mess hall to begin with commented," Well if the CO of 47 hears about this, if she is worth anything she is going to completely flip out."

Munroe nodded as she let out a sigh. "Tell me about it."

Raskar took a seat on one of the chairs, cradling an oncoming headache while Jiroko decided to disappear into the back rooms and Kanmali shook her head, commenting," First thing tomorrow, I drop my retirement package. Fuck this unit and fuck the marine corps."

Sh'zaleern regarded the small being. "Things change in time.. Taylor will get his due soon enough.. I don't see him and Colonel Hobbs getting along... maybe she'll do us all a favor and relive his ass.."

Kanmali growled, "And how much time will it take, and how many lives will it cost, and will we get a decent one to replace him?"

Sh'zaleern sifghed. "Honestly... Too long, too many lives wasted and ... I am the Exec of... this unit... after all."


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