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Enter the Lancaster

Posted on Sat Mar 7th, 2020 @ 4:01am by Admiral Jake Yamaguchi & Commander Erasmus Sorvok & Lieutenant Commander Heather LaMonica & Sergeant Major Kara Joneson

Mission: Mission 74: The War Within, The War Without
Location: Various Locations - USS Argonne
Timeline: 1400Hrs - March 25th, 2392

Lieutenant Heather LaMonica smiled as she tapped the display before her. "Sir.." she turned to Captain Second class Sorvok. "Sir.. I'm reading a Federation ship on an intercept course at high warp..."

"Hail the vessel Lieutenant and ask them what they intend." Sorvok told LaMonica.

"Aye sir." La Monica turned and went to work. "USS Argonne, hailing USS Lancaster, please state your intentions and your destination?"

Commander Kuyaari Kurunda was a highly formal woman, and spoke in a formal tone, "Lieutenant, I am commander Kurunda, captain of the USS Lancaster, my ship is assigned to this element, and I wish to speak to your captain."

Sorvok gave LaMonica a quick nod. "Commander Kurunda, I am Captain Sorvok of the USS Argonne."

LaMonica fell silent as she glowered at the screen before her.

"Captain," Krunda acknowledged in a respectful tone," My ship is ordered to join your element and be under your command. We have Marine Battalions of 3/47, 4/47, 47th RSB, and 47th REB assigned to your ships marine unit."

LaMonica went back to her panel before she began looking up the information to see if this woman, whoever she claimed to be was indeed what she said she was, before she turned to Sorvok. "Its legit sir.. The orders are good."

"Very well Lancaster, welcome to the battlegroup. When you arrive in system make arrangements and we will have a short briefing. Also I will inform the marine commander and her office will liaison with the marines on the Lancaster." Sorvok told her.

Krunkda nodded," Thank you Captain, we will be in the system within 5 minutes, Lancaster out."

"You seemed displeased by Commander Kurunda's conduct?" Sorvok asked LaMonica.

"I wasn't expecting the.. lack of respect.." LaMonica responded. "I had expected that she would explain herself... you were inside earshot so the commander of the other ship had to have known you were inside comms range."

"Her response was rather curt." Sorvok told her. "I will have to examine her personnel file before we formally meet."

Sergeyev, whom was in the bridge for some unknown reason, Commented. "Its simple, she is one of those rigid formal types with an inflated sense of self importance.

Sorvok overheard Sergeyev's comments. He knew there was some truth in his comments but kept that to himself.

LaMonica smiled as she chuckled softly. "I forgot what those were like.." she commented.

Sergeyev didn't comment further and minutes later Lancaster arrived in system, and a short while later, the various Battalion commanders, XO's, and Sergeant Majors all arrived onboard to meet their new regimental commander.

The various officers began walking into the large conference room as they began to select their various seats, a few of them arguing over the chairs but fortunately there was no fighting.

Sergeyev, in an unusual case of curiosity decided to show up at the meeting to see how these people where. He hid his amusement and disbelief at their immediate friction with each other. Raskar took his seat silently and waited. He could tell immediately, that this was not going to be a unit that got along well.

Sgt Major Kara Joneson could feel the tension in the room as she let out a soft sigh, she wanted to draw her knife as she felt she could cut the tension in the room. She also took her seat not far from a Starfighter pilot who was wearing an old style bomber jacket over his flight suit but she had no idea whatsoever of his rank.

Colonel Hobbs and Sorvok entered the room. The headed to the front of the audience. Sorvok stepped back and let Hobbs talk. "Welcome to the Roanoke Battlegroup. I'm Colonel Hobbs, the Marine Commanding Officer. This is Captain Sovok, captain of the USS Argonne."

Silence went across the room for a few moments until Raskar Wuko, the senior ranking Battalion commander of Lancaster's four battalions responded. "Lt. Colonel Raskar Wuko, yeah we haven't been in the same unit for more than a few days so we are just getting to know each other.

Kara Joneson regarded Hobbs in silence before she turned her head. "Yes... We're just meeting for the first time..." she had some hesitation in her voice when she said her piece.

"Okay, now that we are stuck together does anyone have any concerns?" Hobbs asked?

Neither Raskar nor Jiroko could provide an answer yet with both of them being so new to their units.

Kara Joneson simply shrugged her shoulders. "A laundry list of them Colonel." she responded to the other woman's question. "I have a feeling that our entire unit was cobbled together with cast offs and rejects."

Various others came forward as they listed off their concerns to answer the question put forward by Colonel Hobbs, one of the aides who was with her was busy taking notes on a PADD.


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