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Steady Hands

Posted on Sat Mar 7th, 2020 @ 2:15am by Lieutenant JG Rachael "Ripcord" Yamaguchi-Cullen & Commodore Korelii MacRae & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 72: T'Would Ring the Bells of Heaven
Location: Various Locations - USS Courageous
Timeline: 1300Hrs - March 22nd, 2392

Captain Torilla Yamaguchi was seated on the single person loveseat with her legs curled up beneath her while Rachael Yamaguchi was seated on the two person loveseat across the coffee table from her mother. "So... I need to figure out what I wanna do mom.."

"You do Rachael.. You trained as a pilot and now you're an engineer." the older woman responded quietly. "But you have that other issue to deal with... You're still upset with Elizabeth after that chat you two had... I could have sworn you two were going to kill each other."

"I didn't like what she said to me mom... Why should I... I mean she knew everything there was to know about me.."

"Yes.." Yamaguchi answered her daughter. "But you should ask yourself this question... Did she wish to do it?." Torilla inquired of Rachael who looked across at her. "She was told to do it because she was looking for an opportunity to do her final exam, which.. Was with you as the main test."

"Yes I think she took a rather perverse pleasure in it."

"Did she?" Torilla inquired. "Rachael. You're already angry about the subject and I'll admit it was rather unusual but Elizabeth was ready and you were the final test simply because there was nobody else to handle it. " the older woman explained. "Maybe you should read her final report. It makes interesting reading."

"I'll bet she tells it like I'm a loose cannon, unstable and can't figure out what my issues are."

"Did she say that... Or are you saying that?"

"Mom!" Rachael sighed. "Now you're doing it."

"Yes, because I'm your mother and I know you very well. Despite recent events over the last year or so... You are still my daughter and you've not changed... Now frankly I feel you'd be better off with the Marines considering your experiences on Yeneer Gee Four." the older woman explained. "But thats me."

"Oh... I had not thought about the Marines.."

"Please don't... Just remain with Engineering for now until you decide what you want to do. Because you DO need to sit down and consider things for yourself.." Torilla explained. "You've been all over the place... You never gave fighter corps a chance and now you're not giving Engineering the same either."

"I just don't know what I want..."

"That's why you come to us... Me and your dad, Gabe, and Elizabeth. Hell Ouros and Selendis too. Plataea might not be me but she can help you too... I don't know about Lasarra however."

"Lasarra seduced Ennis, making him think that she was me." Rachael growled angrily. "I still owe her an asskicking for that."

Torilla almost chuckled softly. "I know.. But let her mother handle it." she commented. "Plataea and Ouros are both angry about that. Selendis is also displeased too."

"So Dad invited them to the family?"

"He did.. With my blessing. I won't keep his children from him. Even if they are not his children." Torilla responded. "I know Plataea is unassigned and is helping out wherever she can... I also know she's not going to be around for much longer either."

"Oh... I confess.. She scares me."

"Plataea looks like me but she isn't me. She's been through a lot." Torilla explained. "Be patient with her... As she has no idea of what to make of you either,. in her eyes, you look like Lasarra but you are nothing like your twin."

"I know... She's off and I've not seen her since she and I got into that fight a few months back." Rachael responded.

"Thats because she's on Luna, getting her certification and education in order." Yamaguchi explained for the younger woman's benefit. "She'll probably be assigned to the Courageous or the Roanoke as one of our pilots."


"Try to get along with her Rachael. I know you two will have issues between you but try.... Thats all I ask." Yamaguchi smiled. "And try not to be too hard on Elizabeth for what happened between you two.."

"Alright.. I will try.. No promises.." Rachael answered evenly. "As for Elizabeth... "

"You're carrying a grudge... I taught you better then that Rachael." Torilla responded. "Your father and I raised you to not carry a grudge... Yet you are carrying them.."

"Elizabeth deserves it!"

"Wow.. Now thats just out of order Rachael Yamaguchi... and you damned well know it." Torilla was now starting to sound tired rather then angry. "What the heck is wrong with you?" the older woman kept her voice down as she glared darkly at her daughter. "Are you just screwing with me about holding a grudge against Elizabeth because she did her job as requested... " Yamaguchi sighed before she breathed out and then back in. "Well let me tell you something.. She didn't need to interview you but she sure as hell hated to do it but she wanted to ensure you got a fair chance other then someone who was out to shaft you."

Rachael blinked, this revelation was something of a surprise to her as she simply hadn't known any of this. "I... I didn't know."

"I know you didn't know." Torilla responded calmly. "I asked Elizabeth to give you space... This is why she's not here now... She's off finishing her workload for the rest of today as she's going to be there at the get together in a couple of hours... Now I want you to be nice to her and respect her choices in what she did."

Rachael sighed softly. "Alright..."

"Please tell me you are not teaching Saki these bad habits.." Torilla gave Rachael a rather dour look as she said her piece. "I tell you what I'll do.. I'll keep collecting your kids from school along with my own and ensuring they have stuff to do while they wait for you or their dad."


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