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Siaxx Ways from Monday

Posted on Thu Mar 19th, 2020 @ 7:05am by Commander Galiaan Fordring & Commodore Siaxx "Bluemoon" Dvald-Vaxx MD
Edited on on Sun Oct 30th, 2022 @ 10:20am

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 0800Hrs - July 16th, 2393

Siaxx Dvald-Vaxx was in for a routine checkup to make sure everything with her body was as it should be and she was standing at the desk, she smiled as she regarded the young man who was admiring the small Bolian female's curves, eyeing her in silence.

Siaxx regarded him as she gave him a look. "Umm... Hello Fleet Captain, you are in for your checkup... right?"

"Yes." the small Bolian responded with a grin.

"Right.. errr I'll contact someone for you." the man answered as Dvald-Vax nodded in silence. She settled in to wait for the Doctor who would be tending to her various needs. She was hoping for Galiaan Fordring but she would settle for someone who was knowledgeable on the subject material at hand. "Umm, did you have anyone in mind?" the young man inquired of her.

"Actually I do. Galiaan Fordring, if she's available.?" Dvald-Vaxx responded she had been hoping he would remember to ask her the question as it was considered polite to do so.

"Let me check for you." the man answered evenly as he went back to his panel, he also stopped admiring Dvald-Vaxx's figure at the same time, which made her feel a little better about being here at this time of the day. Dvald-Vaxx missed the normal person who usually manned this post at this time of the day and it showed too.

Meanwhile, seated in her office was Galiaan Fordring, she was doing paperwork this fine morning as she did every other morning and she sighed softly as she finished her first mug of coffee which honestly, to her massively oversized hands, the mugs were always far too small and she ended up ordering three or four cups of coffee. "Computer, coffee, Jamaican blend, double strong, double sweet. Oh and put it into a pint glass please?"

The sound of the replicator working greeted her ears as she reached back for the drink, the Vrykul grasped the handle before she brought the large mug to her lips, she then drained a mouthful as the com system beeped at her. "Doctor Fordring, to the front desk, please. Doctor Fordring to the front desk."

The massive woman knew that she was wanted and what was more, she knew why and who it was who was wanting her. She set down her drink and rose to her feet before Fordring came around her desk as she started her journey to the front desk. Making her way there she slowly smiled as she was sure of what this was about.

Arriving at her destination a few minutes later, she spotted the small Bolian female seated in the waiting area as she went to the desk. "What's up?"

"Fleet Captain Dvald-Vaxxx... She is here for her appointment with you. She requested you specifically."

"Yes, I know," Fordring answered evenly. "I know why too." as the massive female gave him a look that more or less told him to drop it.

The petty officer nodded his head, it was not his place to wonder why and nor was it his business to be asking either. "Fair enough then."

Fordring turned before she went over to the small Bolian who looked like she was meditating, much like the last time she was here almost a month earlier.
"Siaxx and people tell me this starbase is such a large place, fancy meeting you here?" Fordring commented in a light tone of voice.

"Your chairs are comfy, I could fall asleep sitting in them." the small Bolian answered, a smile on her lips.

"Mmmm... I bet you could. Anyway, you wanna do the check now?" Fordring commented. "Or wait another couple of moments?"

"Oh, if I must. I will replicate one of these chairs in my office... But then I might never get any work done." Dvald-Vax answered in a friendly tone.

"That's quite a possibility and then the skipper will be most displeased with you," Fordring commented. "Then she'll send you back down here and I'd get to discipline you and... Mmmm, that could be fun, for me but not for you." Fordring suddenly grinned down at the small Bolian. "Come on Siaxx, let's go to my office so I can poke you and prod you."

"You are such a tease Galiaan," Dvald-Vax commented.

"So are you," Fordring answered in a soft tone of voice.

"Well, my office is this way." and with that, Fordring turned around and began making her way back to her office, the small Bolian moving to keep up with the massive woman. Dvald-Vaxx followed in silence as the two entered Fordrings office as the small Bolian slipped off her uniform jacket, just like she always did and she hung it up on the wall, next to the door.

Fordring indicated the biobed. "Have a seat and let me have my fun with you." the massive female suddenly grinned at the small female.

"Galiaan, you are an impossible tease, do you want me naked for this?" as she gave the more massive female an innocent look

"Nah, No need," Fordring answered as she watched the little Bolian woman hop up onto the bed. Fordring produced her large medical kit which she placed onto the bed next to the small Bolian. She drew the tricorder as she went to work. "Mmm... Yep, as I thought."

"So its official then?"

"Yep, you are pregnant Siaxx," Fordring answered. "I have an artificial womb set up for you, just in case. All I need is the egg and a sample of your amniotic fluid," she added a moment later. "I asked Chen for a semen sample which he gave me." Dvald-Vaxx paused. "I'll give you a second egg and the sample but I'll take this one to term, hopefully, both are female."

"Arrangements have already been made for you." as Fordring smiled. "I am ready to operate now, should you wish it."

"I do," Dvald-Vaxx commented with a smile. "Two females coming up then?" she asked of Fordring.

Fordring nodded. "As I said, I have made special arrangements for you. Two females coming right up." as she accepted the sample from the small Bolian. "So, Do you want me to liberate one of your eggs then place the one into the womb I have arranged for you or both?" Fordring was referring to the two eggs.

"Both?" Dvald-Vaxx commented. "I had intended on carrying one of the two to term but like you said. I don't have a lot of space downstairs and I don't wish to ask others to give up their time and effort for me."

"It would be wise Siaxx but the chain of custody would remain unbroken, as would your bond with the one you give me," Fordring commented. "Except you won't be looking after it, I will be. But you will be able to visit and the like," she commented evenly. "It'll still be your child..."

"Do you think this is a good idea?" Dvald-Vaxx paused.

"It's up to you Siaxx, I know what your family means to you and your children especially. It's up to you." Fordring responded in a flat tone, she had been expecting the moment of weakness from the small Bolian female before her. "Either way, you will remain pregnant with the one you have, I'll need a second egg from you for this and I'll arrange things so the second female comes to term healthy and without any issues," she explained.

"Alright." Dvald-Vaxx paused as she nodded her head. "Alright, then let's get this show on the road."

"Alright, then if you could lay back, I will begin," Fordring commented. "Also, you'll need to remove your shirt." the massive female added.

"Okay. Pants too?" The small Bolian inquired.

"No," Fordring answered as she watched Dvald-Vaxx peel off her red uniform undershirt and hand it to Fordring who proceeded to hang it up next to Dvald-Vaxx's uniform jacket. It felt so small to her, like something one of her children would wear but she opted not to say anything about it. "Let's begin. Take deep regular breaths and I will start."

Dvald-Vaxx smiled. "Okay."


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