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Part of The Problem

Posted on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 11:59pm by Captain Elizabeth Ashcroft & Lieutenant Colonel Tienn Nerra

Mission: Mission 69: Tienn's Fall from Grace
Location: Main Engineering - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1100Hrs - March 15th 2392

Major Tienn Nerra hated being rushed and today was turning out to be a very bad day for her as she needed a few items and she needed them in a hurry. Tienn for her part had asked one of her subordinates to send off a request for a security key and now she was of to go pick it up.

She was not happy that her subordinates had lost the original key and she was looking forward to disciplining them when she got back to her post. Tienn entered engineering as she looked around. "I'm looking for..." she stopped as she drew a blank on the name. "The.. person who generates security key.." as she snapped her fingers, helping her brain processes along.

Azivu pointed at Kiya. "She deals with that."

Tienn turned and went over to Kiya. "Hello... Do you have the security key ready for me?" she inquired. "My aide... such as he is... submitted the request a week ago.. and I need it for an exercise I had planned."

Kiya didn't even look up from her computer. "Whats your unit."

Tienn breathed out. "Major Tienn Nerra. Marine Engineers.... U.S.S. Argonne." she responded slowly. "Why... is there a problem?"

Kiya took very little time to answer her question as she looked her up.
"No I did not get a request from you, your going to have to wait."

Tienn blinked. "How long will that take?" she inquired, while mentally she knew her time was being wasted and she could feel the fuse burning on her temper.

Kiya went back to her work. "Several hours."

"What!" Tienn responded a trifle hotly. "Look I submitted my request a week ago and I was told then it would be looked at... and now you're telling me this... Great..." her temper finally exploded. "Fucking useless people." and with that she stomped off out of engineering.

Meanwhile down the hallway. Hakaya shook her head as she walked along side Kashi, whom once again managed to shock himself. "That cannot be good for your health."

Kashi shrugged. "Eh, happened to me a hundred times already, doesn't really bother me."

Hakaya sighed. "That's what worries me."

he two of them rounded the corner, and Kashi, not looking where he was going, ran smack into Tienn.

Tienn wasn't looking for it either so she ended up flat on her back, before she could take stock of what was going on she leapt back to her feet before she uppercutted Kashi who was nearby, laying him out with one swift punch before she turned to face Hakaya. She was running off of adrenaline and instinct at this point as she fumed, smoke coming out of her ears.

Hakaya gave no mercy, landing several blows into Tienn's face with a blur, one of Hakaya's claws caught Tienn across the face and left a gash across her face. Tienn made a few counterattacks but failed to slow Hakaya down, most of her punches simply missed. Hakaya landed multiple kicks to her stomach, and then kicked her feet out from under her, causing the bajoran woman to land hard on the ground, knocking the wind out of her. Hakaya then stood there arms crossed and commented. "So are you done yet."

Tienn growled as she hauled herself to her feet. "No wonder they call Roanoke's crew are the crazies of the fleet... First your engineering department fucks me around and now you... Well, you merry band belong together." and with that she walked away.

Tienn gently touched her fingers to her face, she let out a sigh as her fingers came away wet with blood. "What is it with the people on this ship.... No wonder my sibling is fucking loony.."

Meanwhile Second Lieutenant Dean Fredericks raced down the hallway to her. "Major.. I found out what went wrong.. It was one-errkk.." was as far as she got before she punched him, then threw him up against the wall before she kicked him in the head with her boot, he dropped to the deck in a heap. "Imbecile." she muttered softly. "You can't do your job right..."

Meanwhile Hakaya called security and moments later Von Estling and two other security guards arrived at Tienn's location. Already having his phaser out and pointed at her he ordered calmly," Major, come with me, you are under arrest."

"Sure.." Tienn responded in a dry tone. "Why not..."

Jorge Hular regarded her. "Major, lets not make a scene here.." as he shifted his attention to the downed Lieutenant. "Let me get him too."

Tienn kept her silence as the two security Ensign's escorted her away. A few minutes later she was in the brig, with her boots off and feet up on the bunk.

Hular regarded her. "So... Tienn.. Whats going on?" as he tapped away on a PADD, clearly wanting to take her statement.

"All this aggravation for a security passkey.." Tienn growled. "First the people in engineering keep me waiting over a week for it, then they tell me I need to wait a few hours... Not what I would call a decent explanation... But had that guy, whoever he was not hit me... It would have been fine.."

"Wait.. what guy?" Hular asked. "Him?"

"No.. another guy.. one with.. whats-her-face... That little cat woman."
Tienn sighed. "He came around the corner and next thing I know I'm flat on my back..."

Hular nodded. "Go on..."

"He hit me... So I laid him out, then I had to deal with catwoman..." she sighed. "She left me with this..." she indicated the large scratch across her face. "and then this guy comes at me... Is there something in the water supply..?"

"More like the air you breathe Major. Did you give him time to explain himself.?"

"I didn't think he was going to explain anything, other then running at me and shouting incoherently in my direction."

Hular nodded. "Okay. We'll get this sorted out somehow.." he turned and went over to Von Estling. "What do you have Master Chief?"

Hakaya this time blew a fuse. "Shut the fuck up you Racist pig, this was your fucking fault. Your the one whom attacked my crewman without warning."

Von Estling, whom was busy taking Kashi's statement, restrained Hakaya, "Easy Hakaya."

Tienn growled softly. "Oh give it a rest. You stupid clown.. Your the reason I got this." she responded in a dark tone as she sighed softly while making herself comfortable.

Hular came into the room as he regarded his sister in law. "Master Chief... Mind if I make a call for someone who can help me with this?"

Von Estling nodded, "do it. I also have to make a call." He then tapped his combadge," Von Estling to Teval and Tom Lasky, your needed in the brig, Tienn Nierra just attacked two of our crewman. May want to have her sibling come down as well."

Teval acknowledged. "On my way."

Lasky sighed. "Oh for fuck sakes, can we not get a break from all this horse crap?" he inquired of the empty air, he tapped his combadge. "Lasky to Tienn. Iteela, you are needed in the brig, do not bother with a medkit."

"Indeed... Yessir. I am on my way."

Moments later the three people came into the brig space as Iteela ran into her eldest sibling. Tienn Ezas who greeted her with a hug and a gentle kiss. "Hey Iteela."

"Hello. Ezas... What has transpired to cause our sibling to become locked up in the brig?" the smaller Tienn inquired of Von Estling.

Teval arrived just as Von estling explained the situation. Well according to testimony from Hakaya Vakar, Senior Chief Kashi Ge'Tar, and the security recordings, Major Tienn Nierra accidentally collided with Senior Chief Petty Officer Kashi Ge'tar. As they got back up, the major then attacked the senior Chief, then she went after Hakaya, whom defended herself and put the Major on the ground. The major then got up and left, then later attacked Second Lieutenant Dean Fredericks, and that's when we arrived and arrested her. The senior Chief wants to press charges, while Hakaya does not intend to. As for Fredricks, I haven't interviewed him yet."

Iteela nodded. "Logical." she responded. "May I have a few words with Nerra first before you do Master Chief?"

Lasky raised an eyebrow. "Logical.... only a Vulcan speaks like that... and you are Bajoran.... or are you" he thought aloud

Iteela turned to him. "I think the way I do because it was a Vulcan that allowed me to overcome my new limitations thanks to those secret service members who nearly killed me and did kill one of our crewmates Commander." she responded.

Lasky raised an eyebrow. "So.. is this permanent?"

"I do not know...." she responded. "Master Chief?" she indicated Nerra while they spoke.

Von Estling nodded. "yep, you may." He then turned to Teval and Lasky. "If you will excuse me, I do need to take Fredricks statement though."

Teval nodded without comment, instead he went to talk to Hakaya instead.

Iteela approached the cell where her twin languished in silence. "Tienn... Why are you in here..?"

"It doesn't matter anymore.."

"It does matter... " Iteela responded. "I cannot help you resolve the issue unless I know what the issue is.."

Nerra sighed softly. "I'm in here for beating up three people... Okay.." she responded quietly. "The second person gave me this.." she indicated the long scratch on her face which started under her right eye and crossed her face going over the bridge of her nose and her cheek, ending about three inches away from the left side of her mouth, it was also still wet and angry with blood, gently weeping from it as it clearly had not been treated.

Iteela noticed. "Let me treat that for you."

"No." Nerra responded quietly. "Let it be.... It not bad."

"It looks extremely painful. I can alleviate your suffering."

"No... You can't.." Nerra responded softly.

Iteela sighed before she withdrew, but she looked more confused then sad. "I do not understand.... she said I could not alleviate her pain."

Lasky paused. "That is her choice El Tee... Not yours or anyone elses... She needs to be able to ask for help."

Von Estling then returned to the group," Alright, got my statement from Fredricks, he will be pressing charges as well."

Iteela turned. "I see." she responded.

Hular sighed. "Let me call the new JAG Officer..." and with that, he called her down here.

Teval shook his head after Hakaya left. "What is with Argonne marines, almost every time they come on the ship, they cause trouble."

Von Estling nodded, then added. "It is worth noting, that the person whom forgot to file the request that caused this dispute in the first place, was Private Jaime Josephine La'dosse."

Teval sighed," That name sounds familiar."

Lasky raised an eyebrow. "La'Dosse....any relation to LaBrosse?" he inquired softly before he turned to Von Estling. "Master Chief... It doesn't matter... Tienn is gonna fry, there is no way she's going to squirm her way out of this one... and unlike the last time, because of a drug ring. Tienn's sister isn't getting away with this one."

"I did my punishment Commander. Even if I was on drugs at the time..." Iteela responded quietly.

"Thats not what I meant.."

"Yessir... It is what you meant. You do not believe that I have served my sentence..." Iteela responded a trifle hotly.

Nerra turned her head slowly as she looked at her sibling in silence before she burst into tears. "You're.... your back..."

"Indeed.... Yes I am back.... more to the point Commander Lasky... That punishment was done... Why do you not feel I have served my time?"

"You beat the crap out of Elizabeth Yamaguchi, to within an inch of her life."

"Yes." Iteela responded. "I did.. However she and I were able to salvage our relationship and we can still work together as colleagues... Yet I still owe her a penance."

Jorge Hular noticed the word play between the two people before him as he recalled Elizabeth Yamaguchi's face, he remembered that she was quite the looker and she also had a lovely personality or so he had heard what was more was that she was married and quite faithful too, this made Commander Lasky's statements all the more puzzling. He frowned as he filed the information away for his later review as right now he had work to do.


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