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A Moderate Inconvenience

Posted on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 11:18pm by Lieutenant Commander Tanya Stevenson & Division Admiral Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs

Mission: Mission 70: Children and the Workplace do Not Mix
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 0800Hrs - March 15th, 2392

Commander Celeste Yamaguchi had separated Charon and Shandra because they were sick, they had brought a Klingon bug with them from Durandall. Kaleen who she had left with Brianna was apparently immune because she had had this bug before so she had taken these two with her to sickbay on the Dreamcrusher, one of them was wide and alert where as the other one was tired and sleepy, she had decided to simply carry them both and since they were so small, they were not heavy but the one who was awake, rode on her shoulders and the other she simply carried in her arms.

She came into sickbay as she went over to the biobed closest to her which thankfully was empty at the moment in time. "Nurse!"

Petty Officer Sonja Kaljim came over, with Yamaguchi's medkit in hand. "Good Morning Doctor." she handed the taller woman her medkit. "Before you ask me to retrieve it."

"Thanks. Help me with these two." Yamaguchi sounded tired.

"Willdo." and with that the two women went to work as they triaged and treated the two children. The bug was quite contagious and somewhat harmful but it wasn't debilitating, it was downright irritating but it did the same level of damage as the Measles in Terran children.

"Wait..." Celeste paused. "Check these two for Caitian Measles."

"I did... They are both positive."

"Crap." Yamaguchi responded quietly. "Alright, I'll pass along the word, Caitian measles is on the loose planetside."

"How long have you had these two?" Kaljim inquired

"And their sibling is at home..." Celeste paused. "Four days now.." she said in answer to the nurses second question of how long she had been looking after the three Caitian children.

"Alright. When you get home check her out.." the nurse explained. "I'll have a hypo ready for you."

"Normally I don't-" Yamaguchi started but stopped as the other woman talked over her.

"I know. I you hate being told what to do... But you are pregnant Celeste and you've got a lot on your mind at the moment. So.. Let us help you handle it... We'll make it work."

"Alright." Yamaguchi responded before she received a hypo. "Whats the treatment?"

"Mostly just the usual, lots of good food and plenty of fluids, also sleep is a must. They must have a lot of rest." the nurse explained to Celeste. "Are you reading up on their living needs and the like.?"

"You sound like my mother Sonja, Yes.. I am doing my homework... This isn't my first barbecue after all." Celeste was now getting irritated and it showed. "I know how to look after children not of my own species."

"Right... I'm sorry Doctor." Kaljim responded quietly before she handed Yamaguchi a PADD. "The treatment plan for your kits." she explained as Celeste accepted the PADD, she glanced over it as she went for her medkit. "Mmm..." and with that she went over to the nearby replicator where she requested two child ampules of medication for Caitian measles.

She then administered both sets of medication to the two children before she had them moved to recovery. "Have a nurse keep an eye on them, when they wake.. Call me okay?"

"Yes Doctor. Right away." and with that the older woman went to work as Celeste went over to her office to get started on her days paperwork.

When Celeste went into the office, she skidded to a halt as she found Tanya Stevenson seated behind her desk. "Oh hey Celeste... You evicting me?"

"No." Yamaguchi paused. "I'm sorry I forgot." as she looked down at her uniform front where she could see the red and not the teal she was so used to seeing in her minds eye. "My post is.. on the bridge.. I'd best go."

"Its okay Celeste.." Stevenson responded as she rose to her feet before she came over and have her friend a hug. "You've been through a lot recently."

"Yeah and its never ending.. I have two kits in here with a measles infection.."

"Okay. I'll pass the word about to our guys planetside.. You're going stir-crazy up on the bridge.. aren't you?"

"You have no idea... Still I have best going moving. Thanks." and with that, Celeste turned and departed sickbay in silence.


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