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Bring your Ferasian to Work Day

Posted on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 11:17pm by Commander Gail Hobbs & Lieutenant Colonel Tienn Nerra & 1st Lieutenant Natasha Skoboleva & Private 1st Class Tamara Harrak
Edited on on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 11:17pm

Mission: Mission 70: Children and the Workplace do Not Mix
Location: Various Locations - USS Argonne
Timeline: 0800Hrs - March 15th, 2392

Brianna hastily put her pants on. She started to get her boots on before she noticed Kaleen staring at the wall.

"Kaleen, I know you upset that we had to separate you from your kin but they were sick, honey." Brianna explained. "They had to be quarantined so no one would get sick."

"I know." Kaleen replied in a sorrowful voice. "I just don't want to be alone. Why can't I go to work with you?"

"A marine armory is no place for a child." Brianna answered. "Look you can talk to your brother and sister on the view screen. I'm sure they would like to talk to you."

"They need to sleep." Kaleen replied. Her head was hung low as she tried to keep from crying. "I just want to be with you today."

"Listen Kaleen, I need you to be brave for me." Brianna told her. "When I get back tonight we'll do something special, okay?"

Kaleen just sighed. "I understand." And returned to staring at the wall.

Brianna gave Kaleen a long look before going for the door. "Alright, try and cheer up." But Kaleen just keep her shoulders hunched as Brianna left.

Brianna headed down the hall. She felt awful leaving Kaleen that way. As she reached the lift the door opened and a petty officer waited for her. "Going down Colonel?" He asked patiently.

Brianna sighed. "No, please go on without me." She told him as the door closed. She turned around and headed back towards her quarters.

She opened the door and Kaleen was as she left her. "Kaleen?" she asked.

A quiet "Yes" replied Kaleen.

"Kaleen, do you want to go to the armory with me?" Brianna asked.

Kaleen jumped up, a smile beamed across her face. She quickly went to Brianna's side. "Thank you." she smiled up at her.

"Just keep to yourself and stay close to me." Brianna told her.

Kaleen hugged Brianna. "I will, I won't leave you side."

"Good, you don't actually have to be attached to me though." Brianna told Kaleen.

"Yes, of course." Kaleen replied, still hugging Brianna. She just shrugged at the Ferasian clung to her and went on her way to the armory.

The two entered Brianna's office. Brianna went to work on a PaDD and Kaleen went onto her PaDD and played games. The two worked away for awhile before the door chimed.

"Enter." Brianna replied. Skoboleva entered and approached Brianna's desk.

"Good morning Colonel." She greeted Brianna. Brianna returned the reply.

"I have personnel files to go over with you." Skoboleva told her.

"Okay, so let's begin." She replied.

Skoboleva looked at Kaleen. "Um, they are confidential."

Brianna sighed. "Harrak, come to my office." Tamara replied and was soon in front of Brianna. "I know you have some experience watching these kits. This is Kaleen, Celeste and I are her guardians. Watch her and make sure nothing happens to her."

Tamara nodded. "At least she can groom herself." Brianna returned a nasty look to Tamara. She looked at the young Ferasian, "Come on child."

Brianna looked at Kaleen, "Don't worry, I'll be right in here and will be out soon." Kaleen nodded and followed Tamara out of the office.

An hour passed and Tamara was tasked with inventory. Tamara looked at Kaleen, "So how many fragmentation grenades do we have?"

Kaleen opened the crate and started counting. "it looks like twenty three." She stated while picking a grenade up and examining the device. "How does this work?"

"Twenty three is how many are on the manifest." Tamara stated. "Oh, you just pull the pin and throw it."

It was while the two were examining the grenade that Tienn rounded the corner.

Tienn regarded the two, a soft smile playing at her lips. "Just be sure to not pull the pin in here... That would suck for all concerned." Nerra explained to the small kit and the private. "

"Throw it here, Kaleen." Tamara asked. The kit throw the grenade and Tamara dropped it onto the deck. "Oops!" Tamara and Kaleen giggled.

Major Tienn screamed. "Grenade!" before she dove for the deck, when no explosion was forthcoming, she opened one eye as she regarded the private. "You did that on purpose."

Tamara gave a nervous smile. No, she didn't do that on purpose but couldn't actually admit that now. "Um, yeah."

"Are you going to show the assault phasers now?" Kaleen asked.

Tienn leapt back to her feet, she then went over to the private. "Explain yourself private.... Why do you think its funny to fuck around on the job... are you amusing this little one?" the Bajoran was angry, her tone was soft but there was no mistaking the level of ferocity in her tone.

"" Tamara was unable to reply. "We were just doing inventory." She finally blurted.

Tienn narrowed her eyes as she shivered, not from being cold but from rage. "Who is looking after the little one?" she asked softly as she glared at the private. "You would do well to avoid being on my sensors... or else...." Tienn hissed maliciously. "Is that clear enough to you private!"

"Yes Major." Tamara sheepishly replied. "Can I go back to doing inventory now?"

Tienn wanted to haul of and smack the private, the look in her eye said as much as they were interrupted by a female voice. "Like I said... Do not attract my attention... Do not provoke me further." as she shifted her attention to the Colonel. "The private thought it would be amusing to drop a live grenade in front of me and the kit."

Brianna had just came into the armory and was not amused. "Dammit Harrak! I left you alone for two hours and you almost blew a hole in the ship!"

"But nothing happened!" Tamara protested.

Tienn noticed the kit holding the grenade in her small paws. "The Private didn't pull the pin..." as she sighed. "But she or he.. might." as she addressed the child. "Little one... Do not play with that, see.. everything in here is designed to kill little one... You disrespect the things in here.. it'll kill you."

"Oh..." Kaleen was impressed with Tienn's words. She then handed Tienn the grenade. "I won't disrespect weapons."

Tienn gently accepted the grenade from the small child in silence, she slowly nodded.

Brianna let out a sigh of relief. She then gave Tamara a dreadful glare. "I'll deal with you later." She then turned to Kaleen, "Get back into my office, Honey."

Kaleen said nothing but hurried into the office.

Tienn turned back to Hobbs. "My apologies Colonel.."

"No need to apologize Tienn, your actions were entirely appropriate." She told her.

"Its not that sir... I have never liked yelling at people in front of children." the small Bajoran responded as she explained herself. "I suppose that now as a good a time as any... I was going to come to you later about it but... I am considering adopting several of the Caitian orphans planetside sir." she explained to Hobbs. "It'll be a big change for me to be sure but... I will endure it and no. I won't be leaving the way the Major is." she clearly forgot that she was now the same rank to Daisy Rohr as she was once subordinate to Rohr. "I will miss her. She was a badass!"

Brianna nodded "Alright, thank you Tienn. Keep in mind, that kit was a slave to Klingons. I'm sure she has seen worse than people yelling in front of her."

"I do not want to guess what the little one has suffered." Tienn responded. "I know.." Tienn reminded the other woman. "Here's hoping she turns out better then I did."

"You an officer in Star Fleet, I think you turned out very well." Brianna replied. "I'm worried about explaining myself to Celeste. I'm sure she won't be thrilled when I tell her what happened today."

Tienn paused. "Then don't tell her about it.. Just mention only that your kit had a good time and nobody got hurt."

Briana laughed. "I wouldn't be surprised if Celeste already knows what happened. She has a way to get information."

Tienn however didn't share the laugh. "I'm going to be blunt... That woman scares me at times." she admitted. "I still remember how she was on the Shadow... When someone pissed her off, she became mean and thats saying a lot." Tienn sighed before she shook her head.

"She had this glare.. that could bore right through people... When what's his face.. That Commander... the Intel guy who was getting in her face, she gave him a bollicking in front of me and a dozen others in why this was her sickbay." she then shrugged. "Well. I'd best get back to work.. Give the Commander my regards please." and with that Tienn turned and walked away


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