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Trials End - Part Three

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 6:11am by General Ranik Solusar & Admiral Kurso Teska & Division Admiral Talon Yeager & Post Captain Davijaan "Oddball" Yeager & Post Captain Harmon 'Hammer' Rabb Junior. & Noel Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 55: The Measure of a Woman
Location: Courtroom Two - Starbase 12
Timeline: 1000Hrs - February 8th, 2392

There was a sudden commotion in the room as various people looked around, voices were raised as a preteen child with shoulder length blonde hair was lead to the stand. "Please state your name for the record."

"N-Noel Y-Yamaguchi." the child stammered.

Talon watched her adopted daughter in silence, as the two locked eyes. Talon slowly nodded to her as Noel seemed to draw comfort from the fact that the woman she called 'mother' or 'mom' was here in the crowd. "Ms Yamaguchi... You have been in case for some time now.. right?"

"Yes... yes I have."

"Why were you taken from your home and mother?"

"Because Jerome Hunt didn't like me and wanted rid of me!" Noel responded evenly as she fought to keep herself calm.

Rabb paused. "Did you cause Admiral Hunt to have issues with you?"

"No. I avoided him most of the time.. I didn't like how he was with my mother."

"I see... Who is your mother... and where is she now?"

Noel pointed to Talon Yamaguchi in the crowd. "She is sitting right there..."

"Okay.." Rabb responded. "How did you get along with Perea, Othello and Marie?"

"We got along, they knew who I was... I was their mothers, other child, from elsewhere... I was much older then they were however." she added.

"So. what was your problem with Jerome?" Rabb inquired.

Noel kept her silence for a moment before she answered. "He wanted only my mother.. Not me."

"When you say 'not me' give me an example.?" Rabb responded evenly.

"When he would plan activities, he would often find a babysitter for me, citing that I was dangerous because I wasn't human."

"Thats quite a claim."

"Its also true." before she indicated the table. "I kept my journal. Its all on that chip."

Rabb nodded before requesting excepts six and ten be played out for the court's perusal. The first clip played and it was a childs voice, one who sounded much younger then Noel but it was easy to tell that it was her. "I don't think Jerome likes me, he never wants to get to know me... He's always with mom... What did I do wrong?" the child asked aloud, clearly asking herself.

Rabb held his silence as the court listened to a child in doubt, questioning what she herself did wrong when she did nothing wrong.
"No further questions your honor.. Your witness.." he said to Lindsey.

Lindsey approached Noel who watched him carefully, her lime green eyes missing nothing whatsoever, her mein indicated she didn't trust him whatsoever as she was wary. "It is possible that Jerome was afraid of you?"

"Yes." Noel responded. "He didn-"

"Did Jerome ever explain why?"

"No. He didn-" she was interrupted but this time she kept on talking. "He didn't bother to explain himself."

"Objection... Council is badgering the witness.."

"Sustained," Loran announced, " Tone it down Lindsey. Let her finish."

Noel's gaze only grew more wary as Lindsey regarded her. "Did Jerome properly clothe and feed you?"

"I did that myself or mom did... Jerome wanted nothing to do with me."

"I see." Lindsey regarded Noel. "Is Talon overly abusive to you."

"No. I've not seen or talked to mom in four years..." Noel responded. "Being in care is hell.."

Lindsey shrugged. "I ask that the members not consider the comments 'being in care is hell please... its not relevant."

"Objection, Council is forming a conclusion," Rabb growled.

"Sustained," Loran announced.

Lindsey knew he was skating on thin ice so rather than continue he turned to Rabb. "Back to you.."

Rabb smiled as he saw how to win this battle. "Noel... When you said your time in care was hell... Would you mind elaborating on that a little?" he inquired with a gentle smile.

Noel launched into her explanation with gusto as Rabb gently prodded her with questions while he gently elicited the truth of the matter from her, she painted a damming picture of her time and the foster care system. Then he asked her straight out what she wanted,.

"I-Home... I want to go home!" Noel demanded loudly. "Is that so much to ask?" she sighed. "I want to go back to my mother.. and my brother and sisters... I want to be with them... I'm sick and tired of hiding from people... from having to be afraid all of the time.. I don't want to be woken at six o'clock in the morning for morning showers where I feel like we're not wanted or in a boot camp.. or having food that tastes horrible crammed down our throats or learning information thats not enjoyable in a classroom thats far too small for far too many kids.."

"Thank you Noel..." Rabb responded softly. "Your honor.. We know what this case is about... and the defense rests..." he turned to Lindsey who waffled on about the honor of the state and the care system and that the ramblings of one child ultimately doesn't mean much before he rested too.

Solusar regarded the small child who was permitted to step down from the bench, she was guided back to her seat as he felt his heart breaking for her, his depression turned to anger which quickly turned to rage. "Well... That was illuminating."

Rabb regarded Loran as he knew the next move was the judges, he held his silence as he waited.

Loran looked over at the Jury. "Jury, have you made your deliberation?."

Kurso Teska looked over at Ranik saying. "Well I vote in favor of granting full custody to Talon Yamaguchi."

Firespirit added in his two cents. "Same here."

Solusar nodded his head. "Separating a child from its mother is a reprehensible act and Admiral Hunt sir... You should hang your head in shame, you dare stand there before us all and call yourself a man..." he turned back to Loran. "Your honor. I believe that Noel Yamaguchi should be returned to her mother without further delay whatsoever... The vote is unanimous."

Loran nodded as he lifted his gravel. "Then it is with great pleasure and privilege that I consider this case resolved. Noel Yamaguchi will be returned to her family and this case is adjourned." and with that he banged his hammer once against the counter top where he was sitting before he rose to his feet and slowly walked out of the room.


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