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Lions and Lambs

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 5:28am by Captain Astrid "Alex" Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Commander Ouros Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 63: Second Nature
Location: The Jeng Hei Vietnamese Restraunt, New - Deneva, KAPPA FORNACUS
Timeline: 1800Hrs Local Time - February 1st, 2392

Jet City was a city, on the planet Deneva, located on the shore of the Terringen Ocean on the Menshoi continent and it was here where these two women were going to dinner. Talon Yamaguchi smiled as she regarded her niece from her home reality, she was overjoyed to be reunited with kin and that had not faded over the last month of their time on Deneva. Ouros Unal had always been the most gentle of her siblings and while she was doing well with her classes, she found herself missing something as people seemed to always want to remind her of her looks to her counterpart in this reality, a woman named Elizabeth who Ouros didn't know.

Talon regarded her niece with a gentle smile. "You're doing it again." as she gently touched the taller woman on her shoulder.

"I hate how you can know what I'm thinking." Ouros responded while she landed the shuttle in the large parking lot. "Alright... we;'re here... grab your handbag, you're paying this time."

"Ouros. You're not very subtle about things.... You hate her... don't you?"

"She has my face, my name... my career..." Ouros responded in a whisper. "I don't know what to do about it." she looked at her aunt. "What would you do?"

"Considering that I too have a counterpart here too..." Talon smiled. "Starfleet is looking at recruiting me for Intel work, considering my background and the paperwork you guys were so kind to bring with you."

"My father... was an evil man..."

"Yes... My brother liked his vile excesses." Talon responded quietly. "He wanted to become the Emperor and... Well... I'm told we have those Akuri...whatever they are called to think for ... removing him."

"Akurians... Yes." Ouros responded quietly. "The universe is well rid of him... Yet he is my father... Even though he treated my mother as a fuck toy and my sisters were regarded as accidents... I've never had a decent father."

"Well... The Jake thats native here is far kinder... I'm envious of my duplicate here. She has no idea how good she has it... " she explained. "So you going to remain in medical?"

"Yes... I can do the most good here... I can atone-" she started but Talon halted her in midsentence.

"No." Talon responded. "You owe nobody anything sweetie." she reassured the younger woman before her as the two went into the restaurant. "You committed no crimes.."

The two were greeted and seated in short order, they placed orders for two starters and drinks then they were left alone. "You think I worry too much?" Ouros responded.

"I do." Talon responded. "This is a happier world then the one we left behind... Do not be troubled by how things seem or appear here.. This... is your home now."

"Alright." Ouros responded with a smile. "I'll carry on then and see what comes my way.."

Talon smiled. "I might decide to recruit you for Starfleet Intelligence... assuming I get hired of course."


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