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War Plans - Part Two

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 5:15am by Captain Mathis "Payload" Lasky & Department Master Chief Petty Officer Laneli "Gearbox" Lasky PhD & Post Captain Plataea "Phantom" Lasky & Commander Luhanna Wintersnow

Mission: Mission 61: The Blood-Dimmed Tide
Location: Akurian Battleship Valikir's Flame
Timeline: 0900Hrs - January 30th 2392

Nevanzi Jesko looked around the room as the various Akurian commanders as well as federation volunteer's filed into the room. Besides him where the three other senior Akurian military members, Marshal Byurkar Kuzzi, commander of the fighter force detachment, General Zoka Ukar, commander of the Army division attached to the task force, and Commodore Ukia Erivai, commander of the MIS forces manning the cargo vessels and fast transports. Also in the room was every other Akurian Flag officer, General officer and Marshal officer in the task force.

Commodore Third Class Thomas Lasky smiled as he was seated around the room. "Well guys... Its good to see us all together again.." he addressed everyone in the room. "Is this everyone?" he inquired aloud.

Lt Commander Luhanna Wintersnow was seated in a chair as she smiled impishly at the display before she had to fight the urge to pet the Akurians in the room.

Commander Plataea Unal regarded Lasky with an eye of curiosity but she said nothing.

Nevanzi looked over everyone replying," Yeah it looks like everyone is here. anyway I am sure you all know why we are here."

He tapped a few commands and brought up the Durandall sub sector. "This is our target. The Klingon world of Durandall and its attendant colonies."

Lasky nodded. "Sounds rather straightforward... I doubt they have any serious defenses." he regarded the holographic marble before him. "What's the objective?"

"Our objective," Nevanzi explained," Is to evacuate the population of enslaved Ferasians from the planet. " As soon as we are done with this meeting, a small task force of federation, Akurian and captured Klingon ships will go into the sector, and begin planting minefields around the planet, as well as cloaked jammer satellites and surveillance satellites. The mines and satellites will remain inactive until moments before our initial strike teams will infiltrate by way of the Iconian gateway. Once there, they will hijack the inactive Klingon ships stored at the planet, while other strike teams hit the planets primary power grid and communications facilities, therefore blinding the Klingons. The crews that hijack the Klingons ships will start beaming out Ferasians, and once they are full, they will head out and rendezvous with our capital ships, which will be waiting about 5 minutes outside the system. They will offload their passengers on our capital ships then go back and pick up more, and they will repeat the process until all the Ferasians are evacuated. When one of our capital ships becomes full, they will go to the yoto Zekor system. There our ships will transfer their passengers to quantum slipstream equipped federation ships, whom will then transport them to Zekarria. Then we will move on to the next system. There are eight star systems in total that we are going after. By my calculations the operation should take about 40 days."

Plataea smiled. "We will handle the minefields on our ends."

Lasky nodded. "Sounds rather straightforward. My guys can be ready to roll as soon as I give the word."

Nevanzi then turned the floor over to Rolf Schafer, whom stepped forward, "Alright, you all wont entirely be alone on this. While you are running your operation in the Durandall sub sector, ships form the newly formed Romulan republic have agreed to lend us a little aide. They will go into Klingon space near the Romulan Klingon border and start staging hit and run attacks, make it look like Romulan forces are about to attack. this will accomplish two objectives. One it will distract the KDF, force them to send ships up to the neutral zone, and two, it will most likely provoke the Klingon into wasting ships attacking neighboring Romulan sectors, which are all under control of Romulan warlord Sela. This should take some of the pressure off our minelaying forces, and keep the wider Klingon empire from participating in the operation."

Lasky chuckled softly. "Works for me." he responded. "It'll also wear down one of the real nasties out there in addition to the enemy." he added. "When do we leave?"

Nevanzi reviewed his plan then replied, "we leave here in 6 days, give us enough time to prepare our ships and set up enough pattern enhancers for the job, and give our cargo ships enough time to set up Zekarria's planetary forcefield."

Lasky nodded as he rose to his feet. "I'll head back and get started.." he turned. "Torilla what are you wearing their uniform for... I mean I know you missed being home but I didn't think you meant it."

"Huh?" Plataea inquired. "Umm... I think have me confused for someone else... Captain Yamaguchi maybe?"

"Captain...wait.. there are Three of you now?"

"Three?" Plataea inquired.

"Yes.. My wife is also named Torilla and she is... well you."

"Lovely." Plataea sighed softly.

Uzara then stepped forward and offered one last tidbit of information, but arguably some very important information," Also, i have an admission to make. We kinda didn't escape entirely on our own. On Durandall and several other of the Klingon colonies, there is a group of Klingons whom strongly oppose slavery in all forms, as well as opposing the warrior caste system, they did help us escape. So they may be available to help you guys out, however, I was not given any information of how to reliably contact them."

Lasky regarded Uzara. "If we find them, then we can contact them... so we'll shoot to disable rather then exterminate." he responded. "I'm good with that."

Nevanzi nodded, then looked over at Plataea and Kralasha, " Can you two come forward for a minute, I want to talk to you about something."

Plataea Unal moved forward so she could speak quietly with the small being before her. "Whats on your mind Nevanzi?" she inquired.

Kralasha said nothing but moved forwards and looked at Nevanzi.

Nevanzi looked at the two of them and gave them their mission," Alright, Plataea, i am assigning Hurg Mas to your group. Once you finish laying the intial minefield, I am going to need you to visit several KDF comm's relay stations and place monitoring devices, as well as any other espionage you deem necessary. We need to have some ability to monitor KDF movement and deployments, and We are going to need some kind of early warning if the KDF decides to mobilize and head for our sector, because I am not sure how long they will buy the Romulan bait."

Plataea regarded Nevanzi as he spoke, holding her silence before she nodded. "We will cure them of the notion that this is anything less then a full scale Romulan assault."

Nevanzi then turned his attrition to Kralasha, "Alright since a large part of our operation is going to involve the use of captured Klingon vessels, I want to re-mark the captured ships as another house, preferably a major rival to Te'kevek, make the house assume that its a rival attacking them and not us, if you have a suggestion for what house to mark these ships as, I'm all ears, since I don't know Klingon houses that well."

Kralasha could not restrain her smile. "House H'rus is a dominant faction. They would be bold enough to re-flag captured ships. They have done it before."

Plataea regarded the Klingon female as she spoke. "Mmmm.. I do not know what house you are a part of.. or loyal to." she responded. "Does House H'rus wish to get into the war?" she inquired. "Not not then we can re-mark those ships we capture as ships from various houses."

Nevanzi addressed both of them," Well either way, I am not overly picky on the matter. likewise, whatever method you use to gather intel on KDF fleet movements, I am not picky about that either."

Unal nodded her head. "Okay." she responded. "Sounds rather straightforward to me. Anything else we should discuss?"


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