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Down Comes the Final Hammer

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 3:14am by Commander Autumn Yamaguchi & Commander Sokanon It'kla & Lieutenant Commander Bernadette Chevalier & Lieutenant Commander Ajal Yamaguchi & Lieutenant JG R'Merah

Mission: Mission 57: The Northern Lights
Location: Various Locations - USS Spirit of Winter
Timeline: 0900Hrs - December 29th, 2391

Chief Petty Officer R'Merah padded down the hallway slowly, he had in his right hand a baseball bat as he spotted his target, he took a moment to prepare for the attack, he let out his breathe and he swung at his target with all of his might, the bat impacted on his target with maximum power but try as he might, he only broke his bat over the targets head.

Rae Lajosse, this time high on shroom's, looked down at the surprised Caitian. Before R'merah could react at all, Rae suddenly grabbed him by the face, saying, "Kitty, kitty."

R'Merah suddenly felt the pressure of a massive hand grabbing his face as he fought to pry himself loose from this man's grip that was honestly like iron. The protested loudly as he claws and bit at the man's hand.

Rae slammed R'merah to the ground, then with contemptuous ease, her ripped R'Merah's clothing clean off, leaving him with nought but his fur. He then pulled the struggling Caitian into a nearby closet and had his way with him.

After his 10 minutes of fun, Rae left the closet and downed another half dozen shrooms. Now excessively high he stumbled down the hallway, while Bernadette, having finally been told whom her culprit was, rounded the carder with four security guards carrying phaser rifles.
"Rae Lajosse, put your hands up. You are under arrest."

Rae looked behind him and saw five gigantic T-rex's chasing him, promoting him to release an extremely high pitched scream and he bolted down the hallway. Even worse for him, the T-rex's where firing lasers at him. Strangely, the laser blasts didn't do much to him as he rounded the corner.

Bernadette and the other security guards gave chase, but to their surrise, they proved unable to catch him as he was faster than expected. So Bernadette decided to erect forcefields to try and prevent him from escaping, then had the security guards increase the settings on their phasers, given that stun blasts didn't even slow him down.

Rae' in his desperate attempt to escape from the T-rex's went through a pair of very heavy double doors and closed them. He then opened the other set of doors and found himself staring into a void of stars, and suddenly unable to breathe. With his hands claimed around his neck, gasping for air, he stumbled out onto open space along the upper side of the saucer section. as he started to black out he fell and started rolling down the saucer, and his trip did not go unnoticed as several people saw his body roll along the saucer. As he finally died his body came to a stop outside Autumn Yamaguchi's quarters, with a loud thump.

Autumn Yamaguchi blinked as she slowly woke up, she reached up as she stretched as she yawned. She heard Ajal mutter. "Come back to bed love.." she whispered softly in her sleep as Autumn climbed out of bed. "What was that noise..?" she looked out of the bedroom as she
peered out into the main living area before she let out a loud scream at the top of her lungs.

Lieutenant Ajal leapt out of bed, she dove onto the floor, landing with both of her feet as she rolled forward, before she charged into the living area, only to find Autumn standing there, unmolested as she looked at what Autumn was looking at. "Woah!"

Ajal gently slid her massive arms around the torso of her mate. "Now that is what I call instant corrective measures for those who violate the rules.."

Autumn smiled. "Yeah... Think he;s still alive?"

"He better enjoy the view of you in naught but your skin."

"Two women standing before him in the nude... he better appreciate that... assuming he's not dead." Autumn sighed before she tapped the compannel next to her. "Yamaguchi to Security. I got a dead body outside my quarters... Whoever this guy is.. he looks funny... other then being dead I mean."

Bernadette was looking at the airlock in which the outside door was open, prompting her to respond in an annoyed tone. "Yeah, and I have a good idea whom this clown is." She then tapped her combadge and called for the transporter chief. "Medical Emergency, Beam Rae Lajosse directly to sickbay."

Sure enough, the body of Rae Lajosse disappeared from outside Autumn's quarters and reappeared in sickbay.

Autumn sighed softly. "Thanks Bernadette." she responded as she tapped the compannel once more. "Alright.." she sighed. "If they need us, the'll call us...."

Ajal raised an eyebrow. "What are you planning?"

"I want to take you to bed and fuck you.... you're good with that I assume?"

"Oh yes." Ajal smiled as she gently led the smaller woman back into their bedroom, before she closed the door behind them.

Meanwhile. Lieutenant Sokanon walked into sickbay. "Okay. what do we.... Oh Valen..." she paused. "What is that....?"

Bernadette said over the Comm, "Its a crewman, Rae Lajosse."

She then walked by the closet, but heard moaning coming out of a cleaning closet. Opening the door she found R'Merah inside, looking like a total mess, and missing all his clothing again. Shaking her head she commented," And that is why you don't try and take matters into your own hands." She then tapped her combadge, saying," Medical emergency, beam myself and R'Merah directly to sickbay."

Seconds later the two of them appeared in sickbay, and Bernadette looked at Sokanon. "Got another one whom needs to be treated."

Sokanon sighed. "Bring him over here.." she explained.

Bernadette picked up the Caitian and put him on one of the biobeds. R'Merah wasn't as bad off this time, merely having both his arms broken as well as serious bruises.

R'Merah mewled softly as he felt his superior officer set him down on the biobed, then he found himself facing Sokanon who in his eyes was quite a beauty. "Mmmm.." Sokanon sighed as she huffed in annoyance. "The knitter is broken.. that means I got bad news for you." she looked at R'Merah. "I'm gonna be putting you in casts for the next little while."

R'Merah blinked as he almost panicked, he stopped moving when he felt the tidal wave of pain wash over him. "Stop moving around.." as she gently administered a painkiller. "That's means... you can't do anything for yourself for the next little while."

Bernadette gave Sokanon a dubious look, but decided not to question Sokanon on the matter. Instead she looked at R'Merah, saying, "Well since you are Caitian you aren't required to wear clothing then, I won't make you wear a uniform on duty then."

R'Merah whimpered softly.


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