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High Ground - Part Four

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 2:03am by Lieutenant Commander Bud Roberts & Post Captain Harmon 'Hammer' Rabb Junior. & Grand Admiral April Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 55: The Measure of a Woman
Location: Various Locations - Battlecruiser Ryazar's Shield
Timeline: 1600Hrs - December 21st, 2391

Commander Harmon Rabb Junior sighed as he entered the command center, to his surprise Lt Commander Roberts was already here sitting in a chair with an Kurokuri in his lap. "Ahh.. there you are Commander... How did it go?"

"The Medical staff all spoke of her in glowing terms." Rabb explained. "Wait.. what are you doing?"

"Oh... Meet my new friend." he turned to the Kurokuri. "Arukiyo... Meet Harm Rabb..."

Arukiyo gave him a look, still purring. "I'm not a Kurokuri though, I'm a jorkuri." She then looked up at rabb," Hi Harm"

"Oh... Sorry I can't tell you guys apart.." Roberts responded. "How bad was it?"

"Hey." Rabb answered as he sat down in a nearby chair as he let out a heavy sounding breathe of air. "The Starfleet Engineering crew... These guys are unbelievable.. They've making my job far harder then it needs to be.... as for Mev himself. I want to cook him and serve him as dinner." he sighed. "I came here.... to look into a matter of child custody.. and now I'm asking... is there something else going on?" Rabb sighed. "Idiots.."

"how did the medical crew do?" Roberts inquired.

"Oh they were the last of my worries. Heris answered all my questions with no attitude whatsoever, hell even Captain Yeager had good cause to hate me, even answered my questions..." as he placed the PADD on the console before him. "You need to listen to his recording yourself."

"That bad?"

"That eye-opening." Rabb responded. "I think I'm going to have a word with Admiral Chegwidden when we get back to Earth." he paused. "how are things with you?"

"Oh.." Roberts responded. "Well whats not to like?" he inquired. "these guys are extremely friendly and they are blunt, they don't pull the usual crap that most of our other allies do..." he shrugged. "Their laws are much simpler then hours and the majority of them are in relations to how each planet governs itself.." Roberts explained. "We could learn much from these guys... but they can learn much from us too... We're more advanced in some places and they in others."

Rabb closed his eyes. "Talon needs to go yell at her Engineering guys... they are making more work for me."

"That bad huh?"

"Yeah" Rabb sighed.

Ryuukei meanwhile walked into the room, asking, "So how is it going for you two."

Rabb and Roberts shared a look before Roberts was the first to open his mouth. "Well my works done.... I was looking at your legal work... Its different, clear cut and and simple.." he explained.

Rabb sighed. "Well the medical personnel and Captain Yeager were a great help to my investigation.. but the Engineers are making Talon's life harder for me....I'm stuck in deciding if I should open a child abuse case in addition to the child custody case."

Roberts sighed. "Fucking Hell... not that shit too.."

Rabb nodded his head. "Yep. That is exactly what I was trying to avoid.." he shook his head. "Even Captain Yeager was very helpful on things, he was very candid in his thoughts and options... and I expected most of my issues to come from him... since he's dating Talon."

Roberts blinked. "Dating... Wait. what?"

"Yeah, she's been subtle about it, trying not to telegraph things that others don't need to know." Rabb explained as he smiled. "Tells me she's not consumed with bitterness over the divorce and that she has a good support network in place, this is all really encouraging." he sighed. "If it wasn't for the Engineers... They all made it look like that Talon has something to hide.."

Roberts sighed. "Idiots.." he responded. "So whats your next move?"

"Sidestep the local opposition and go see Talon and her children now." Rabb commented. "Its the only real move I got left."

Ryuukei shook his head in disappointment. "So basically, the engineers got incredibly defensive, making it look as though there is something to hide, am i right."

"Indeed you are." Rabb responded evenly. "They are making Talon's case a lot harder then it needs to be.." he sighed. "I expected the real opposition to come from the medical guys and Captain Yeager.... but had Commander Dvald not mentioned Yeager and Yamaguchi were dating, I would have missed that detail." Rabb explained.

Roberts sighed. "Idiots.." he shook his head before he turned to the smaller being on his lap. "Let me sit up dear.?"

Irukiya got out of Roberts lap while Ryuukei added," The lack of common sense is astounding with that crew, well I'll talk to them then."

Roberts gently petted her as he smiled. "Sounds good."

Rabb paused as he tapped his combadge. "Rabb to Yamaguchi."

"Yamaguchi here, go ahead?" came Talon's response.

"Could I meet with you in conference Four Charlie at your convenience please, we should have that interview now... and bring your children too please."

"I'll be there straight away. Yamaguchi out."

Rabb knew that this was the best he could get as Talon seriously outranked him as he smiled. "Right... I'm gonna head back to the conference room... Hopefully Talon herself can shed some light on this issue."

"Harm, treat lightly with her.." Roberts suddenly dropped the whole 'I'm inexperienced act as he turned to his friend and colleague. "She's been through a lot over the last year or so... Be careful with her, you might offend her... Don't piss hr off if you can avoid it, interview the children first... and have some candy with you when you do."

"Thanks Bud." Rabb responded with a smile before he turned and walked away from the command center as he made his way to the nearest ships store. He arrived at his location before selecting what he wanted before he paid for his purchases with Federation credits, with that sorted out he went back to the conference room where he was camped out.

He reached his destination a few moments before Talon Yamaguchi knocked on the door, her children and Captain Yeager in tow. "Commodore Talon Yamaguchi reporting as ordered."

"Nobody orders you anywhere sir. Come on in..." Rabb responded with a smile. "If you are okay with it... I'll interview your children first with yourself present then I will interview you afterwards." as he placed his sic candy bars on the table. "I wasn't sure what they liked so I bought a little of everything."

"I could ask why?" Talon asked softly.

"I will get to that shortly." as he passed the candy to Talon. "I don't want you to feel I'm interrogating your children or yourself. I'm jst here to do a job... As distasteful as I think it is.."

"Alright. Kids.. make sure to answer the Commanders questions properly and don't give him any backchat or attitude. This means you Othello." Talon smiled cheerfully.


"Come on kids, take a seat each." as both Talon and Yeager helped their children into the various chairs.

"Alright... is everyone comfy?" Rabb inquired with a smile as he placed his PADD on the table. "This is so I can record your answers so nobody can cause trouble for your mom later okay kids?"

Marie simply nodded her head. "Yah" Perea responded as Othello simply opened a Mars bar and began eating it.

Rabb tapped the display as it began recording "This is Commander Harmon Rabb Junior interviewing Commodore Talon, Perea, Othello and Marie Yamaguchi in regards to child custody case." he paused as he regarded the adult Yamaguchi and then over to Yeager who was standing nearby in silence, there was no question he was here for moral support. "Alright... so kids... hows things at home?"

"Things are... well fine." Othello responded. "We've been good."

"I don't doubt that son.." Rabb smiled as Othello reminded him of his own children who'm he missed. "What about you two?"

"Yah... Everything is fine, we have lots to do... lots of friends." Perea responded with a smile as Marie nodded her head, not quite understanding the question.

"Fair enough.." Rabb paused. "How are things with your Dad?"

Marie pointed to Yeager. "Daddy's right there." as Othello scowled. "You're not gonna take us away... are you?"

"Oh god no son... I'm not going to separate you from your mother. No, this is about another matter."

Othello looked confused as Perea looked dazed. "I... I don't understand.."

"Its about your mothers other child... The one Admiral Hunt had taken from her.."

Talon looked almost afraid but she faced it bravely and now when she heard that statement, she was confused but then it hit her. "Noel..." Talon whispered. "This is all been about Noel all along.... " she paused as Yeager gently stepped forward, he gently took her hand in his. He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Yes Miss Yamaguchi. I was never here to look into your children... I was here about you being able to house Noel and look after her as one of your own children."

Talon was rendered speechless as Rabb smiled, he turned back to the kids. "So... tell me kids... how would you feel about having an older sister in the house?"

Marie's answer was as simple as it could be but effective. "I'm getting an older sister!. Yay!!" she cried. "Yahoo!!"

Othello smiled. "Great!" he responded cheerfully as Perea looked downright pleased with the turn of events. "Sounds lovely... someone I can play with."

"Alright kids. I think thats all I need from you all." Rabb paused as he touched the record button, thereby stopping the recording. "Please take all the junk food, you've earned it." as he nodded to Yeager who nodded back. Yeager turned to his girlfriend. "I'll take these guys to the babysitter then I'll be back okay?"

"No." Talon responded with a soft smile. "I'll be okay, you go on... Take the kids swimming... I'll be along when I finish here."

"You sure." Yeager said softly and he gently kissed her on the cheek after she nodded yes. "Okay." and with that he smiled. "Come on kids... time to go... thank Harmon Rabb for thinking of you with the candy."

"Thanks Mister Rabb." Perea came over as she quickly gave him a hug, something that astonished Rabb as he had not been expecting it.

Othello and Marie was more restrained but they both thanked him before they took a candy bar each, Yeager helped himself with a smile. "Thank you for this Commander.." and with that Yeager took his leave before he gently picked up Marie and with Othello and Perea beside him, the four of them departed.

Talon smiled as she watched the children depart with all of the candy, they left a Mars Bar which Talon liberated, she unwrapped the wrapper before she quickly ate the entire bar. "Mmm... nothing like chocolate to make one's day complete."

"Amen Commodore." Rabb was still recording all of this, he wanted to listen to it later while he could compile his notes for the review board.

"Talon, you can call me by name. I promise not to bite." Talon responded with a soft smile.

"Okay Talon.." with that he tapped the recorder, to resume the recording. "This is Commander Harmon Rabb Junior interviewing Talon Yamaguchi for child custody case." he paused. "Commodore shall we get down to it.."

"We shall yes." Talon made herself comfortable. "Right, lets proceed."

"Alright." Rabb responded as he likewise sat down in the chair. "Do you have any existing custody arrangements with your Ex-husband that I should know about?"

"No, he refused to consider anything about the welfare of my children so he left them with me citing that they were a burden."

Rabb was surprised, it showed on his face and it colored his voice too.
"Isn't that a tab harsh?"

"Actually no, I'm quoting the court records of our divorce proceedings." Talon explained with a smile. "Harsh is what his brother said when he found out how things had gone down... but thats not relivant to our conversation here."

"Fair enough..." Rabb responded as he had no wish to drag open that can of worms a second time as this was not why he was here. "Okay.. As a single parent do you foresee issues with yourself raising a child with special needs?"

Talon decided to go all in. "I do yes. but I will have safeguards in place to ensure that my children were well looked after or that they know its going to be okay until either myself or Captain Yeager can come and collect them. We also have a few dedicated babysitters on hand and we can ask Samantha Yeager for help when she's here."

"Who's Samantha Yeager?"

"Davijaan's adult daughter from a previous relationship, she apparently loves hanging out with my children.."

"Apparently?" Rabb sounded unconvinced.

"She and I are still getting to know each other... But what I've seen of her, I like... Its easy to lose oneself in racial stereotypes but Samantha has the makings of a fantastic officers assuming she makes it through the academy first."

"Ahh." Rabb made a mental note to look into this Cadet Yeager as soon as he got back to Earth but this was no deal problem. "Does she look after your children?"

"Yes she does. The kids speak very highly of her.... so highly at times I wonder i she's a real person." Talon responded. "apparently Sammy is excellent with children."

"Thats always good to know ms Yamaguchi."

"Indeed it is." Talon agreed.

"Okay." Rabb commented. "What about your social and leisure time... Do you make time to spend with your children?. I ask because commanding the Starfleet detachment here can be trying and we're still getting to know our new allies.."

Talon was expecting this question to come up so she was prepared. "Well the kids are in daycare when nether myself or Captain Yeager is
available to look after them but... I should point out that this is very infrequent. Yeager is almost always available and I'm working the morning shift. When he needs to work, he does the second shift so one of us is always there for the kids."

Rabb smiled. "Sounds like you two have it down to a science."

"I will not neglect my children by leaving them alone, if thats what you mean.

"Whats the emotional climate like in your house between yourself, Captain Yeager, his children and your children?"

Talon paused. "To the best of my knowledge. Davijaan only has the one child." she paused. "Are there others he's not mentioned to me.?"

"My apologies Talon... I was... not clear." Rabb responded as he sighed softly. Talon meanwhile nodded. "Well Davijaan regards my children as if they were his, Marie thinks of him as he dad, a surprise he was not expecting... He also apologized to me for it, he thought it would cause me issues with Jerome.... Even though he and I don't speak."

Rabb listened as the woman explained her situation. "Othello also thinks of Davijaan as his dad since he remembers what Jerome did to me.. Perea not so much but I have never denied Jerome the opportunity to visit with his children if he so desires."

"Talon, you come across as a rather unique individual." Rabb said evenly. "Just a few more questions then we'll be finished."

"Alright.. proceed."

"If you and Captain Yeager end up together, how would he treat your children?"

"Davijaan and I are still discussing it, I've made it clear that I don't expect anything of him that he's not willing to provide. He enjoys being around my children.." she paused. "Marie and Othello already think of Davijaan as their father and Perea is coming along quickly." she explained. "Davijaan treats them well and he's never once raised his voice to them."

"How does his discipline them?"

"He does it the Vulcan way. by pointing out to the child what he or she did wrong, he is a firm believer in not spanking one's child, to him its beneath the man that he is.... he never spanked Samantha and she turned out really well."

Rabb was encouraged by all of this. "Sounds like he did a heck of a job." he paused. "Okay... whats your relationship been like with Admiral Hunt since you're divorce was finalized, have you attempted to interfere with any visitation from his person when he came to see his children."

Talon took a moment consider what she wanted to say. "Mmm... Admiral Hunt has never attempted to visit his biological children since we split apart."

"So no problems with visitation rights?"

"No." Talon responded. "Jerome is always welcome to visit his children, I have never denied him this.... and I still won't deny him this.. Now if Davijaan decides to adopt my children as his own, I will not deny him.."

"Alright... I think I have everything I need." and with that he tapped the 'recording button'. "I appreciate your candor Talon."

"No problem... Thanks for letting me say my piece... and for the chance to have my daughter back."

"No problem Talon." and with that Rabb gently shook her head. "I wish you luck..."

"What will your recommendation be?" Talon inquired almost shyly

"I'll need to look over my notes and talk to the Admiral about it.... I suspect that ... your ex will and to contest this.... so prepare yourself Commodore... for the fight of your life.." he paused as he dropped his voice. "I intend to recommend that Noel Yamaguchi be returned to you as soon as possible..."

Talon smiled. "Thank you Harmon Rabb." and with that she turned and departed, leaving Rabb alone with his thoughts and paperwork.


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