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High Ground - Part Three

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 2:03am by Lieutenant Commander Mev & Post Captain Davijaan "Oddball" Yeager & Post Captain Heris Dvald

Mission: Mission 55: The Measure of a Woman
Location: Various Locations - Battlecruiser Ryazar's Shield
Timeline: 1200Hrs - December 21st, 2391

Commander Harmon Rabb Junior checked the list of people he needed to see and visit with so he figured he would get on with it and start working on this list now, his first stop was sickbay.

Rabb entered a few minutes later as he looked around. "Is anyone present?"

A six foot tall Bolian woman wearing medical teal came over. "Yes?" she inquired.

"I'm here to see Commander Heris Dvald, Its about a child custody case... Know where I can find her.?"

"I do. You have found her." Heris responded. "What can I do for you?" as she regarded the JAG Officer with an even look.

"I'd like to ask you a few questions... May we go somewhere?"

"My office will suffice... I will also have my medical personnel come to see you when you finish with me. I will also tell them to cooperate with you."

"Thank you. I do appreciate that Doctor." Rabb followed Heris into her office. "Okay.." he tapped his PADD. "This is Commander Harman Rabb Junior. I am interviewing Commander Heris Dvald in regards to child custody case relating to Commodore Talon Yamaguchi." he turned to the Bolian woman. "Okay... Do you think Talon Yamaguchi can handle raising more children?"

"I do, yes." Heris answered. "She has established a good mixture of work and home life and while she is a single parent raising three children alone, she does have plenty of help however in regards to the caring and well being of her children." Heris explained. "Whats more is that the Akurians are a very child friendly species in that they have lots of recreation facilities for children to grow and develop, this ship is a small city rather than a true ship of the line."

Rabb paused, he was not expecting such candor. "Well... I can't say much since I just got here. How would you define your relationship with the Commodore?"

Heris regarded him. "Friendly. Talon is very open about many things, she is not evasive and she's not subtle, if something is pestering her, she'll tell you straight out. She's approachable and tries to get along with everyone she meets."

"Fair enough... Do you know if Talon Yamaguchi is presently seeing anyone.?"

Heris nodded. "Yes, she is... she is presently seeing Captain Davijaan Yeager... The two apparently spend a great deal of time together."

"Do you have any ideas as to the emotional climate of Talon's home?"

"No, but then I know she spends a great deal of time with her children when she's not at work, she's often looking for activities for them but I have seen her interact with them on several occasions, she encourages them often, to seek and to explore and to learn."

"I wish others could do that... It would make my life so much easier." Rabb responded with a smile. "Final question then I will trouble you no longer." he paused. "Do you know if Talon of her children has had any contact with their husband and father since they divorced.?"

Heris shook her head. "No... I asked Talon that same question last week and she responded with and I quote 'I've not heard a peep since our divorce was finalized. He's not even a man in my eyes as he wants nothing to do with his own children.' Unquote"

"Thank you for your candor Doctor. That's all that I have for you." as he tapped the recording devices record button. Heris rose to her feet and with that she departed.

Over the course of the next hour, he was able to interview every single doctor and medic in the Federation detachment, they all said more or less the same things which he found encouraging.

Rabb paused as he decided to knock out the major target in his path. "Rabb to Yeager, would you mind coming to conference room Four C when you get a moment please?"

A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door. "Captain Davijaan Yeager, reporting as ordered."

"Come on in Captain, this won't take long..." Rabb responded with a smile. "I am here to investigate a matter of child custody thats come up, its about Talon Yamaguchi."

Yeager raised an eyebrow. "Are you here to take her remaining children from her?" he paused. "Wait... child custody... all of Talon's children are present and accounted for... I watch them often."

"No.. Talon is missing one child... I am here to see if that child can be returned to her mother."

"Noel.." Yeager whispered softly. "I didn't think.. I'd ever get the chance to help bring her home... I know that Talon never forgave herself for what happened."

Rabb nodded. "Shall we start?"

"Yes... Please, by all means Commander." Yeager smiled as he settled in.

Rabb tapped the recording button on the PADD he was using for his efforts here. "This is Commander Harman Rabb Junior. I am interviewing Captain Davijaan Yeager in regards to child custody case relating to Talon Yamaguchi and Noel Yamaguchi." as Rabb began asking his questions starting with what happened with Noel and why Talon couldn't forgive herself.

"You said that Talon could not forgive herself, could you shed some light on that?" Rabb inquired.

"Well.. It was a birthday party at the time, it was long before I met Talon of course... and apparently one of the other guests at the party gave Noel a hug from behind, the effect startled Noel and she electrically shocked the poor child. "

"Shocked... as in electric eel style?" Rabb inquired.

"Yes... Noel is from the world of Delta Pavonis Four... You will find her medical records listed under Talon's medical records.."

"Thank you. I'm going to want to look at those.." Rabb responded with a smile. "Please continue with what you were saying."

"Right... Anyway the child survived and everyone involved listed it as an accident but the child's mother was not nearly so forgiving, she demanded that Noel be taken away and dissected or something equally nasty."

"Sounds like something dramatic happened at this party." Rabb responded. "Do you know when and where this was?"

"When... No, for that you'll need to ask Talon herself but as for where... it was the home of her husbands parents. Carol and Jerome Senior."

"Thank you." Rabb jotted down the notes of the names involved. "Do you know anything about how Admiral Hunt took this event.?"

"Not off hand no." Yeager responded. "But I do know that it did not go well for Noel because within two weeks she had already been given up, apparently by the Admiral as he agreed with the parent that Noel was dangerous."

"Really?" Rabb inquired. "That seems... a tad dramatic?"

"Where I come from, its far too fast to give anyone time to sort the mess out. Talon wanted to work things out but she said she was never given the chance to do so before Noel was taken from her... Trouble was. Talon was pregnant at the time and it nearly caused her to miscarry... Jerome was apparently less then helpful as he cited her as a unfaithful wife... despite there was no evidence of her seeing anyone on the side." Yeager explained the particulars of the case.

Rabb raised an eyebrow. "So... let me get this right... Admiral Hunt had Talon's adopted daughter taken from her against her mothers wishes and placed into foster care... I assume at a location that was hard for Talon to get to." he paused. "Where was Talon while all of this was going down?"

"She was on assignment with the USS Brooklyn which she helped to save from the scrap heap." Yeager explained. "Hunt waited for her to be out of the house then he had Noel carted away.... when Talon came home, it was obvious to her.... thats when she filed for divorce citing irreconcilable differences and he was only too happy to loose her."

"How would you rate Talon as a mother?" Rabb asked.

"She's devoted to her children. Their well being means everything to her, her style is unconventional but... I can't argue with the results."

"How so?" Rabb inquired.

"She never raises her voice to them, ever." Yeager explained. "Sammy Yeager,. Thats my eldest daughter said something which Talon assumed she was referring to something else. Talon asked her about it rather then yell at her about it. Something that impressed my daughter by the way... she wasn't expecting to get along with Talon... yet she does."

"Just one more question... then we can end this interview." Rabb explained. "Can I ask... what is the nature of your relationship with Talon Yamaguchi.?"

"Talon and I are dating... Our relationship is deepening and it might turn into something else... but I'm not in any rush and neither is she.." Yeager responded.

"Fair enough Captain." Rabb responded. "Thank you for your time."

"No worries... Thanks for listening." as Rabb tapped the display once, he watched as Yeager departed. As the next several hours went by, he sighed as his frustration levels increased as the Engineers were anything but helpful.

His next visitor was Mev. "Come on in Commander." Rabb explained as the massive squid floated into the room.

"Whats up guv?" Mev inquired as Rabb tapped the 'record' button on the PADD next to him on the table.

"I'm going an investigation into a child custody case in regards to Talon Yamaguchi."

"Huh?" Mev was mystified. "I do not understand." he rumbled.

Rabb sat down. "In human societies, when a marriage breaks down, the well being of the child takes paramount and in most cases, they need a third party to help them sort things out."

"Oh.." Mev responded. "Are you here to take the Guv's children from her."

"No..." Robb responded. "I said I was here for a child custody case regarding a forth child."

"Talon doesn't have a forth child, stop toying with me." Mev growled loudly. "Where I come from, the children are community raised, considering the violent nature of the world I came from.. So this situation would never arise among my kind."

"Thats nice... but we're are among my kind... not yours." Rabb responded before he could stop himself.

"Ooooh... I see how it is.." Mev responded a trifle hotly

"Both claimants involved are human... so Human laws do apply here.. " Rabb explained patiently.

"Oh really..."

"Ok..." Rabb sighed as he tapped the button. "We're finished here.."
and with that he rose to his feet. "Dismissed."

"Yeah, whatever man."

Rabb looked at his wrist chrono, he had been at this for four hours as he picked up his PADD and went over to the door. "Fuck... these guys are useless." he looked down at the small Kurokuri. "Which way back to the Command center?" he inquired.

Kakivi shook her head in wonderment as she led Rabb to the command center. "Yeah I never took them for being that dense."

"They are protecting their CO... which is commendable... but it makes things look uglier then they should... does Talon have something to hide... I now have more questions then answers." he sighed. "More work for me to do.." he regarded her. "I have to ask myself this question now... is Talon abusing her children..?" he shook his head. "Mev... He was the worst of them all.... I honestly thought he was goign to come across the table at me..... Unbelievable."

Kakivi sighed, " yeah the giant squid guy, yeah I already know quite a few people on this crew don't want much to do with him."

"Yeah... I don't blame them.." Rabb sighed softly. "Dammit.. He's just made my life a lot harder then it needed to be."


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