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Brexit Round Two

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 1:32am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky

Mission: Mission 54: Where Snow Meets Sky
Location: Planet surface - Niven Colony
Timeline: 1700Hrs - December 20th 2391

Rykar was busy assisting several government officials when Governor Tarim walked out of his office and gave a sigh of annoyance. Rykar looked up saying. "So I take it your chat with Betazed didn't go very well."

Tarim shook his head. "No it did not." He looked around at his people, saying," Anyone want to go out for dinner, it will be on me."

Teval whom was nearby with Renhai, nodded, saying, "Sure why not."

Lasky paused. "Sure." he slowly smiled. "I'd like that.." he paused. "Anywhere in mind governor?"

"A seafood restaurant just down the street, I go there quite often." Tarim replied, picking up his coat, which was little more than a simple thermal jacket.

Zara nodded, put on her black winter-lined military pea-coat. "Do they serve crustaceans as well? Cause I could go for butter-slathered shrimp."

"Yeah the have it all," Tarim replied as he opened the door. Predictably, it was snowing outside, and quite heavily. Rykar, Teval and Renhai soon followed, neither of them bothering with a jacket, prompting Tarim to ask. "Are you three going to manage, I mean, none of you are wearing a thing."

Teval shrugged," Well I'm not sure about Rykar, but both me and Renhai are species that come from cold environments, so it don't bother us."

Rykar didn't say anything both she didn't appear bothered at all by the cold weather.

Lasky shrugged. "I come from a cold weather enviroment." he responded as he slid off his standard issue away duty jacket which was a little too large for him but that was his usual practice. "The Highland Mountains on Deneva are much colder then this anyway."

Tarim didnt say anything as he led the group to the seafood restaurant. walking in the place, the manager, whom was behind the bar, commented," Ah governor, working another late one tonight huh."

Tarim nodded," Yeah, dealing with the betazed government again." He then nodded in the starfleet crew's direction," Though at least finally we got some help with starfeet coming by."

The manager sighed," Yeah I say screw it, we should just separate from Betazed and become a federation member world on our own. Though at least starfleet seems to care so thats one good thing."

Several other people whom heard the comment nodded in agreement, while the manager added," anyway, your usual table is open."

Tarim nodded and led the group to his normal table.

Lasky followed the small gathering. "Seafood... I wonder what the fish and chips are like here."

"I want crabs," Zara spoke with a hungry grin. "Big crabs."

Lasky smiled. "You seriously have some odd tastes.... However I won't knock it." as they all were comfortable. "The decor is great... I might have to get the specs of these chairs... I want one for my office.."

"We could probably set up some solar panels outside the establishment and give the place natural ability to self-sustain itself - though keeping the panels snow-free might be a problem," Zara spoke more to herself as she thought of ways to help.

"Mmm... driving winds could also be a concern too." Lasky responded. "Considering someone missed the fact that an ice age was going to be starting when they settled here."he paused. "Actually... I'd like to know how people missed that one..."

The waiter came by to take everyone's orders, and everyone got their orders, Tarim relaxed a little, then asked, "So if you guys don't mind, I would like an honest opinion from an outsider on a matter."

Lasky raised an eyebrow. "Whats on your mind?"

"I think someone dropped the ball and I know the Federation Council will send someone to look at that objectively," Zara both answered and evaded. "While you wait, my task group will be here to get your colony safely ready for this weather. First by upgrading your replicators and greenhouses. Then winterizing your infrastructure."

Lasky nodded his head slowly. "Which we can do quite easily."

Tarim nodded," And federation aide has been greatly appreciated, colony morale has improved significantly since you arrived, but lets face it, the colonists here are fed up with Betazed government. Many of the colonists are demanding that we hold a referendum to separate from Betazed, and either join the Bajoran's wholly or become our own federation member world."

Lasky raised an eyebrow. "So.. this world is a powder keg and the fuse is lit." he sighed. "Whats Betazeds laws on secession?"

Zara looked to Tarim for the answer. In typical form, it went to the eldest female of said family. Then down the ladder of females until at last, to the eldest male - if there were no females in-line.

Teval shrugged," I have no idea but this is a combined Betazed and Bajoran colony so I'd imagine that has something to do with it."

Tarim answered," Well, all the referendum would be is the colonists voicing their intent. If they decide they want to leave Betazed's influence, and if Betazed doesn't want to agree, then I will take the matter to the Federation Supreme court. But either way, I still intend to hold the referendum regardless, so I know the wishes of the colony. But I am just wondering what you guys think whats the best option for the colony. I want to know how outsiders perceive the matter."

Teval's answer was a simple one, " Well, I will say this, its your lives and you have a right to decide your own future, whatever your colonies people decide I'll support it."

Lasky paused. "Mmm.. Well.. The choice in the end is up to you and your people... The choice is yours.. and yours alone.." he paused. "That said... I say proceed with it, because either way the matter will get resolved one way or the other."

"I think we still don't know where the failure lies. I think once the investigation finishes, then you'll have all the facts to make an informed decisions," Zara spoke carefully.

"Well I appreciate your opinions," Tarim replied, " And worth noting, its just a referendum, not a final decision. If it catches Betazed's attention and forces them to get their act together, then we still win. Either way, the point of the Referendum regardless of the outcome, is to let Betazed know that they are screwing up."

Lasky nodded. "Exactly." he responded. "How does Bajor feel about all of this?"

Tarim gave his answer," Well Bajor, needless to say, they aren't happy about it either. The colonists aren't really mad at Bajor, since they tried to fun the colony on their own, but Bajor went broke trying to support us since they couldn't do it on their own. And the colonists are not opposed to this colony becoming a completely Bajoran controlled one, but the Bajoran government is extremely angry at Betazed with this, in addition to the colonists. But the Bajoran government has not told me yet what their final say on the matter is."

"This... is not turning out how I expected... I was expecting a leadership gap here with both planets not caring.." he paused. "I wasn't expecting this."

Tarim shrugged," irregardless, both myself and the colonists are happy that the federation showed that they cared and sent people to help us out, this alone has prevented mass chaos on the colony, and squashed any idea's that we need to leave the federation altogether, but either way, we are all still looking at dealing with some rough times ahead of us."

"I'll send some medics down to assess your vaccines and operational needs," Zara also suggested. "I've a MASH unit that hasn't sat to ground in seven months, so I can have her CO put the ship to ground outside your capitol and offer open clinics on cold weather survival as well as cold-weather illness prevention."

Lasky smiled. "Siaxx will enjoy this.. Keeps her happy.. and the little Bolian out of our hair."

"Yeah... She also likes doing things she's not done before either," Zara winked to Lasky.

"Yes... well.. what can I say?" Lasky responded.


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