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Osiris Act One

Posted on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 8:14pm by Commander Sokanon It'kla & Commander Galiaan Fordring & Lieutenant Kadian Paris

Mission: Mission 45: Dust and Echoes
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1100Hrs -October 20th, 2391

Ensign Kadian Paris was straight out of the academy, in her hands she carried a lot of equipment, a duffel over one shoulder and a rather large backpack over her shoulders.

She entered a turbolift which mercifully was empty. "Sickbay." she said evenly as she shifted her balance slightly, she doors opened as she noticed several people, all crowding around the door. "Excuse me!" she called once, nobody moved so she yelled it loudly a second time and still nobody moved so she simply walked forward. "Excuse me!" she growled loudly before the half dozen people parted to two sides as Kadian struggled to get through them. "What... you people not see me here?"

"Sorry... " one of them responded in a carefree tone, indicating they did not care.

"Sure... Right, whatever you say... Now kindly.. get out of my way.." Kadian growled.

"Hey.. whats your rush girl?"

"I have work to do..." Kadian answered in a disinterested growl. "Well.. we were waiting on the lift."

"You should have let me out then you wouldn't be stuck waiting for the next lift, what the fuck is wrong with you people?" Kadian almost demanded before she turned and went off on her merry way, suitcases in either hand weighing her down.

Moments later she entered sickbay as a rather massive looking woman approached her. "Ensign Paris?" she inquired.

"Yessir." as Kadian sighed softly, the massive woman reached down and relieved her of two of her bags. "Thank you sir."

"I heard you were coming, we have a setup for you in here. Lab Two is yours... I understand that you're more a scientist rather then a Doctor.?"

"Yessir. However I am fully qualified in medicine but only the generalist stuff."

"Excellent... I understand you're a cardio molecular physiologist.?" Fordring inquired.

Kadian nodded. "Yessir. Straight out of the academy, this is my residency.."

"Excellent." Fordring led the smaller human female into the lab. "This... is your workspace."

Kadian smiled. "Very nice." she responded. "Who is my study fellow?"

As if on cue, the door opened and in walked a Caitian female, wearing a medical uniform, except with armored boots, leggings and a belt. "Meow..?" she inquired. "Am I late?" she almost purred.

Kadian raised an eyebrow as Fordring shook her head. "Not at all... Sokanon, meet Kadian Paris... You two are going to be working together a lot..." she explained. "Ensign Paris is here for her residency so... You will be teaching her the ins and outs of how we do things. Try not to use her as a scratch post kitty."

Paris nodded. "Its good to meet you Sokanon."

"And you too Ms Paris, I have heard of you... Apparently you come to us highly recommended. Let us hope that you are more then meets the eyes."

"Meets the eyes...?" Paris inquired. "What is that supposed to mean?" the small Human woman growled. "I've had a bitch of a day getting here... Clearly people don't think too well of scientists or is it me?" she inquired a trifle hotly.

Fordring watched and listened in silence as Paris got angry with Sokanon's being a bitch to her for no reason as Paris continued her short rant. "I selected this assignment. Because I thought I could do some good here." she then picked up one of her cases and shoved it into the arms of the Caitian woman who very nearly dropped it as she was not prepared for the weight of the objects.

"Don't drop that." Paris responded. "Now I'm going to get started on setting this place up... before I check in with our Chief Medical Officer."

"Yeah, about that... Don't touch the Furban."

"Don't.. What?" Paris inquired, suddenly very confused.

"Don't touch Nalla Furban." Fordring responded. "Sokanon, stop being an asshole... or I will reassign you elsewhere and find our Ensign here another study fellow... I know you've had a shitty time recently but don't take it out on her... she didn't cause our problems.."

"Yessir." Sokanon stopped. "My apologies Ensign."

"Accepted." Paris responded before she took the heavy case off of the Caitian who was struggling to hold that. Kadian carried it like it weighed nothing. "How you handle those things?, they weigh a ton."

"I'm just stronger then I look." Paris responded evenly. "Setting up the lab will not take me long, then I'll go check in and I'll go see Operations for my room assignment over the lunch break. I'll be ready to start work at about fourteen hundred and I plan on being here until about twenty two hundred to handle things..."

"Sounds good to me. I'll leave you two... to get to know each other." and with that Fordring turned and departed in graceful silence.


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