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Valor, My Shield

Posted on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 7:49pm by Commander Tienn Iteela & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi & Saki Yamaguchi-Cullen & Director Tienn Gyce

Mission: Mission 45: Dust and Echoes
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1500Hrs - October 12th, 2391

Tienn Iteela sighed softly as she closed her medkit after replenishing it, as she glanced around Roanoke's sickbay as she relizxed that nothing had changed. 'So why do I feel funny?'. she asked herself.

'Its because you, yourself have changed.' replied a voice which Iteela had come to recognize as the voice of experience. 'After what happened, you can't go back to who you were... you must grow and change.'

Tienn sighed softly as Galiaan came out of her office which she was using as Nalla was elsewhere. "Fifteen Hundred. Alpha Shift is relieved." she commented.

Tienn smiled as she took her medkit and put it away with the rest of her gear before she departed sickbay. On her way down the hall she heard a voice address her.

"Saki, hey.. whats up?"

"I could ask you that question too." the eight year old responded with a smile "Its good to see you Iteela."

"Its good to be seen... the last week was a nightmare, one I am keen to forget about."

"That bad?" Saki asked. "What happened.?"

"You don't want to know sweetie... Trust me on that.." Tienn responded as she watched Captain Torilla Yamaguchi approach from down the hallway. "Sir."

"Hey Tienn." Torilla greeted her. "Thanks for catching her for me. Keeping up with Saki can be a full time job."

"Oh tell me about it." Tienn felt intimidated around Torilla for various reasons, mostly because she beat up her daughter close to three months ago.

"Tienn... May I offer my perspective on the matter?" Torilla said, sensing Tienn's thoughts and why she had them.

"Uhh sure."

"Stop blaming yourself for what happened. Elizabeth forgave you and so did Kameron and I trust their judgement.. Don't blame yourself for the misdeeds of others, instead.... learn from it and reflect on it... treat it as a life lesson. My kin forgave you long ago... and so did I."

"I'm still troubled by nightmares Captain... It still haunts me."

"Thats because you are a good person Tienn." Torilla responded with a smile. "Don't let them take that from you too.."

"I'll try.." Tienn responded. "I have to go... I told Gyce I'd meet her for lunch."

"Okay.." Saki responded before she gave the older woman a hug then she took off down the hallway.

Tienn gently hugged the eight year old back before she turned to watch Saki race off down the hallway. Torilla smiled. "Oh she likes you." and with that Torilla went off after Saki, leaving Tienn to ponder what was being said.

Tienn turned back and continued on towards her destination, upon reaching it she tapped the turbolift call button. Moments later the doors opened as Gyce stood before her. "Hey." Tienn entered the lift as she regarded her girlfriend. "Where are you heading?"

"To see you, My Dear," Gyce answered as she took Tienn's hand into hers. "I missed you a lot."

Tienn smiled softly. "Its great to be home." she paused. "So.. you're place? or mine?" the shorter Bajoran inquired.

"Any place you like, Iteela." Gyce promised. "All I care, is being with you as long as I can."

"You're place then... I need a bath... and so do you." Iteela gave her girlfriend a pointed look. "You ready for our little vacation... I'm so glad that Kameron and Elizabeth gave us their vacation pass... " she paused as the door opened.

Coming down the hallway was Lieutenant Kameron Yamaguchi. "Ladies." he greeted them both cheerfully. "Tienn, welcome home... I heard what happened... you gonna be okay?"

"I am keen to forget about what happened.."

Kameron nodded his head. "I hear ya... but mind if I offer some perspective on disasters and tragedies.?"

"Sure." Tienn responded quietly.

"Don't forget what happened... remember those who fell as they died doing what they wanted to do... its their CO and their CO's CO who got them killed... Not you... you were trying to stuff life back into a ruined body with sleight of hand.. If anything you should be commended for it..."

"So you know what happened?"

"I do," Gyce spoke grimly. She had to determine if the ordeal was an accident or not. Much of the devastation, she saw the aftermath of in her investigations.

"I read most of the after-action reports.." he responded. "Siaxx also told Elizabeth what happened... and she as you know... told me.. " he sighed. "Colonel Nye's court marshall will be just epic."

Tienn paused a moment. "I want...... I want to feast upon his bones" she hissed angrily. "I want to make him suffer.... for what he did and said."

"I know." Kameron responded softly. "As I said... I read the after action reports.. He should be shot into a star in an envirosuit for his crimes..."

Tienn nodded as she gently gave Kameron a gentle hug, which was clearly a surprise to him as he had not been expecting it but he gently coiled his arms around her as he held her close. "it'll be alright Tienn.
He will get his and he'll bring everyone else who was involved in his little circle down too."

Tienn smiled. "I wish I had your faith."

"I wish I had your strength.." he paused as he smiled. "How long you two gone for?"

Gyce promised with a huge grin, "As long as we need to be."

Tienn smiled. "Bronzing my body on a beach... I can't wait."

"Well make sure you enjoy all of the amenities of the hotel, thats all I ask.." Yamaguchi smiled. "I'd best go... work to do and things to blow up and my wife to drive insane.." he paused. "I did I say that out loud?"

Tienn chuckled despite her black mood as she watched Kameron turn and depart. "Right... your place.." she added.

Minutes later they were inside Gyce's quarters. "You like your place to be Spartan... don't you?" as she regarded Gyce.

"It's not that.. I just haven't had time to decorate," Gyce corrected. "I have a lot of casework that takes my time."

Tienn regarded the other woman. "Fair enough... Would you like a hand with decorating?" she inquired.

"Sure. Though I do need to set aside a corner for temple prayers," Gyce admitted. "You could always move in with me."

Tienn raised an eyebrow as she turned to regard Gyce. "Mmm... I could... sure." she responded. "Then I help you decorate but... I am not going to be dong it all myself, I will want your input.. Since you live here too."

"I only want you here if you truly want to be here," Gyce spoke, glowing with happiness.

Tienn smiled at the older woman. "I do." she responded. "I've never been big on my spiritual life.." she admitted. "I've never had the faith.." she paused. "but first things first... I'll head back to my place and start packing then I'll let the Ops guys know and then I can move in and you get to watch me work."

"We can move in after we get back from our trip, if you like," Gyce smiled brightly.

"That sounds good." Tienn smiled back at the older woman. "Bring your sunscreen... because... we're going to be spending a lot of time on the beach..."

"You need me to help you pack?" Gyce asked. She knew Tienn was just starting to adjust to her implants.

"I was about to ask you that my dear." Tienn inquired with a smile. "A Hand would be nice... my eyes... itch from time to time.. first though... I wanna go home and hang out with the girls... I bet they missed me... Thank you so much for looking after them.." Iteela responded. "I hope they weren't too much of a headache for you..." as she paused. "they didn't destroy anything... did they?"

"They were nice enough to cuddle with when you weren't around." Gyce smiled back at Iteela.

Iteela sighed as she calmed down. "Oh... I thought they had eaten your socks or had chewed up some of your shoes.." she paused. "I wasn't sure if they were going to settle with you.. or not.." she raised an eyebrow.

"If you are calm and assertive, they will respect you," Gyce explained gently.

"I've missed Jaina and Kelassa." Tienn responded as she regarded Gyce. "I'm glad they settled with you." as they reached their destination, they both went in and Tienn got mobbed by two German Sheppard's who were happy to see their mistress return.

Tienn was on one knee as she gently petted both dogs who early demanded her attention. "Hey girls... miss me."

Jaina ran her tongue across Tienn's face as if in response. "I'll take that as a yes." Tienn gently kissed the dog on her nose. "Did you behave for Benice...?"

"She did," Gyce answered as she began to pet the dog's ears.

"Thats my girls." Tienn gently ran her fingers through the fur of both dogs. "Alright. come on ladies... let me in."

Both dogs were not quite ready to let Tienn leave just yet as both of them more or less boxed her in. "Come on you two... let me in." before she rose to her feet, both turned and proceeded Gyce and Tienn into the main living area.

The place looked almost like she had left it, with the exception of a couple of dog toys scattered around and a dog bed in the corner, more or less out of the way. "Ahh.. its good to be home..." she turned to Gyce. "Who's gonna look after these guys while we're planetside?" she paused. "I forgot to ask around..." she admitted.

"Do you wish to take them with us?" Gyce asked happily.

Tienn smiled. "If... we can get a hotel that will permit dogs." as she sat down on the sofa, one of them proceeded to climb onto the sofa next to her while the other one sat down on the ground before Gyce before she whined softly at the older Bajoran.

Tienn gently rubbed Kelassa's ears as Jaina wanted Gyce's attention.

"They're our kids... they go too," Gyce insisted as she began to pet Jaina lovingly.

Tienn smiled. "Thats fine by me.... though chances are... they may run off down the beach and never come back." she rubbed Jaina's ears. "Which was why I had their collars fitted with trackers."

"Smart thinking, Dear," Gyce sighed happily as she kissed Iteela on the cheek.

Tienn closed her eyes. "Its... been a long week..." as she let out a soft sigh. "Fucking Jarheads... all helmet and no head..." she growled. "When do we leave?... It can't be soon enough."

"As soon as we're packed," Gyce promised.


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