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Prudes will be Prudes

Posted on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 5:37pm by Post Captain Hannah Mueller & Grand Admiral April Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 42: A House Divided
Location: Various Locations - Starbase 12
Timeline: 1500hrs - September 30th, 2391

Kasana Rekevo, along with her brother Anzan and sister Tezika, as well as Ryuukei and his siblings, and Roevin and Lynn, all walked off the battlecruiser, through the airlock and into starbase 12. The group was heading to one of the Restaurants on the promenade, and upon reaching the Promenade, Tezika was the first to notice that some people started staring in their direction. Looking over at Ryuukei," Hey, why is everyone staring at us."

Ryuukei looked around, puzzled," I dunno, they have never done this before."

Lynn looked around curiously as well, but she noticed something odd about the people staring at them. If she looked directly at them, faces usually turned red and their head frequently turned away. She also noticed that they weren't looking at eye level either.

Ryuukei was the first to see a rather angry looking guy in a security uniform approaching," Well, here comes trouble."

Chief Petty Officer James Prichard glared darkly at the gathered furry people. "Hey... all of you there." he indicated them

His partner sighed. "Fuck this shit..." and turned to walk away. "I want no part of this mess."

Prichard glared at Ryuukei. "All of you are naked... I demand you dress at once... or I will have to detain the lot of you..."

Ryuukei looked at Prichard with a puzzled look," Um, dude, really, we are Akurians, we don't have to wear clothes, we have fur."

"You are not wearing clothing." Prichard growled. "The rules are the rules... people should be wearing clothing."

Ryuukei was now thoroughly annoyed, but retrieved his Padd anyway," Alright blockhead, this profile right here states that members of my species don't have to wear clothes, now sod off."

Lynn was the one to add, "Besides, starfleet has always allowed us to go without clothing, I fail to see what has changed now."

Prichard seethed. "Silence.. " he growled as he indicated the female Akurians. "You are coming with me." he responded. "on charges of public nudity." before he pointed at Ryuukei. "and you for conduct unbecoming."

Ryuukei crossed his arms in pure annoyance, then looking at Lirvinx, he commented, "you mind if you go get the Admiral real quick."

Lirvinx nodded and quietly went to find April Yamaguchi, and Ryuukei looked at the security officer, saying, "Why, I don't see how we are doing anything wrong, so no, we are not going with you."

Prichard only got angerier so he tapped his combadge, then he proceeded to have all of the Akurians beamed into the brigs that he had ordered prepared for them.

A rather large Caitian male came over. "What the fuck are you doing!" before he hauled off and punched Prichard in the face before he proceeded to rather brutally beat the ever living daylights out of Prichard.

Roevin and Anzan where the only two remaining Akurians still standing there, neither of them having been beamed away. Roevin himself wanted to beat the crap out of the security guard, but simply allowed the Caitian to to the job for him. Instead, he and Anzan followed Lirvinx.

The male Caitian growled as the second security guard came over, he seperated them. "Ok... you had your say..."

"Okay... cuff me and take me in." the hulking male Caitian responded.

"For what... I didn't see anything.." he smiled as he winked. "He tripped over his own feet." as he tapped his combadge and sent Prichard to the base hospital.

Ensign Charles Yeager the third regarded the Caitian. "Go on... no need to keep you longer.."

Meanwhile Prichard shoowed the attractive Caitian female who was treating him, away. "I'm okay... go away woman."

She growled at him. "I will be back... you better be right here or else."
and with that she turned and went away to get some more gear, he hopped off the bed and went out the door, gritting his teeth in pain.

A few minutes later he left the hospital. the female Caitian came back only to hiss in irritation as her patient was gone. Meanwhile Pritchard went into the stockade. He looked around. "Are my prisoners being processed yet?"

"No. We don't know what you wanted to process them for?"

"Godammit. are you all fucking idiotic." he yelled. "Are you all Incompetant.?"

"No.. you look like you are though...." came the response from Lieutenant John Moffat who had just entered the room. "Fill out your paperwork. Then we can discuss exactly what charges you want to bring.."

"I listed them clearly."

"No... you didn't." Moffat responded as he slapped a PADD into Prichard's hands, none too gently. "Fill it out Chief." he growled.

Prichard before he went into the next room so he could start his paperwork, the door closed behind him as John Moffat sighed. "Fuck I hate that guy."

Ryuukei was now thoroughly irritated as he sat in his cell by himself. He was seriously contemplating causing the forcefield to short out using his energy manipulator abilities. Noticing that no one was watching, he decided to tap the forcefield with his finger, shorting the whole thing out, walked over to the cell where Arumi was, disabled that forcefield too, and then sat down with his sibling. Weyai and Kakivi also disabled their own forcefields and moved to the same cell. Weyai was the one to Ask, Lirvinx on his way to the admiral."

Ryuukei nodded. "yep."

Lieutenant John Moffat walked in, he noticed that all of the forcefields were down and the cells were empty, then he noticed them all piled in one cell. "Weren't you all in different cells?"

Ryuukei didn't even bother looking at him, "Yep"

Moffat raised an eyebrow. "Oh...I see." he then shrugged before he looked left and then right. "Why are you all in here anyway?" he inquired.

Lynn was the one to respond, annoyed," Because apparently all of us are naked and publicly indecent. Ryuukei is here for bad conduct I guess, and the other males got off without a hitch, despite them also not wearing any clothing."

Moffat sighed. "Unbelievable." he indicated the door. "Well.. you are free to go." he sighed. "When my section head hears of this... I expect it'll be my ass that gets cooked.."

Just then the door opened and in walked Captain Hannah Mueller, she stood in at about 5'9 and had long dark chestnut brown hair with red eyes. "Lieutenant.. Whats going on?"

"I am setting these guys loose... They were arrested improperly." Moffat explained. "Chief Prichard was the-"

"Prichard is being reassigned... I'll let you be the one to break the news to him.... Since I know you detest his living guts." she turned to Ryuukei. "Well... It seems I have to clean up this mess.." she sighed softly. "I need a couple of chocolate bars through.." she sighed.

Lirvinx, Roevin, and Anzan then walked in with April Yamaguchi, prompting Ryuukei to comment. "Hey, there you are."

April looked around. "Is this everyone?"

Moffat nodded his head. "Aye Admiral. All Akurians present."

Yamaguchi turned to Mueller. "Bring me the man responsible."

Moffat nodded. "I was just heading to fetch him sir." and with that the British man departed, he returned moments later. "I resent this treatment Admiral."

Yamaguchi sighed before she slapped him across the face. Mueller was shocked as she had never seen April Yamaguchi display such open contempt. "Admiral?"

"Silence Inbecile. Go home, pack your bags.... you are gone.."

Ryuukei got up out of the cell and walked over to April, saying. "So, we done here."

April sighed softly as she looked downright angry. "Go... now Mister Prichard... before I change my mind and make you my bitch for the rest of your natural life."

Moffat watched in silence.

Prichard turned and fled as April seethed. "Right.." as she held out her hand as Mueller handed her a PADD. "The item you requested."

April reviewed the PADD. "Lets see.." she paused. "I think its time... I settled this matter.. for good." as she began to tap out her thoughts, her eyes speared Ryuukei as she did so. "This shit is going to stop.." as she handed the PADD back to Ryuukei. "I grow tired of shitbags hunting on my furry guys..." as she looked back to Mueller. "Assign Mister Prichard to the Roanoke's security detail... Inform them of who he is and inform them he is a crewman apprentice."

"It is so informed sir," Mueller responded.

Ryuukei nodded taking the PADD "Agreed, this matter needs to be settled for good. I'm tired of these stupid nudity taboo laws, so can you guarantee that in starfleet no akurian can get arrested or punished for indecent exposure, even if one of us happens to get shaved, at least on any starfleet installation and starbase."

"I will make it so... one way... or another." April responded. "Fleet Admiral Pasha Andreyev and Fleet Admiral Julia Antilles-Yeager will listen to me on the matter." April smiled. "Julia tends to have an open mind on many things while Pasha is much more liberal then most others.." she paused. "Rae Sloane isn't as progressive but... I'm sure we can bring her around."

Ryuukei nodded, looked at the other Akurians, then said to April," Well, shall we get it done then."

April raised an eyebrow. "Well... I was going to go have lunch first.." she paused. "Weren't you guys all heading somewhere on the Plaza?" she inquired. "I am the state, work comes to me" except she said it in excellent french which came out of her mouth as "Je suis l'état , le travail vient à moi."

Ryuukei nodded. "Yeah, that's where we where going, Don't really have a specific place in mind though."

April produced a PADD. "Well.. this is voucher for anywhere on the Plaza... your meals and deserts are free... on me."

Prichard snapped. "What the fuck woman... you are fucking them... aren't you.?" before he turned to the Akurians. "What is it with you flea-ridden carpets... you shit come in here and we're supposed to bow before you little fucks!"

April went white with shock before she went red with pure rage but she stopped herself at the last second. Mueller also was shocked.

Moffat sighed. "Can I please... kill him?"

Ryuukei gave Prichard a nasty stare, and moved to hit him, but Arumi beat him to it. Using her energy manipulator powers to boost her strength, she punched the guy in the stomach, then kicked him in the groin, sending him stumbling backwards into the wall. She walked over to ryuukei, paused, looked over her shoulder and bent over, and jeered while mooning Prichard," kiss my furry butt asshole."

Arumi then stood upright again, saying to Ryuukei with a smile. "Well, I feel better now."

Moffat smiled. "Thank you." he said to Arumi. "Mister... Oh whats the use" as he reached down and grasped a fistful of Prichard's hair, he dragged the man while he screamed and physically threw him out of the stockade area and onto the Plaza.

April turned to Mueller. "Please tell me the rest of your guys are not like that.... go through them and find out please... I'm going to assign them to the worst hellhole I can find... and it won't be the Roanoke... that ship has redeemed itself in my eyes."

Ryuukei offered a suggestion, "Well, you could always give them to Nye."

April smiled as she gently petted Ryuukei's head. "Mmmm... I love how you talk to me my little pretty." she responded. "You sure I can't entice you into becoming my Chief of Staff?" she inquired. "I can get you a rank of Captain. whatever else you want... please tell me you'll accept...?"

Ryuukei shook his head very quickly. "no No nope, I like being a warrant officer, please dont do that to me." He then grabbed Weyai, probably the cutest one of his siblings, saying. "If you don't do that, I'll let you pick up and cuddle Weyai."

"Hey!" was all Weyai responded with. She then gave April the puppy eyes.

April raised an eyebrow. "Why... you want the job instead?..." she paused. "Sounds good." she smiled. "Jobs yours... you'll be promoted to Captain tomorrow... bring yourself to my office... with a smile... Oh eight hundred.. be there.." and with that she turned and marched out the door.

Mueller smiled. "That... was highly entertaining."

Weyai shook her head, "Nope Nope, i resign form starfleet immediately. She then grabbed Ryuukei's hand, saying. "Comeon, lets get out of here." Both Kurokuri then disappeared out the door.

Arumi sighed, and without saying much, the other Akurians followed, though not as quickly.

Mueller chuckled softly. "That was great... don't you think El Tee?"

"It was highly amusing sir... Mister Prichard got exactly what he deserved."

Ryuukei and his group finally made it to the resturaunt where Teval, Hakaya, and their family where waiting. "What took you guys," Hakaya asked.

Ryuukei sighed, gave the little Nuyari an ear rub, and replied," Well, we got held up." Some security officer gave us problems because the females in our group had their vagina's showing."

Hakaya dropped her forehead on the table," why are humans so stupid."


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