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Through the Field

Posted on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 5:25pm by Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 42: A House Divided
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 0900Hrs - September 28th, 2391

Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Yamaguchi regarded her new boss with a measure of trepidation. "Doctor... do you have five minutes?"

Celeste Yamaguchi lowered the PADD she had been reading over as she turned her attention to Elizabeth, her cousins daughter before nodding her head. "Sure. lets go into my office."

Elizabeth followed the older woman in silence into the older woman's office. "Okay... so whats up?"

"I want to turn in my commission... Its more trouble then its worth to me and I can't seem to ever get promoted... "

"Thats different... I was expecting you to change shifts or want more time off or something but not that." Celeste responded with a smile. "Did you discuss this with people?"

"Kameron only and yes, I did..." Elizabeth answered. "Besides... I'm already qualified for what I want to do... I'm a full blown veterinarian in addition to being a full fledged Doctor... I don't need a commission anyway... I'm ready to spread my wings and go from there.."

"Alright.. I'll stick in the paperwork for you... It'll take about thirty days to process it but I don't see anyone having an issue with your request.."

"Alright.. Thanks Celeste."

"Anything else you want dear?"

"We still on for dinner tonight?"

"Naturally. I expect you guys at about seven... in the lounge... I'm tired of looking at the walls of my quarters."

"Good... You need to get out more... Pava and Pasha are worried about you... and its easy to see why."

"Alright... You win mutineer... we'll have dinner in the lounge more often." Celeste smiled.

"Excellent... until later then. Thanks for your time." and with that Elizabeth turned and departed.


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