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The Three Edged Sword

Posted on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 5:24pm by Commander Cressa Stevens & Master Chief Petty Officer Uldyssian Davis

Mission: Mission 42: A House Divided
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1000Hrs - September 27th, 2391

Master Chief Petty Officer Uldyssian Davis was angry, he spent most of his time nowadays in a state of near constant enrage because of the incident with Ro'cholk. "I fucking hate that fuckhead." he growled, reaching his destination as he tapped the door chime.

"Open," Cressa called out as she began to pour some camomile tea.

The door opened and in walked Uldyssian Davis. "Counselor." he regarded her.

"What can I do for you Master Chief," Cressa asked with a welcoming smile.

"I'm here for my appointment." Davis responded.

"By all means then, sit where you're comfortable." Cressa insisted and pointed to the couch, then the comfy armchair by her bookcase.

Davis simply selected one of the corners as he made himself comfortable. "I spent my entire career...fixing things... I love it... its a good life. I found me a decent woman... had a few children.. and I've never once... taken a life, not even in self defense.. until Ro'cock.." he growled the name. "Now... I hate Klingons... I hate the arrogance. I hate their warrior bullshit they drag everywhere with them and I hate the 'Oh I can kill anything' ego they bring with them."

"What about Daisy?" Cressa inquired with curiosity.

"I don't know her." he shrugged. "and.. honestly... I don't want to either."

"So what makes you think no Klingon is good?" Cressa asked in a non-accusative tone.

"I'm a murderer because of that piece of shit." Davis growled. "I hate what I have become... because of Ro'cock."

"I understand your feelings, but that does not really explain why all Klingons deserve to die, in your eyes," Cressa spoke gently.

"Because... I hate them." Davis responded darkly. "They spread misery and hate wherever they go."

"So what makes you happy these days?" Cressa asked as she decided to change the subject, for the moment.

"Being on duty in engineering... being around my people." Davis admitted.

"I think what you should do for the time being," Cressa suggested, "is return to that. Put all yourself into being around those that care. Let them help you come to terms with this anger."

Davis regarded her. "I was offered leave time... but I chose to refuse it... it'll leave me time to think about it and... I honestly don't want to think about it."

"Do you want these feelings to go away?" Cressa asked with concern.

"It would be nice..." Davis responded. "But you make it sound like its a virus that goes away... or a cold I simply get over."

"Oh heavens no," Cressa corrected. "Seeing and doing the things you have, will never truly make what you feel, go away. But you can learn to cope. Reconnecting with a huge support system of friends and family is a good way to heal."

"Hanging out in engineering." Davis responded. "Leading my congregation and organizing my church will help me.." he sighed. "I spent over twenty five years in the service. Never needed to take another life... and the guy I killed... was a Starfleet officer... who was intent on killing me and everyone around me.." he regarded her, she was quite a looker as far as he was concerned but he was happy with his wife. He decided that maybe he needed to go and see his family which he had not seen in far too long. "I still have a few weeks of leave time coming to me.... maybe I should take some."

"I think it a good idea. And if you do want to talk, know I'll pick up the line at any time," Cressa spoke wholeheartedly. "I am sure your family misses you too."

"Yeah.." Davis responded. "Maybe... getting away from here would do me some good."

"How long's it been since you seen them?" Cressa asked him with a huge grin on her face.

"Too long." he answered quietly. "Alright... I'm going to go and get some time off so I can see my wife..."

"If you're feeling angry and you aren't sure if you can control it, call me." Cressa gave him a concerned look before she typed in her PADD. "I do wish you a great trip as well."

"Alright. I will." Davis responded as he rose to his feet, assuming their meeting was over before he took his leave.


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