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Far Over, The Highland Mountains, Cold - Part Five

Posted on Wed Mar 18th, 2020 @ 3:21am by Fleet Admiral Heather Duval & Commander Ethan "Hardcase" Duval & 1st Lieutenant T'Kera "Demolitions" Duval

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Deneva - Highland Mountains
Timeline: 1200Hrs - June 17th, 2393

About a thousand yards behind the two people on the trail was a young woman who walked alone, she had her rifle which she had requisitioned from the armory of the USS Hyperion where she was presently assigned as she stopped by a large rock, she regarded it for a moment before she sat down and took aim up the trail with her rifle, the two people she was shadowing were still talking. "Good... So long as you two behave. I'm good." the young woman smiled.

T'Kera Duval followed the two in silence, her rifle in her arms as she walked in silence, her gentle footfalls, however, dislodged a few rocks, however, these failed to gain her notice.

Ethan heard the rocks fall as he turned. "Well now. Someone is trailing us.." he regarded Heather as if he assumed she knew who that was.

Duval turned her head. "Mmm.. probably someone using the same trail. Why... Something wrong?" she seemed unconcerned.

"This is not the average trail," Ethan commented. "We're being tailed," he added gently. "So.. Let's slow down and allow whoever that is to catch up with us."

Heather Duval raised an eyebrow. "What's the worry?" she inquired as she watched him.

"I hate being followed," Ethan admitted quietly.

"Look. I am sure whoever that is, isn't following us." Duval answered as she regarded him, she, however, knew better as that could only be her niece.

T'Kera Duval meanwhile noticed what was going on. "Mmmm... You're onto me," she commented aloud gently. "I'm not sure if that's good or bad." she paused. "Time for me to do something about that then." she mused softly, a smile on her lips as she ducked behind a massive rock that had rolled downhill from the side of the mountain that reached into the skies above the three people walking along the trail. She slung her rifle over her shoulder before she drew her tricorder from where it was located on the young woman's belt. "Safe enough for an overland hike," she added as she began to leave the trail and with that, she began to pick her way across the rock-filled ground as she began moving northeast as she left the trail.

Ethan watched the small person depart the trail as he sighed. "Doesn't he know it's dangerous to leave the trail?" he inquired, rhetorically.

"Who said he doesn't know?" Duval inquired of him. "Odds are we'll never see him or her ever again... So... Shall we proceed?" she inquired with the hike as she heard a voice in her ear whisper. "Aunt Heather, this is your insurance policy speaking. He spotted me. I'm going to shadow you from the left flank of the trail, hopefully, he won't see me again."

Heather simply cleared her throat as if to say she understood. Meanwhile across the valley, the younger woman smiled as she had already found her way through the rocks. "Now you saw me... Soon you won't," she mumbled to herself as she picked her way through the rocks. Heading towards the other side of the valley.

Ethan regarded the strange person with a last cursory look before he turned his attention back to the trail before him. "Let's carry on.." he sighed. "I wish I had not left my rifle behind."

Duval sighed softly. "Stop worrying so much... You're just being paranoid about things.."

Ethan shifted his attention from the trail to his sister. "Am I?" he inquired of her. "Some habits with me, die really hard."

"I can understand." Duval decided to try a little verbal judo instead of directly confronting him on what had just transpired. "Considering where you came from and the people you used to deal with. I understand." the older female responded. "It's a shame really.." Duval finished.

"How so.?" Ethan inquired of her.

"Because this isn't your reality, it's the place you are stuck calling home because you were left here rather than being resettled here by choice, you've had it shoved down your throat and you've been forced to adjust to a lot in a rather short space of time."

Ethan nodded evenly. "Yes. I have. It's why I do not wish to serve this universes' Starfleet rather than serve again."

Duval regarded him in silence as the two of them walked down the trail. "What if I could change that?." she inquired. "Would you at least hear me out?"

"I am hearing you out," Ethan responded. "I am not going to repeat the atrocities I once committed in the Federations name" he added with a quiet sigh.

Duval sighed softly. "So. That's what this is about.." she paused. "Forgiveness is a blessing but it's not for me to give and being blunt with you. You are being too hard on yourself Ethan. You did not commit those events here and not with these people." she paused. "Your Federation clearly lost its way and became what it most hated and feared."

"Yeah... Now I'm here with no way to go back to where I came from... This reality is home now. This world is my home and there are times when all I want is to find peace before I die."

"It'll never come," Duval answered. "One-day others may try to convince you they have forgiven you." she sighed "That is more about them than you. For them, imparting forgiveness is a blessing and it's not one you need or want." she regarded him as she spoke "As you didn't commit any crimes against the people in 'this' reality." she spoke.

"How do you go on?" Jefferson inquired.

Duval regarded him, her tone implacable "It's simple. You will never forgive yourself for your crimes in your past reality. Accept it." her gaze grew hard and Ethan decided he didn't like what he was seeing in the female before him. "You hurt others, many others, that cannot be undone. You will never find personal retribution, but your life does not have to end. That which is right, just and true can still prevail." she paused a moment to allow that to sink in.
Duval continued a moment later. "But do not fight for yourself, fight for others, others that may be saved through your effort. That is the least you can do and that's why I want you to rejoin Starfleet. You can make a difference out there... There are people out there who need your help."

"Heather Duval. I will consider it." Ethan answered quietly. "We should keep moving.."

Meanwhile two hundred yards away. 1st Lieutenant T'Kera Duval moved back onto the trail, she had her rifle slung over her shoulder as she moved forwards towards the two people ahead of her. She moved quickly, her footfalls eating the distance as she regarded the two people before her. "Hello." she greeted the two people before her.

Duval smiled. "Hello, T'Kera. Fancy meeting you here." Heather addressed her niece with a smile on her lips.

"Well, I came prepared." as she turned to Ethan. "The resemblance is uncanny. You look just like him." T'Kera addressed the man who looked identical to her father in all respects save one.

Duval nodded her head. "Indeed. He does."

Ethan regarded her. "Who are you girl.?"

"I'm T'Kera Duval. Jeffery Duval's daughter. I guess that makes me your niece."

Ethan turned to Heather. "You knew she was tailing us this whole time and you didn't think to tell me?"

Duval was expecting this. "Of course. This is T'Nae's eldest daughter. Would you have given her the time of day had you known?"

Jefferson paused. "Actually yes. I would have.." he commented a moment later in a rather angry tone.

T'Kera regarded him. "I see. Then we should continue moving along the trail and we can get to know each other... Other Duval's have heard of you. T'Lee will want to meet you as will mom."

"Lovely," Ethan responded in a dry tone of voice.


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