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Echos of the Third World War

Posted on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 4:09am by Division Admiral Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Commander Luhanna Wintersnow

Mission: Mission 40: Thirty Pieces of Silver
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1545Hrs - August 9th, 2391

Commander Torilla Yamaguchi was due to go on shore leave the following day and so she was trying up her last few items before she was going off duty for what she hoped was going to be the last time. "Alright, guys. Let's try to finish this meeting without anything dramatic happening... I want to leave this ship with what little of my sanity remains.."

Jake smiled but he knew that the statement was no laughing matter and neither was it a joke. "Sounds good... Alright, let's do this."

"Where is Zara Tane?" Luhanna Wintersnow asked.

"Don't know... Nor do I care." Torilla's anger had grown over the last week and now it was almost a physical thing, frightening in its intensity and brilliant in its brightness. Like a luminous sun which illuminated all and the impervious shelter beneath which it has prospered.

Luhanna nodded. "Alright... The supplies are slowly coming aboard and we should be ready for the refit which should take about three months... Roanoke is getting some VLS systems added as well as a lot of new armor." the Dranaei explained.

"Okay... sounds like everything is going according to plan..." Torilla responded. "Jake... would you mind giving us the room?"

"Sure," Jake responded as he turned and departed. Luhanna regarded Torilla. "Sir?"

"Your acting Exec, starting now... I'm going on leave and... odds are... I won't be coming back... I'll be off to serve as Exec on the Lethal Shadow." Torilla explained. "You'll be looking after things here."

"So you did get another assignment offer?"

"I did... On a brand new ship of the line."

"I'm happy but... I wish you weren't leaving."

Torilla knew what the other woman was saying and why she was saying it. "You already know everything you need... You do not need a babysitter." Torilla explained. "You'll make a good exec.. a fine replacement for me." she sighed. "Time for me to be off... I have things I need to finish before I leave." and with that Torilla departed the Captain's ready room.

She stepped out onto the bridge as she tapped the turbolift door call display.

Zara blinked rapidly the moment the doors opened and Torilla was standing in front of her. "Commander..." the Trill greeted politely.

Torilla regarded the smaller woman. "Captain." she responded, just as politely. "Luhanna Wintersnow will be taking over as your Exec.." she added.

"I hope you have fun on your trip," Zara spoke genuinely. "You deserve to let your hair down."

"It'll be a nice change..." Torilla responded with a gentle smile. "Lord knows this vacation is... overdue.." she sighed. "So before anything else goes wrong... I'm going to run away in a completely undignified fashion and get off this ship... By your leave?"

"Of course," Zara agreed, then moved out of the lift to give Torilla her space.

Torilla regarded Zara in silence before she reached out, gently snagging Zara's hand, she almost hauled her back into the lift. "We must talk... before I go."

"Ok..." Zara sighed uneasily and joined Torilla back in the lift.

"My issue... is not you." Torilla responded. "It is Lasky... you just got in the way because you are dating him now or so I heard."

"I am my own person," Zara told Torilla very angrily, for she had been holding it in a long time. "I have apologized for my transgressions upon you and given you space. I have kept tabs on you as well, because I still care about you. And I have allowed you to lash out at me more times than a friend should... So I am telling you very clearly one more, I am my own person. Your deal with Tom, is not my business."

"Good." Torilla growled back. "Zara. Its never that simple... Because you are dating him. You are already involved... it means I have to be gentle on the subject...Because honestly. I want his head.."

"Gonad went down because he hurt your daughter... Very admirable," Zara pointed out in a much softer approach. "Miss Stevens is on administrative probation for the next year, but Fives saw it to protect someone he loved. And he saw you as that threat - how ever stupid it was of him."

Zara looked at Torilla pleadingly. "I'm not saying you two need to be best buddies, but I would like to point out that you wanted us to give it a shot. And we did. And he cares a lot... He acted no different than you did against Gonad."

"I was not expecting you two to hit it off the way you did." Torilla answered quietly." she sighed. "I killed Gonad... Lasky... didn't... That makes him one step up from me.." Torilla's tone was full of loathing. "I couldn't control myself."

"He's admitted to me he's lost control as of late himself," Zara spoke with concern. "Most of us have. But things will be much different by the time you return. Staffing and everything. No more idiots."

"Good." Torilla sighed softly. "I feel like... butter scraped across too much bread... I have been out of control recently.. and I can't seem to stop it...More to the point... I've begun to enjoy it... and that scares me... and makes me angry that I enjoy being out of control.."

"I have been selfish too," Zara spoke and swallowed very hard. "You were meant as a temp originally... But you're soo much more. And you're good at what you do, and I don't know what I'll do if I get another jerk as XO."

"I heard about you and Telios..." Yamaguchi responded. "Why couldn't you two get along?" she inquired. "I mean.. she was only here a week.."

"She was not very nice to me," Zara admitted darkly. "And I tried to penalize her for it, which she did not like."

"Lovely." Yamaguchi responded. "While over on the Dreamcrusher, I was useless."

"Teval wants a position worthy of his skill set and you want a command," Zara pondered aloud, more to herself than Torilla. "Your hubby and Olmos are my only true friends in the brass for me to make both things happen. I suppose I could see if Olmos will vouch for you, in getting you a descent command. Once you return, than is."

By the watery eyes, Zara really did not want to let go of Torilla.

"If... and when I get a command...I will request assignment in this battlegroup.." Yamaguchi responded quietly. "As much as I hate this ship..... I can't see myself being anywhere else.."

"Not many fleets that care about colonies," Zara spoke sadly. "We'll set a new standard though."

Torilla regarded Zara. "and use a strapon... We will make them weep for mercy!"

"You need to fuck your hubby really well, Dear," Zara teased with a dirty grin.

"I plan on it." Torilla responded evenly. "on a beach towel on a beach somewhere with me, flat on my back..."

"You and I will be OK," Zara assured her friend. "Space is good for everyone, given what we just been through."

"Its been a long, crazy few months... and it never seems to stop.." Torilla answered quietly.

"It will for the next few months," Zara promised. "Now go have some fun, Tory."

"Right." Torilla let out a quiet sigh of resignation. "I'd best get off this ship before something else goes wrong." Torilla gaze the smaller Trill woman a look. "You know how often it does.?"

"Sadly, I do," Zara blushed with embarrassment. "Take care of yourself, Friend."

"You too Zara." and with that she tapped the button on the panel before her, she door opened as Torilla stepped forward, little did she realize that this would be the last time these two would see each other while serving together.


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