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To Serve and Dream

Posted on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 1:29am by Division Admiral Jango'tat Nesbis & Captain Daniel "Karass" McKnight & Division Admiral Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Zuko Omakan

Mission: Mission 38: Last One Out, Get the Lights
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 0800Hrs - July 24th, 2391

The turbolift doors opened and out came Commander Torilla Yamaguchi looking refreshed, in a new uniform with the officers vest with the tank top beneath it with the skirt and boots.

Torilla looked around. "Hey guys. What am I interrupting.?"

She went over to where some of the senior officers were gathered. "Morning Commander." Karass greeted her as Celeste Yamaguchi who was chatting with Zuko before turning to Torilla. She gently gave her cousin a hug. "Hey."

Zuko shook his head," Not much, just filling Celeste in on recent events."

Celeste nodded. "It's quite a story... you gonna be alright?"

"I'll survive.." Torilla paused. "It's not a big deal. At present anyway, though that could change..." she sighed softly. "Whats our order of business for today?" she asked Zuko.

Zuko shrugged, "Not much really, our task is basically just supporting Roanoke in the colony mission. All the department heads pretty much have the ship running smoothly, so usually Telios and I sit on our asses and don't do much."

Torilla paused. "Wait... you mean I actually get to sit down for more then two minutes.?" she paused. "I've gotten into the habit of doing my work plus ... Tane's work... that its more then a full time job.."

Just then Karass raised an eyebrow,. "Skipper... we're being hailed..." he turned to Torilla. "Its... for you."

"For me..."

"Yes... by name.."

Torilla looked to Zuko. "May I talk to them here?" she inquired.

Zuko nodded, "Yep, answer them."

Torilla nodded. "Put it up on the big screen please Commander?"

Karass nodded. "Willdo Commander." and with that he tapped the display before him as the starscape was replaced by a picture of a ships bridge with someone who looked very much like Torilla on the screen, he was clean shaven and bald with piercing baby blue eyes. "This is Captain Jango'tat Nesbis to.. Ahh Torilla... you're a hard one to find these days."

"Considering our government wants a piece of my body, quite literally, I tend to keep a low profile, I find it helps me with many of my problems." she responded quietly. "What do you want?"

"Our government has gotten quite stupid on various matters... they tried to kill me and my children.. they missed."

"Wait.. what?" Torilla responded, confusion on her face. "When did this happen?"

"About two months ago. I was given this ship and I contacted a few of my guys, they came with me... " he responded. "Captain Zuko. Admiral James Rawlins said that if I needed help... that you were the man to come and see... and I'm asking. I need to hide out with my children and to disappear." he explained. "In exchange, I give you this ship...USS Dusk."

Zuko blinked in confusion," U'm O.K. Uh, thank's."

Torilla smiled before she barked. "Jango. Look out!"

Jango'tat spun as he unsheathed his dagger as a phaser blast shot last him and impacted the screen. Torilla flinched as she watched the firefight go down.

"Can we get him out?" Yamaguchi inquired.

"Negative. Too many too close together." Karass responded. "I have two signatures isolated.." he added.

"Beam everyone to separate cells in the brig." Yamaguchi responded. "We'll sort this mess out shortly." she turned to Zuko. "Mind if I go clean up my mess?"

Zuko nodded, "Yeah go ahead."

Torilla turned and walked over to a turbolift, she entered the turbolift and was gone.

Karass turned to Celeste who stood in silence nearby. "Y'Know... I wasn't expecting to like her at all" he commented. "I see why you speak so well of her."

Celeste chuckled. "Well... it could be worse and she's not that bad... Once you get to know her."

Meanwhile in the brig. Torilla regarded Jango'tat who had his own cell, he had been splattered with blood as one of the guards came over to her. "Ma'am. We have two children in here."

"Okay, release the two children.." Torilla commented. "Whats the status of the rest?"

The brig guard did exactly that as she gently dropped to one knee. "Hello. you are safe now... your father asked me to look after you."

"Are you... Aunt Torilla..?"

"I am yes."

"Yay!" the little girl came to her before the little boy did a moment later. "I'm going to have someone come take you to sickbay and see to it that you are alright."

"Okay... who?"

"My eldest daughter.. Your cousin, Elizabeth." as she tapped her combadge. "Yamaguchi to sickbay. Elizabeth, you there?"

"I am.. whats up?" came the response. "I have two children that I need you to come and collect... do it quietly... and ask Celeste to keep this one off of the books okay."

"Willdo. I'm on my way."

Torilla nodded as she tapped her combadge before turning to the brig guard. "talk to em goose?"

"I got two fatalities and one wounded." the Ensign responded as he led Torilla over to where the wounded special forces trooper was lying on his side. "Ahh... the Apostate.. Good... I will enjoy killing you."

Torilla raised an eyebrow. "Silence." as she heard a soft rumble, she tapped her combadge. "Yamaguchi to Bridge, status?"

Zuko simply had Kerass beam in a bunch of anestezine gas grenades into the ship, knocking out the remaining people on the ship, then said to Tienn, saying, "Nerra, organize your teams and have them board that ship, if you don't mind."

Tienn smiled. "Consider it done." she responded before she tapped her combadge. "Tienn to all marines, prepare for combat." she commented before departing the bridge.

Torilla meanwhile was down in the brig as she watched a medic nod to the brig guard who drew his weapon. "Proceed.."

Yamaguchi nodded. "He is extremely dangerous." she said softly as she watched the downed trooper carefully

The trooper shifted his weight. "I can sense your fear."

"Your not that badly hurt... let me see your hands... slowly.." Torilla growled as she drew her sidearm.

"Apostate.." he responded. "Know that I will kill you when I get the chance."

"No... you won't." Torilla responded before she nodded to the guard who activated a subspace dampening field. "What... what have you done to me.?"

"I removed your abilities... Now... you and all your friends will behave, as you have committed various offenses on a Federation starship.." she smiled. "Including piracy, treason and mutiny."

"You... wouldn't..."

"I would... you tried to seize a Federation starship." as she heard several more troopers being beamed into the cells, courtesy of the Marines which were boarding the USS Dusk.

Torilla came over to Jango'tat Nesbis who was sitting in the brig. "Torilla... we must talk."

"I know." she answered. "Your children are safe.." as Elizabeth Yamaguchi came around the corner with the two children beside her. "I'll look after them for now."

"I'll see you soon kids." Jango said quietly as Elziabeth gently led them away. "Come on guys... you'll see your daddy again soon." as Jango looked at Torilla. "I need you or someone in authority to legally pronounce me as killed in action."

Torilla indicated the other cells. "Because they will rat on you."

"I had not expected them to turn on me." he sighed softly. "I guess loyalty is worth nothing anymore."

"I wouldn't say that... I will talk it over with my Captain and see what we can arrange for you." as she relized it meant she would need to speak with Zara Tane.

"Alright... just don't take too long." as Torilla took her leave. She went back up to the bridge as she decided to brief Captain Zuko on the situation.

Zuko looked over as Torilla walked onto the bridge," So whats the development."

"Well Commander Nesbis has a hit on him from our government, apparently he didn't produce results and now they are accusing him of treason." Yamaguchi explained. "I'd like to hide him aboard until we can get this mess sorted out... Also we can turn the prisoners over to the planetary authorities.. once we explain to the authorities how to block out their various abilities."

Zuko nodded, "Ok. I understand, that's fine with me."

"Excellent. Thank you." and with that Torilla began putting the first stages of her plan into action.


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