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Blood and Thunder - Part Two

Posted on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 1:22am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Commander Siaxx Warfield & Commander Cressa Stevens & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi & Zuko Omakan

Mission: Mission 38: Last One Out, Get the Lights
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 2030Hrs - July 23rd, 2391

Fives was somewhere on deck five, hunting for his quarry. He knew that Zara was somewhere around here but he wasn't sure when something crashed into him, he never got the chance to put up a serious defense as someone's fists kept smashing into him.

Kameron didn't yell or scream, in fact he was silent in the forty seconds it took him to beat the ever-living shit out of Fives. "This is for my wife... the woman I call mother, and for myself." he growled, it was all he said as he refused Fives from a proud shaolin monk to a broken and bleeding cripple. "For what you said to my wife... and for what you did to the woman I call Mom.... I should throw you out the airlock and terminate your worthless, pathetic life." Kameron seethed with endless rage as he grasped Fives's uniform jacket as he began to haul him down the hallway.

"Where.. we... goin?..." Fives wheezed.

"To sickbay.." Kameron growled. "But you ever threaten a member of my family again... Don't forget that my wife is carrying your child... unless you want her to change her mind and raise the child as her own... because she is seriously considering it."

Fives couldn't work up the energy to protest.

Meanwhile in sickbay. Doctor Siaxx Dvald was looking over Commander Torilla Yamaguchi who was sitting on a biobed before her, she too had a note of the angry marks on her neck as well as the evil one on her face. "You're gonna be fine Torilla..."

Torilla regarded the Bolian woman before her without saying a word as she did her work before she nodded to the Admiral. "I wanna keep her a little longer.."

"Can I leave Doctor."

"No, you took a bad blow to the head so I wanna keep you for observation. I assume Fives did that."

"Among other things, yes."

"I see... Do you think he's fallen for Zara?"

"I did tell him about this beforehand then he loses his fucking mind.." Torilla answered. "doing this to me... he also threatened Elizabeth too. Thinking she was the one who mind-raped Zara and then he called her a liar when she said honestly that she didn't know... she didn't know because I didn't tell her."

Siaxx fumed. "Unbelievable," she said as the doors to sickbay opened and in came Kameron dragging Fives behind him. "We're here." there was nothing but angry rage and bitterness in his tone. "Doctor... where do you want this piece of shit."

Siaxx raised an eyebrow. "Leave him there for now."

The door opened a second time as in came Zara Tane followed by Cressa. Torilla went from calm to extremely hostile as she growled softly.

Kameron regarded Torilla as Jake moved to stand in front of her. "Mom... it'll be okay."

Jake regarded Tane. "Explain this.." he growled.

"Why don't you ask the bitch you call a wife," Zara noted darkly. Cressa snuck around behind the Bolian for protection, as the counselor had a grazed cut on the right cheek.

Teval, whom had heard what was going on, walked in with Zuko behind him. Teval, already his fur was buffed up angrily, looking for someone's face to claw off, while Zuko remained calm. Looking up at Zara and Jake, Teval growled," Is it possible for five minutes to go by on this ship without someone trying to kill someone else."

Jake sighed softly as he regarded the small Trill in the room. "I am going to deal with her... But right now... I'm dealing with you.... Answer my goddammed question!" he snarled at her.

"She ordered the counselor to keep me under hypnosis," Zara growled with tears going down her eyes. "So either you do something with her, or I will."

The room went silent for several minutes, when Zuko commented to Teval, "Yeah I see what you mean." He then said to everyone in the room, "O.K. clearly everyone here needs some time to cool off, Dreamcrusher is pretty stable, maybe we can afford to swap XO's, and maybe a couple of other officers for a couple of days. I already know two more of your officers are going to end up in my brig, and all of Roanoke's civilians and several officers are already on my ships." Zuko explained.

"Pour my booze, burn my drugs... Those are things I expected from a friend that wanted to show they cared," Zara spoke with angry tears in her eyes. "Not this..." Zara turned and left sickbay in a hurry.

Jake regarded Zuko. "Do it..." he responded quietly. "I'll help Torilla pack..." he sighed. "Swap Exec's or others too?"

Zuko nodded, while Teval looked over at Fives, "Of all people, it was Fives."

Jake Yamaguchi growled softly. "Yes... Fives.." there was something dark and malevolent in his tone. "Teval. I don't suppose I could ask..... throw this piece of shit in the brig and leave him there to rot..." he growled.

Teval looked up at Jake, saying, "This is yet another severe fight where someone has ended up seriously injured, Kameron is going to get punished as well, this is the second fight he has been involved in. I am tired of all this bullshit, I'm going to recommend Fives gets a demotion and reassignment, and Kameron get brig time. Also, I cant say anything about Torilla being involved in the hypnosis thing, That you will have to deal with. But either way, its time for up to put our foot down with this ship."

Jake nodded. "Consider it done. File the paperwork and I'll sign off on it." Yamaguchi responded as Siaxx Dvald came over. "Commander, Captain, Admiral." she greeted the three officers in the room. "The medical reports on Fives and Torilla," she commented.

Teval took the report, then said," well, I'll start compiling a recommendation soon, but first." He looked at the door," I'm going to check on Zara."

Jake nodded. "Alright... I'm going to go and help my wife pack out those quarters..." he paused. "I need a vacation... thank you for your time Captain." he addressed Zuko.

Teval walked out of sickbay and went to Zara's quarters. He was about to hit the door chime but noticed that she forgot to lock the door as it opened for him. His feline hearing quickly picked up on Zara's sobbing, prompting him to quietly walk in. Approaching Zara all he said was, "Zara?"

She was laying on her side, facing the couch's back, hugging a pillow. Her head turned slightly. Those watery, brown eyes looked at Teval. She never really noticed it until now, but he reminded her of a teddy bear. And she fought the urge to hug him.

"I know I deserved it," Zara sniffed. "Yaw don't like me medicated."

Teval looked to the side, "No one deserves to have their mind altered like that. Yeah, the amount you where taking in was excessive, but Cressa's 'solution' was not the right thing to do."

"Yeah... well... Torilla's my best friend. I didn't..." Zara paused to cry again. Only this time, she stood up and hugged Teval through her sobbing fit.

Teval's first instinct was to resist, but he decided not to and that Zara needed someone to cuddle


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