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The Light is Gold

Posted on Sun Mar 1st, 2020 @ 10:49pm by Admiral Jake Yamaguchi & Commander Tienn Iteela & Director Tienn Gyce

Mission: Mission 36: The Crusade Against the Infidels
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1230Hrs - July 8th, 2391

Rear Admiral Jake Yamaguchi walked down the hallway, heading to the Green Dragon to meet Elizabeth and her husband for lunch when he came across Ensign Tienn and the woman who the rumor mill had said was now almost her permanent shadow.

Tienn meanwhile was chatting with Gyce. "I didn't think Duval would even let me eat there... after that happened..." she commented when she suddenly found herself face to face with Admiral Yamaguchi. "Ummm." as she felt her insides turn into liquid.

"El Tee. Ensign." Jake greeted them cheerfully.

"Admiral." Gyce greeted very respectfully.

"Admiral... I must ask... why aren't you yelling at me or hitting me or otherwise abusing me for what I did to Elizabeth." the words came out in a jumbled rush as Jake's smile lost much of its luster.

"Mmm.." he regarded the shorter of the two Bajoran women before him as he slowly nodded. "A fair question... "

"I don't understand sir."

"You were not entirely in control of yourself, so he has no reason to hate you," Gyce pointed out to her girlfriend as she gently took Iteela's hand in hers.

Jake nodded. "I was asked to keep out of it so I did... I am going to continue to do so... I'll leave Elizabeth to handle it with you... its not my place..." he paused. "As much as I would like to... I gave my wife and daughter my word that I wouldn't."

"Thank you Admiral," Gyce spoke very graciously.

Yamaguchi nodded his head. "My daughter is a grown woman. I have no need to protect her from anything... I leave that to her husband and herself. I have my own battles to worry about... namely Saki and the twins." he sighed softly. "As for the after-effects of what happened... I will continue to keep out of it but I know Elizabeth will want words with you."

"Same as the rest of your family?"

"My entire family will remain out of it... my siblings and their families will also remain out of it... I will handle Torilla and Rachael... but I will leave Elizabeth to sort this out with you herself."

"Why don't we go get a bite to eat then, Dear?" Gyce prodded gently to Iteela.

Iteela nodded her head as she looked at Gyce. "Sure... Thank you for your candor, Admiral."

"Your welcome Tienn..." Jake paused. "Which reminds me. Benice. Mister Duval is going to want to have a few moments of your time to discuss security in the Green Dragon... to prevent something like this happening again."

"I've already put in a proposal for an anti-drug K9 unit to Captain Tane," Gyce supplied to Jake. "What she decides to do with that proposal, is out of my hands."

"Sounds good Benice." Yamaguchi responded. "I however will remain out of it... but if the request comes across my desk... consider it approved."
and with that, Jake took his leave.


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