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Conflict of Interest

Posted on Sun Mar 1st, 2020 @ 8:55pm by Captain Edward Tuck & Commander Tienn Iteela & Commander John 'Nuke Em' Sheridan & Director Tienn Gyce

Mission: Mission 36: The Crusade Against the Infidels
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1000Hrs - July 1st, 2391

Lieutenant John Sheridan regarded Lieutenant Bernice Gyce. "El Tee... a moment please?" he inquired as he placed a PADD into her hands, the one that MacDougal had given him not five minutes earlier. "This was given to me for you."

Lieutenant Tuck walked in, PADD in hand and a sizable stooge in his mouth which was lit. "Mmm... Mornin... this also is for you." he handed a second PADD to Gyce. "Your prisoner.... she's just crazy."

"I know she is..." Gyce sighed and rubbed her temples, as she was still looking through the preliminary results from the laced Klingon hooch. "So what are the recommendations?"

Tuck sighed. "We can opt to leave medical out of it and throw the book at her really hard... she beat a pregnant woman within an inch of her life." he sighed. "Have you seen the injury report.?"

Sheridan nodded. "I have Lieutenant." he responded. "It is quite serious."

"Oh no kidding sherlock.. So what do you recommend?"

"What pissed her off the prisoner.... and why did she go beserk?"

"She's a dark past as bad as Phoenix's," Gyce spoke halfheartedly, for she was still angry with her girlfriend.

Lieutenant Sheridan regarded Gyce and then Tuck. "The trouble is... all of this is going to come out and be aired..." he sighed. "I wish this was not the case but considering the severity of the charges against her..."

Tuck regarded the taller officer. "Lieutenant. I am only the acting Chief Counselor... but I agree, therapy is going to be needed here..." he paused. "she has been in therapy before and it has not helped her, why would it help now?"

"...Plea bargains are only good if she truly is ready for counseling. So whoever is her advocate, may wish to point that out to her," Gyce noted a bit distantly. "She don't accept, then we process her for criminal proceedings."

Sheridan raised an eyebrow. "She's broken... she just sits in her cell, not moving, not speaking... only moves when she must... " he paused. "What sort of plea bargain can we offer her?"

"I believe I just said it," Gyce noted in an uncharastically moody tone. "Intense therapy... plus thirty days brig and maybe a hundred hours of community service, provided she is sincere in getting psychological treatment. Otherwise, JAG can push for dishonorable discharge with the charge of battery."

Sheridan noticed as he looked at Tuck. "Thank you Lieutenant... give us a moment." he regarded Gyce. "Lets step into your office a moment." he paused.

"All right," Gyce agreed, and dragged herself up with her cane. Then walked the long hall of brig cells and into her office.

Sheridan followed in silence, moments later they were inside her office as he regarded her,. "Lieutenant... Let me handle the Tienn case... and you handle the drug case." he commented. "I know you're friends with her so rather than deal with the issues that come with it, let me handle the case."

"Thank you," Gyce agreed, for part of her was still in shock that her girlfriend could do such a thing. "Let me know if you need signed authorization for things."

"I'll do that." Sheridan responded. "I know you and her are becoming friends.. are you going to be okay?"

"I dunno," Gyce answered honestly. "...I thought showing her how to relax and have fun was starting to have an affect on her."

Considering a few months earlier, he didn't like her at all, their relationship had developed slowly as a mutual respect had developed. "Alright... just do me one favor?"

"Sure," Gyce agreed.

"Find the rat bastard who turned this ship into an opium den." Sheridan asked softly.

"Oh I intend to," Gyce promised with a little more heart.

"Good. Thank you Gyce." Sheridan responded quietly.


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