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Making Deserts with the Mountain

Posted on Sun Mar 1st, 2020 @ 6:07pm by Post Captain Vasily Borodin & Company Sergeant Major Jeffery "The Mountain" Duval

Mission: Mission 34: Between Two Fires
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1400Hrs - June 26th, 2391

Sergeant Major Jeffery "The Mountain" Duval slid the two pies into the oven before him as he closed the door, before setting the timer for twenty minutes. "I need a vacation." Duval admitted. "I miss my wife...."

"I hear ya." Borodin smiled at the more massive Marine before him as he began breaking up the large chunk of chocolate in his hands as he began dropping the pieces into the melting pot before him, before lifting the spatula, before pushing them around to help the melting process along.

Duval placed the box of rice crispies next to where Borodin was working along with three dozen muffin cases. "How many you sharing this with again?"

"The Intelligence guys, you and the kitchen staff.." he paused a moment. "I'm also making a large consignment for the school children as well as the Yamaguchi's..." Borodin responded. "I figured they were good enough to loan me their workspace, I figured I could make them

"Well that's decent of you." Duval responded. "Not often I find an intelligence guy who cares."

"Yeah so I keep hearing... apparently the last two lintel guys were both assholes.." Borodin shrugged. "Sorry, I have to be nice to people... I am a husband and father... and while I might not have the best outlook on life, I miss my family..."

"Tell me about them?" Duval inquired.

"Well Jordan was a rather interesting specimen of womanhood, her father hated me instantly when we started dating... trouble was. I had gotten her pregnant while we were still on the casual side of dating so we both had some choices to make.."

Duval nodded in silence as he watched Borodin check the now rapidly melting chocolate before he poured in about 5 ounces of rice crispies. "I'll admit I felt boxed in by her brother and father.. her mother was the only one who really saw that she and I had only just started dating.. and that Jordan needed time to adjust to me as I needed it to adjust to her."

He explained as he blended the chocolate and rice crispies together before pouring the mix into two large bowels, he gently patted them down. "These are for my guys.." as he picked up another large block of chocolate. "Time to brew another batch..."

Duval chuckled softly "You are something else, you know that..."

"What?" Borodin tried not to laugh as he said it and partially succeeded.

"I was expecting you to be boring to be honest.... boring and dull... always being protective of big ONI secrets and not wanting to get to know people.... but was I wrong."

"Well I do have my day job but I have to get out once in awhile."

Duval poured a large container of creme cheese mix into a bowl before he lowered a mixer into it, he then turned it on low. A smile appearing on his face as he did so. "Getting out is good... gives you something new to see and do... You won't be thinking of your lady or kids as much... Its like that with me.."

"You have a family of your own?"

"Oh hell yes. T'Nae is easily the greatest thing to ever crash into my life."

"T'Nae... sound Vulcan...?" Borodin commented.

"She is yes... except she is without logic because she is in touch with her emotions and she eats meat."

"Really.?" Borodin inquired. "I would not have expected that... sounds like she's really someone."

"She is yes." Duval smiled. "She is commanding the Shield of Vega with our two youngest children who are certain to tax her greatly." he sighed. "I wish I could be of more help to her."

"Your the Command Master Chief right?" Borodin commented. "You have a fair bit of time on your hands... why not tell her you wanna look after the kids for a time, it'll give her a break and let you do something useful with them."

"Thats a great idea.." Duval cracked three eggs and dropped them into the mix he was creating before he placed the mixer back into the bowel so he went over to the large bowel of graham crackers, he then began crushing them all once by one until he had a ample pile of what resembled fine dust, he then tossed the whole kit and caboodle into the saucepan where he had melted some butter previously.

He mixed it all together Borodin tossed a pile more rice crispies into the melted chocolate, he began blending them all together. "I'll mention it to her tomorrow when we talk next, hopefully she can come to drop them off herself." Duval smiled. "so I can thank her for her trouble."

Borodin knew that look as he smiled. "Make sure its enjoyable for you both... I should get Jordan to come visit Tarod Nine before we leave.." as he began spooning out the rice crispy muffin treats for the kids, he was looking to make a hundred or so to divide between the school and a couple of the ships families. Roanoke didn't have many families so he knew he would be seeing the Yamaguichi's first along with a couple of others. "What are you making again?"

"The Ultimate Cheesecake." Duval responded as he was busy pressing the graham cracker mix into the bottom of the large pan. "It requires a lot but.... its so good."

Borodin raised an eyebrow as the timer went off. "The sponge cakes.." he said as he grabbed an oven mitt, he opened the door and pulled one of the cakes out while Duval grabbed the other.

"Who are these for again?"

"Two birthday cakes... One is for Saki Yamaguchi who is turning Nine and the other is for Sian Anderson who is turning 13." he explained. "I'm sure my imagination will come up with something subtle in terms of decoration for it."

"I'll give a hand with it." Borodin responded. "You wanna check them?"

"They're ready to cool off...." Duval responded. "That oven scans the food for me rather then have me check it.." the massive marine explained. "once the head Chef explained to me how it worked of course."

Borodin smiled. "Fair enough.." as he resumed traying out his rice crispie treats


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