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I have a Sickening Feeling

Posted on Sun Mar 1st, 2020 @ 6:06pm by Division Admiral Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs & Zuko Omakan

Mission: Mission 34: Between Two Fires
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 1300Hrs - June 26th, 2391

Commander Celeste Yamaguchi sighed softly as she blinked her eyes before lifting her right hand from where it was resting on the PADD, she gently rubbed at her eyes as she reminded herself for the umpteenth time this day of just why she hated paperwork so much.
"Its never ending." she growled when she suddenly felt herself become much lighter then normal.

"Aww fuck!" she growled. "Computer, why is the artificial gravity turned off?"

What came back was an insane cackle rather then a simple response as Celeste sighed. "PEEVES!!!" she then screamed at the top of her lungs. "That hologram.... He is starting to vex me most grievously.!"
then she tapped her combadge. "Sickbay to Bridge. Uhh... the gravity in sickbay is off.... hows it up there?"

Zuko just simply let his padd float off into space then proceeded to bury his head into his hands. "I give up."

Meanwhile on the bridge, Commander Telios Wintersnow snarled something in her native tongue as she slowly floated off of her chair. "Aww what the hell is this!" the exotic looking alien female growled. "I despise being weightless."

Karass meanwhile had simply hooked his left left around the base of the Operations console as he anchored himself in place while he set to work on restoring the issue. "Mmm.... Peeves.... this is the work of Peeves again."

Wintersnow growled something, the universal translator deigned it not worthy of translating.

"Guys... anyone up there?" came Yamaguchi's voice from sickbay

Wintersnow floated about three foot above her chair as she kicked off, she braced herself as she collided with the ceiling. "We're working on it Doctor..."

"Well....Don't mean to be a pain but.... work faster!" Yamaguchi responded.

Karass tapped his combadge. "Bridge to Engineering, you guys got the same issue that we have up here?"

"This is Engineering," Noq't replied. "If you mean the loss of gravity, then yes. I'm running a diagnostic now but so far everything is operating within defined parameters."

Wintersnow raised an eyebrow. "I'm floating in midair... I'd say its busted Chief!"

Noq't let out an audible sigh. "My chief systems engineer and I will have a look at the device for ourselves. I am inclined to think this is a programming error."

Wintersnow bumped gently against the ceiling. "Alright.." she responded. "It could be Peeves.."

Suddenly an insane cackling could be heard. "AAAHHHH HAHAHAHAHA"

Wintersnow raised an eyebrow. "Yep.. he's back.." and with that she gently pushed off of the ceiling, pushing herself back to the deck.

Noq't and two techs looked over the gravitational controls. "Engineering to Bridge, my two best techs and I have looked over the gravitational control systems. We have found them to be completely operational."

Celeste Yamaguchi meanwhile had used her legs to anchor herself to the deck. "Peeves... How thee vexes me." she muttered to herself.

McKnight blinked as he was still at his post, just that he felt weightless in the process. "I thought we dealt with that guy." he heard Celeste's comment over the com system as he checked. "MMmm.." he raised an eyebrow. "Whoever programmed Peeves.... that guy is a genious."


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