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Bad Things Happen in the Middle of the Night

Posted on Sun Mar 1st, 2020 @ 5:48pm by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar

Mission: Mission 34: Between Two Fires
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 0230Hrs - June 26th, 2391

Flight Captain Tom 'Fives' Lasky was lying on the sofa, Shadow was making herself at home while she dozed lightly while lying on his chest as he was reading a book regarding old style wet water navies and their various histories.

He had the next couple of days off so he was up late, he found the history deeply fascinating. "I need to spend time experiencing this life... reading about it is one thing, I need to see it."

Shadow blinked open her dark yellowish eyes as she purred softly at Fives, a sign that she was in a great mood when the doorbell beeped at him.

Fives blinked as he looked at the cat. "Come in." he called as he slipped a bookmark into the book he had been reading before sitting up and catching the cat so she didn't fall off of him while he sat up before he went to greet his visitor.

He found himself face to face with Elizabeth Yamaguchi and she looked, to put it politely, she looked like shit. At first glance she looked exhausted but also she had been crying but then he realized that she was both. "What happened to you?" Fives inquired.

"Kam and I.... we a fight... one thing led to another and we .... started yelling at each other.. he threw me out of my quarters..." Elizabeth explained.

Fives blinked, he had not seen this one coming. "I see... Alright, you can spend the night on the sofa.." he said as he went to collect a second set of bedding which turned into two blankets, one of them was a survival blanket which wouldn't be comfortable, it would permit
her to get some sleep.

Fives gently placed Shadow on the sofa before he placed the first blanket down almost on top of her, as the kitty began seeking her exit, showcased by a large bump that moved, as Elizabeth reached down and gently helped the cat out from her predicament, she gently
scratched under the cats chin before she gently picked her up.

Shadow regarded her new attendant as she did smell different that her human companion as she mewled at the human holding onto her.

Elizabeth gently sat down on the sofa as she proceeded to make herself comfortable. "I will make it up to you Fives.." she paused. "Did you get the schedule of prenatal checkups that I'm going to see..."

"Yeah, one every two weeks starting in three days from now..." Fives responded. "I will be there... but you do need to take a moment and consider carefully that you can't be doing what you have been doing... skipping meals, working yourself long hours and the like.... the baby won't like it and neither will your body."

"That was what Kameron said.." Elizabeth admitted. "Its what started our fight.." she added quietly as she gently set Shadow down next to her, the cat responded by climbing onto her lap before curling up, setting her head on Elizabeth's knee.

"Well... Kameron's right..." Fives responded. "Don't push yourself so hard, your body won't like it. But Shadow likes you... Which is a very good sign but itself."

"Why is that... animals don't think-" Elizabeth started but stopped as Fives interrupted.

"No, they don't but they don't do the games that intelligent beings do... they are much more up front about it." Fives explained. "If Shadow likes you then that means she likes what she sees in you." he raised an eyebrow. "She usually sleeps out here... but I can take her into the
bedroom with me, if you want?"

"No... I won't put her out of her home, simply because I'm having a bad night, this is her space and I'm the guest.." Elizabeth responded quietly. "I should learn to tolerate her.."

"Alright." Fives regarded Elizabeth with a smile on his face. "Well... I'd best get some sleep.. sun's going to be up in a few hours and its going to be a very busy day.."

"Alright." and with that, Fives retreated into the bedroom in silence, leaving Shadow behind as Elizabeth gently put her on the sofa before she got herself comfortable, this involved removing her uniform so she was wearing only her underwear. Shadow surprised her by curling up next to her.

Elizabeth was expecting to take hours to nod off but she fell asleep surprisingly quickly.

The next morning, her eyes blinked open as she found herself regarding the cat who blinked her exotic looking eyes before yawning loudly. "Morning to you too." Elizabeth slowly moved so she could sit up without bothering the cat.

Shadow sat down as she looked up at Elizabeth before telling her that she was hungry as the massive human woman gently petted the cat. "I'm Sorry kitty, I don't know your routine." she explained before she quickly dressed in her uniform that she was wearing last night.

Fives emerged form the bedroom. "She's hungry... but that's okay, you never asked and I never explained what her routine was.." he explained. "Sleep well?"

"Its not often I sleep on someone's sofa... but the next time I need help sleeping... I might kidnap her." she indicated the cat. "Shadow is a good cat... I could look into getting one or two for myself."

"Well, I happen to know that Teval or Hakaya have cats and they could part with a couple of theirs..If you asked nicely."

Elizabeth paused. "Yeah... I'll consider it.." she paused. "What time is it?"

"Oh Seven Hundred..."

"Crap I'm on duty..." she paused. "Mind if I replicate me some new clothes and borrow your shower?"

Fives regarded her with a look of measured amusement. "You're on duty in what... thirty minutes?"


"You don't have time to shower.... Sorry sweetie but you don't got the time."

"Alright." Elizabeth responded as Shadow went over to Fives, almost demanding to be fed. Fives meanwhile went about the morning routine for his cat while Elizabeth tended to her needs, first in the bathroom then out in the main area by cleaning, dressing and feeding the beast within. "Fives. I gotta go to work... Do me a favor?"

"Let me guess... talk to Kameron, take the man's temperature and see how he's feeling?"

"Yeah... Would you mind terribly?"

"Yeah. I'll do that.." Fives regarded the massive woman.


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