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Reunion, the Draenei Way

Posted on Sun Mar 1st, 2020 @ 5:43pm by Commander Telios Wintersnow & 1st Lieutenant William Ramirez

Mission: Mission 34: Between Two Fires
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 1210Hrs - June 25th, 2391

Staff Sergeant William Ramirez had spent the last several hours finding out who was assigned to the ships in the battlegroup, he came across a curious notation. 'Commander Telios Wintersnow - Executive Officer, USS Dreamcrusher.'

William knew that considering how these two parted company, it wasn't going to end well however any conversation between them would go so he decided he would go talk to her, and this was what had brought him to the lounge on the USS Dreamcrusher.

The doors parted at his approach, he entered as he took in the scene at a glance, he spotted her quickly enough at a table doing paperwork, she had explained that she preferred to be seen and heard rather then hide away in a boring office somewhere as he regarded her from behind, the elegant curve of her horns and her hooves.

She had a long mane of sable colored hair, slicked backwards and kept in place by a large crystal encrusted headband which on her dark blue skin gave her a certain elegance that one didn't often see, her horns were also splayed off to the sides as they curled out and then backward upon themselves, this also added to her unusual looks. Calling Telios exotic was something of an understatement but then she did share her looks with her mother however. Ramirez had met Luhanna Wintersnow earlier that day, to simply compare mother and daughter was almost an insult as both were fully grown Draenei.

Ramirez had assumed that Luhanna was Telios in which he addressed her, she smiled and once he had seen her face, he had quickly realized his error, of course he apologized and Luhanna had asked him to share a cup of coffee with her, he had found out much of the Draenei and Telios in particular.

Now he was in the Main Lounge on the Dreamcrusher which the name of the place escaped him, Telios meanwhile was enjoying her food in addition to doing her paperwork so he went over as Telios inquired of the bartender. "Can I get another please?"

"You know the fake stuff will rot your brains.." Ramirez said to the Draenei female before him.

Telios turned her head to regard Ramirez. "William Ramirez, in the flesh...." she smiled. "and here I was, just thinking of you.... did you hear me calling your name and you appeared like the Terran devil that you are?"

"Oooh, Telios, I think I'm insulted. "

"Don't be." Telios rose from her chair as she came over the last few feet to him, before she smiled at him. "At first, I thought I had sensed you.... but then I also thought it was a figment of my disjointed imagination."

"Ahh Telios. You don't get out often enough." Ramirez responded as he coiled his arms around her, he drew her to him. "I've missed you too."

"That's good to know." Telios responded. "Still..." she regarded him.

"Considering how we parted..." he paused.

"You worry too much... sometimes that's life in Starfleet, we get reassigned at weird times... some couples get lucky while others don't... Its all the luck of the draw really."

Ramirez sighed softly. "Say Barkeep. do you have a bottle of Rigellian Dark water back there?, say Twenty Three Fifty Seven."

"Let me check." as Ramirez went over to the bar, Wintersnow sat down next to him.

The bartender came back. "the closest I have of your drink is a Fifty four and a Thirty nine."

"Not bad... I'll take the Fifty Four." as he produced a bar of latinum and he skid it across to the bartender who took it without comment or question. Ramirez poured two glasses before sliding one across to Telios. "Take a moment and let it breathe first... before you rush into it... this is meant for sipping and not gulping." he added by way of explanation.

Telios regarded the glass before her. "I've never tried Rigellian before. Is it... good.?"

"Well it has a richer taste and has more of a musky flavor.." he explained, clearly he was quite an expert on Wines. "Its similar to a port which goes well with chocolate and various other deserts." as he regarded her with a look

Telios slowly smiled. "So.... how do you want to do this?"

"Slowly and gradually." Ramirez commented. "I'm sure someone will dislike the idea of an officer seeing an enlisted man."

Ramirez shrugged as he sipped his wine. "Some would..." he responded. "What of you?

"Me..." Ramirez simply shrugged. "I don't care too much for the rules and regs.. you never seemed to care much for them either..." he paused. "Unless something with you changed."

Telios regarded him. "No...I am still me." she responded. "with the same healthy disdain for the regs and that's never going to really change."



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