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Security has been Served

Posted on Fri Feb 28th, 2020 @ 11:22pm by Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Saki Yamaguchi-Cullen & Director Tienn Gyce

Mission: Mission 32: Tales of Tarod
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1400Hrs - April 12th, 2391

Music Soundtrack: Unheilig - Freiheit

Takov gently nudged a snoozing Nuyari, saying, "Nuyari, wake up, I'm bored."

Nuyari lazily stretched, and after a moment looked at Takov, " well, find a way to entertain yourself."

Takov gently grabbed Nuyari's tail, " But you are more fun."

Nuyari simply sighed, then with little warning, she pounced on Takov, and the two of them began to wrestle on the ground.

Saki arrived at that moment as she poked her head around the corner. "You two playing again?" she inquired as she slid her trim form into the quarters.

Nuyari, whom was sitting on Takov, looked at Saki," Well, he wouldn't let me nap."

"Lovely." Saki sighed softly. "So... we heading out or what?" she inquired.

Takov looked at Saki curiously while Nuyari commented, "Yeah, what did you have in mind."

"I wanted to drop by astrometrics... Mom said something about showing me some star charts..."

Nuyari and Takov looked at each other, then looked back at Saki, with Nuyari saying, "Yeah we will go."

Saki smiled. "Alright.. lets go then." she commented

Nuyari got off of Takov and both of them quietly followed Saki out the door.

Saki went down the hallway, wearing a pair of jeans and a shirt, she also wore a jacket over it. "I think its this way.." and with that the child went off down the hallway, with the two Kurokuri followed in silence.

A security guard frowned as he spotted the children walking down the hallway, so he followed in silence.

Nuyari nearly instantly realized the security guards presence, thanks to her much more sensitive feline hearing. Looking at Takov, he seemed to notice as well, whom blurted out, "Why is that security guard following us."

"Shouldn't you kids be in school?" the guard growled. "I swear... have I nothing better to do then babysit you punk assed kids."

"Who are you calling a punk?" Saki growled at him.

"Beat it kid.." the guard sighed before he backhanded Saki none too gently, she went down. "Hey... you mind!" as the child shot back to her feet before she drew her knife. "I hate people like you..." the child added angrily.

"Leave them be," Gyce ordered as she came around the corner with her cane steadied.

Takov backed away while Nuyari hissed loudly at the security guard, with her claws showing.

The security guard blinked. "Woah.." he backed up. "Seriously... these guys need to be put on a leash."

Saki growled as she unconsciously shoved the guard back a few feet. "Why you.." the small child hissed. " Come then!"

The guard regarded the small child. "Oh shut it brat... don't make me spank you.."

Saki's mile only widened. "Sure... just remember... you'll pay for it."

The guard growled as he marched on her.

The arrogant security officer felt a sharp hit at the small of his back from the tip of Gyce's cane. Then just as quickly, the handle of the cane grabbed the man at the shins and flopped him to the ground on his stomach.

"You kids alright?" Gyce asked to the little one with much concern in her her brown eyes. Her cane however, was almost imbedded into the idiot's back, thus keeping him to the floor.

The security guard growled ever so softly, he was well and truly pinned as Saki stood there, knife drawn and in her hand as the two smaller Kurokuri stood behind her. "I think so," Saki admitted. "Who are you?"

"I'm Gyce," the Bajoran said as she turned her head to look at them one more. A soft smile. "Lieutenant Benice Gyce. I'm something of a policeman. So you can sheath your knife Saki. I promise you, he's not going to harm you guys."

Saki slowly slid her blade back into its sheath, the dark look in her eyes which slowly faded as she regarded the security guard, pinned to the deck. "I guess.." the child regarded the Bajoran woman with a cane. "So... what now?"

"Do you guys want to come with me and play around in the security office while I call your folks?" Gyce offered in a non-threatening manner. "You can play with the cameras and such while you wait for your parents."

Both Nuyari and Takov looked at Gyce curiously, but didn't say anything.

Saki raised an eyebrow. "Sure..." she responded. "What about him?." she indicated the downed guard who wisely was not moving.

"Him?" Gyce smiled and pointed to her combadge. "This is Lieutenant Benice. I need a security team to put Mister Kerpp in the brig, pending charges for improper enforcement procedures."

"Right away, Ma'am," came a female voice over the comm system.

"Anyone does this again, you can call me guys," Gyce promised. "I don't want any of you feeling like you're not safe."

Saki blinked her eyes slowly. "Alright... how do we call you?" she inquired as she walked beside Gyce towards the security offices.

"We'll think of something," Gyce promised. "Tane's got some neat communicator tech she's not issue to the crew yet, that I think I can talk her into giving to your clan."

A few minutes later, the four of them walked into the security offices as Saki hopped up into one of the chairs. "How does this work?" the small child asked.

Nuyari looked at the console curiously while Takov stood behind her, his tail waving about impatiently.

Gyce opened up the controls and pointed to the circular arrows on the input board below the screen. "The arrows control the camera movement. And to look at any specific camera, you just tap the button with the camera name on it, twice."

Saki blinked as she proceeded to look through the various cameras, within moments she came across Ensign Elizabeth Yamaguchi, who was wearing her uniform tank top but without the uniform jacket which she had folded over one arm, her husband was walking beside her and the two were chatting about something or other.

Saki smiled. "Aunt Elizabeth!"

Elizabeth gave no indication that she had heard her niece talking so Saki resumed playing with the cameras before she came across two naked people in the hallway, they were both lying on the ground and seemed to be having a little fun to themselves. "What is that!" Saki blinked her eyes. "What are they doing?" the small child was puzzled.

Takov looked at the monitor curiously, saying, "Naked humans are ugly. What are they doing."

Nuyari simply shrugged, saying , "Maybe they're wrestling." She then thought for a moment, then added flatly, "Or they could be having sex."

Saki raised an eyebrow. "Well... Siaxx and Phoenix were having sex last night.... but I never saw anything like that..."

Gyce quickly switched to a different camera view and spoke uncomfortably and flustered with, "Uhh... Yeah... You didn't see that."

Shortly after, Teval walked into the security office, asking, "O.k. whats the issue."

Saki indicated the camera. "I dunno..."

"Nothing, now." Gyce tried to sound reassuring, but knew it was wrong. The camera was focusing on some other hall now. "They saw.. umm.. well..."

She could not finish, however, given the shade of red she turned from embarrassment.

Saki meanwhile turned her back to the camera, as she focused on the Bajoran woman. "It could be worse.... I think.."

Teval simply went over to the camera and started going through it. It didn't take him long to find the issue, prompting him to mutter under his breath, "Hurd and Dratt, these two again."

Turning off the screen he then looked at Gyce saying, " I assure you that neither Nuyari nor Takov are going to be remotely bothered by seeing that, however you are free to deal with those two idiots however you see fit. They are privates David Hurd and Jewel Dratt."

"Security detail sent," Gyce noted after a few seconds of sending out a silent alert to her nearest team from that area of the ship. "I'd also like to recommend giving these kids hand communicators that have been reconfigured to contact only their guardians, in case something like this happens again."

Teval nodded while Nuyari and takov walked over to him. " Yeah, I think we can arrange that," He commented as he gave Nuyari a pet.

Just the the door opened and in came Rachael Yamaguchi. "Hey guys... whats going on?" she inquired as she went over to her daughter. "What the....Oh.." she noticed the two people screwing in the hallway. "Now thats a mental picture thats just.... brain breaking.."

Saki sighed. "Mom... why do people do that.....?"

"I have no idea.." Rachael admitted.

Teval shook his head, and tapped his combadge, " Commander Vakar to Gunnery Sergeant Chalan Fal, you have an issue with two of your marines, privates hurd and dratt. can you come to the security office."

Teval heard a very annoyed "yes sir" and no more response after that.

Rachael winced. "Oh boy.." she sighed.

Teval then hit his combadge again, "Commander Vakar to Major Rohr-Mcknight, your needed in the security office, two of your marines are in trouble."

Daisy entered the security office. She had a sour look on her face. "Who and what did they do?"

Saki regarded the new woman who walked through the door, the small child looked somewhat intimidated.

Within a few minutes the security team brought in both Hurd and Dratt, in their underwear and smelling heavily of booze. A minute later, Chalan walked in, asking, "What did these two do."

"Indecent exposure," Gyce answered simply. "Put them in the brig and I guess notify their CO."

Rachael regarded the Klingon woman in the room. "The Marine Commanding Officer is present." she said to Gyce. "No need to page the Major when she is here."

"Yes she is." Daisy spoke of herself in the third person. "And she is most displeased."

"Having relations in the hallway," Gyce answered to the major. "Kids saw it on the monitors."

Saki found she couldn't take her eyes off of the Klingon woman. "You look cool."

Rachael sighed softly. "Awww Saki..." she muttered softly as she facepalmed.

"Kids have never seen many races before coming here, Ma'am," Gyce spoke apologetically.

Daisy smiled at the children. "No need to apologize Lieutenant Benice or you Rachael." she told them. "Now back to the real problem, how long can you hold them? I would like to chapter them out or at least transfer them."

"Starfleet shipboard protocols about prisoner detainment states thirty days in the brig. Any further, and it is a full court martial proceeding at the nearest starbase, for which the ship CO has to request," Gyce informed to the marine CO.


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