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Posted on Thu Feb 27th, 2020 @ 5:48pm by Commander Tressa Brislan-Antilles & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar

Mission: Mission 23: Foundations of Stone
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1200Hrs - January 25th, 2391

Music Soundtrack: Halo Wars - Quite the Vacation Resort

Ensign Elizabeth Yamaguchi had been asked to go back and see the counselor for a follow-up, so she had to apologize to Lieutenant Kam Solusar for canceling dinner on him at the last second, he claimed to understand but she was not so forgiving.

Now she found herself facing the counselor, but now things had changed as her mother was now no longer pregnant and was facing a nervous breakdown as a result of everything that had happened, Rachael had returned to find a ship which had somehow managed to contract a deadly viral epidemic aboard.

Needless to say that her mother had come within inches of death so Lieutenant Furban and Lieutenant Sokanon had been the ones to operate rather than Doctor Dvald or herself. Even if Elizabeth had wanted to, she couldn't because the regs wouldn't permit such things and for once, Elizabeth was thankful.

Now here Elizabeth was, once again back to see the counselor. "A lots happened." Both women knew it was a serious understatement. "But before you console me..... let me help you... I recommend you go and talk to Doctor Dvald."

"Why do you recommend that?" Tressa asked.

"Because I'm asking nicely.." Elizabeth simply made herself comfortable. "Because I'm not as close to the problem as you..."

"Do you believe she needs counseling?"

"I think she's in dire need of it." Elizabeth commented. "because Phoenix is now pregnant with mom's babies... my siblings... everyone involved is angry with her." she sighed. "Its... not going well... I tend to spend many of my nights seeing to it she gets a decent night sleep." the dark shadows under her eyes, as well as a faded bruise on her face, could attest to this.

"I would be happy to provide help to Siaxx, but I don't think she'll want to talk to me. She is a very good physician, Elizabeth, but she has difficulty with professional detachment."

Elizabeth regarded the smaller woman with tired eyes. "You aren't up on her situation... are you?"

The counselor sighed, "I'm going to guess no, there is far to much to keep up with on this ship."

"Siaxx... is feeling very alone.. and because of a rumor.... she tried to off herself..."

Tressa frowned and nodded; "Then she will certainly be referred to counseling, but not to me."

Elizabeth sighed. "You have two counselors... and Lieutenant Tuck is insane.." she sighed. "I've considered getting my certification.... what would I need to go about that?"

"Starfleet Medical, of course. You could study while on board but it would still take two years to get your degree."

Elizabeth raised an eyebrow. "Sounds good... I need more of an education anyway..." she commented. "who do I see to get my certification?... you?"

Tressa's sad smile answered the question before she spoke. "Siaxx."

Elizabeth nodded her head. "I'll deal with her... and... I'll talk to her, that angry little woman routine is getting old," she commented. "Don't worry about things.." as the larger woman grinned at Tressa. "If worst comes to worst... She'll hate me... which won't bother me in the least." Elizabeth took a moment as she sipped her drink. "Its better then her hating you for no reason."

"I can take her anger, Elizabeth, its not the first time I've had a patient despise me for doing my job. Sometimes it is helpful for feelings of anger to be directed at the counselor rather than someone else," Tressa said.

"Well... lets try something else.... rather then leave her being angry all the time..." Elizabeth commented. "We could take her to the holodeck and get her to open up about her feelings but in a setting that makes her happy.... to soften the blow..." the massive woman commented. "I don't need my certification to be concerned about those close to me." Elizabeth gave the smaller woman a pointed look "Yes, that includes you too... Mom considers you kin... and that's really something.." she paused. "Mind if I share a little something with you?"

"Please do."

"My siblings were going to be a boy and a girl... Mom doesn't know because she doesn't want to know... I believe in being prepared.... and I know she's considering naming one of her children... after you."

"That is quite a compliment," Tressa said, wide-eyed.

"Indeed.." Elizabeth commented with a smile. "Mom and Rachael both think the world of you... Its a shame we must meet under a black flag."

"Life is funny that way," Tressa said. "My mother used to say that when life is hardest, that is when we must hold on to the love as tightly as we can."

Elizabeth slowly smiled. "Well.. she's right." she commented. "I am worried about Rachael though... she has a lot of demands on her.." the larger woman paused. "I'm not sure if she's able to handle it.... I hate to pester her but... I don't want to make her situation worse.."

"She is young and invincible," the counselor said with a smile. "Weren't we all at her age? I just wish she wasn't in a hurry to grow up, she'll miss being an adolescent."

"She's in a rush because she's pregnant," Elizabeth admitted softly. "Had I been thinking more clearly... I could have had my own family by now.."

"You have a family Elizabeth, and you are still young yourself," Tressa said with a smile.

"All true." Elizabeth commented. "and I have a man who is interested in me." she then shrugged. "We will see how it turns out.."


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