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There are Old Pilots and Bold Pilots

Posted on Wed Mar 18th, 2020 @ 4:25am by Commodore Siaxx "Bluemoon" Dvald-Vaxx MD & Jillian "Phoenix" Sullivan

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1000Hrs - June 20th, 2393

Fleet Captain Siaxx Dvald-Vaxx sighed softly as she regarded the PADD in her hand, she had not heard anything from Phoenix since she had been reassigned and had left Dvald-Vaxx alone. There was the two-day layover back in April with Phoenix dropping out of the skies to come and visit but then she had vanished back into the ether ever since, that had been two months ago and before that, it had not been for almost eighteen months before that. Dvald-Vaxx had not heard a peep from Phoenix. The human had taken the dog with her and she had left and now Dvald-Vaxx had decided that she was moving on with her life. She tapped the PADD once as she finished filling out the paperwork for the divorce papers. Now all she had to do was tap 'SEND' and the problem of her past with Phoenix would end and she could finally let it go and try to move on with her life as best as she could.

The small Bolian female was interrupted from her reverie by the need to go to the bathroom. "Right," Dvald-Vaxx commented softly as she rose to her feet, her kitty lifted his head from where he had been sleeping in his kitty bed which had been sitting on the floor next to her sofa, he had been reunited with Dvald-Vaxx not even a week before and he could tell that something was wrong with her.

Dvald-Vaxx had noticed that Shonax had been following her around and so she had gotten him a collar so she could track him. Dvald had found that she found that she sometimes missed the presence of her two Margay cats, Theris and Sohnaxx but she had given those up a year ago to the wildlife sanctuary planetside on New Holland, in the Gamma Four Hundred star system. Dvald-Vaxx had made inquiries about her concerns as they were wild cats and not pets so after a couple of hours of searching, Dvald-Vaxx had found a location and when she had been reunited with her two Margays. Dvald-Vaxx had taken them to the wildlife center and then she had said goodbye for the second time. They could live far better lives there than they ever could with Dvald-Vaxx herself so she had parted with them, the sanctuary also had a small population of Margays present here so Theris and Sohnaxx would both be alright here.

Dvald-Vaxx went into the bathroom as Shonax the cat moved after her as he came towards her, Dvald turned as she held the door open as he entered the bathroom after his companion. The cat purred softly at her as she gently petted him with a gentle rub behind his ears. The door closed behind her.

After relieving herself. The small Bolian opened the door and emerged, feeling better, her kitty following her as if disappointed.

She picked up the PADD on her desk before she let out a sigh. The Bolian tapped. 'SEND' on the PADD. This had the effect of sending the divorce papers off to their destination over in Starfighter Training Command where Phoenix was presently assigned. Less then ten minutes later the notice arrived on Phoenix's desk.

The human female sighed. "Okay, Siaxx. I understand." as she lifted a PADD with nothing on it, before moving the paperwork to the PADD. She then filled it out before she sighed. "I'll give you what you want." before she sent it on to its destination.

Dvald-Vaxx was walking down the hall with a PADD in her small hands, when the notice came through that she had mail. It was from Phoenix. 'Well, that was fast.' Dvald-Vaxx commented as she opened the mail, to find that Phoenix had not contested her divorce papers, she had signed them and now Dvald-Vaxx could go down to the Starbase Vanguard Courthouse and file the paperwork there.

First things first, however, Dvald-Vaxx wanted something to eat, meanwhile, her kitty continued followed her, while he meowed softly, he was interested in the scents and sights he found as Shonax moved down the hallway after Dvald-Vaxx.

Dvald-Vaxx entered the officer's lounge, her kitty was still following her as one of the other people present protested. "Wait. who owns that cat?"

"I do," Dvald-Vaxx answered. "Is that an issue?"

"Not the cat itself but he can't be in here." came the half-expected protest.

Dvald-Vaxx raised an eyebrow. "Why?. He's not harming anyone." the Bolian female responded. "Plus I didn't see a sign on the wall saying no pets allowed."

The other officer regarded Dvald before he sighed. "Well... Like I said. No pets allowed."

Shonax turned his head, his ears flattened against his head, suddenly he let out an angry hiss that took several people nearby by surprise before he let everyone know in no uncertain terms that he was not happy with this as he let out a loud angry meow.

The small gathering turned to regard the cat while Dvald gently picked him up in her arms. "There is no sign posted. Lieutenant."

The main instigator of this entire event glared down at her as Dvald-Vaxx glared back, she was clearly a lot stronger then she looked. He wore the rank of Lieutenant and she wore the rank of Fleet Captain.

Dvald-Vaxx regarded him in silence while she held Shonax in her arms. "Lieutenant, I am going to say this once. Go back to your food and get out of my face, is that clear?" Dvald responded darkly. "Show me some respect Lieutenant," Siaxx added, in an angry tone of voice.

The Lieutenant growled softly as he outmassed the small Bolian female by more than two to one, she also outranked him as she was not going to back down lightly either. He sighed softly. "I'll remember this... Fleet Captain," he muttered ever so softly before the man sat back down as he gave her a rather evil glare.

Dvald-Vaxx growled. "I'll mention it to your boss when I see her in twenty minutes. But you do that Lieutenant." before the small female let out a sigh before she went over towards the front desk. "Hey." she greeted the waitress who stood before her.

"Welcome Captain." the waitress responded. "Seating for one?" she paused. "What's with the cat?" she inquired as Shonax looked at her with his wide eyes.

"He wasn't about to let me eat alone," Dvald-Vaxx explained with a soft sigh. "He doesn't like it when I'm not having a good day which is most days, these days."

"Well so long as he doesn't go to the bathroom on the floor, it's fine." she paused. "I heard the argument you had with the other guy." she paused. "I was half expecting it to get stupid, thank you for not escalating it. So, seating for two then?"

"Sure," Dvald-Vaxx answered quietly.

"Right this way, I'll see that you're seated in a section where you won't be bothered." and the waitress led the small Bolian female to a table in the back far corner. Dvald-Vaxx then proceeded to gently set the kitty down on one of the chairs, he laid down as he yawned. The waitress was half expecting him to run off somewhere. "I wasn't expecting that." the waitress commented quietly.

"He does his own thing but he keeps an eye on me, he's my comfort animal and he's never off duty so I look after him, same as he looks after me," Dvald-Vaxx explained. "Mind if I order a bowl of food for him and a bowl of water please."

"Consider it arranged. I'll let the chef know." the waitress paused. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"Sure. Could I get a large glass of water please, nice and cold."

"Sure. I'll go place that for you and let you have a few minutes to look through the menu." and with that, the younger woman withdrew, leaving Dvald-Vaxx and Shonax alone. Dvald-Vaxx took the next few minutes to leaf through the menu before she placed a dinner order of Teriyaki Stir Fry with extra rice.

Dvald-Vaxx's dinner arrived a short time later, she began to eat her fare as Shonax ate his fare at the same time, she finished her meal and paid for her food before departing. Dvald-Vaxx's next stop was the Starbase Courthouse.

Dvald-Vaxx decided to take her kitty home first so as to prevent any issues from arising so she went by her home and dropped Shonax off, he was not impressed that Siaxx had done this and so he had protested loudly while Dvald herself was heading off to her next stop.

Dvald-Vaxx sighed. "Geez cat. Really... I get it, you're upset that I'm leaving you here." she said to Shonax who growled at her.

"Oh, you're gonna be like that," Dvald-Vaxx responded, now in an annoyed tone of voice. "Fine then you can stay here then," she added.

Shonax meowed at her as he flopped down onto his side. Dvald-Vaxx was ready to move onto the main course of today's meal rather than sit here and play with the appetizers so she turned and departed. "I'll be back later kitty after I get some handsome guy to file this for me."

Dvald-Vaxx made her way towards her next destination, reaching the courthouse several minutes later, she walked in through the doors and went over to the administration desk. "Hi. I'm looking to get this filed."

"Of Course Captain." the man behind the desk responded with a smile. "Mind if I take a look at it?"

"Please do," Dvald-Vaxx answered as she settled in to wait for the results. After a few minutes went by, the clerk nodded his head. "Yes. We can proceed with this," he explained to the small Bolian female. "I assume you wish to not contest this?"

"Thank you," Dvald-Vaxx answered. "No. Neither will Jill Sullivan."

"Alright. If you'd please take a seat over there, I will call one of our lawyers down so they can go over things with you."

"Thanks." and with that, Dvald-Vaxx turned and went over to the waiting area, sitting down to wait.


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